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  1. TylerDurden1995

    Syd's Progress Log

    Thanks man!
  2. TylerDurden1995

    Syd's Progress Log

    UPDATE 33: 02/06/2021 Good news - I have passed my final University project attaining the top band in my degree. This is a welcome bit of good news after the week I’ve had last week. Hopefully this carries on and things will get better and be okay from now. 1 down. Regards, S.
  3. TylerDurden1995

    Syd's Progress Log

    UPDATE 32: 01/06/2021 Felt a lot better today, but still a bit down. Want to make sure I’m fully recovered so I don’t slip back and lose my progress. Taking each day as it comes. Did a few hours work but that’s about it for today. When I feel 100% I’ll get back on things. Regards, S.
  4. TylerDurden1995

    Syd's Progress Log

    UPDATE 31: 31/05:2021 Hey folks I went to the gym today. Was still pretty depressed but I went anyway and I’m taking little steps towards getting better. Got work tomorrow and I’m gonna try and be as productive as I can be. Update to follow Regards, S.
  5. TylerDurden1995

    Syd's Progress Log

    UPDATE 30: 30/05/2021 Weight: 11 Stone 1 lb. Hey folks After my week from hell, (see previous posts) and taking a weekend off to recover from the general drama I’ve experienced this past month, I am now ready to get back on it. I left the house this morning after being shut up in my bedroom...
  6. TylerDurden1995

    Syd's Progress Log

    UPDATE 29: 29/05/2021 Have I got a story for you! Some of you may have read my previous logs and seen that I haven't been having a very good time lately which ultimately culminated in me deleting all my Online Dating accounts, ruining my Gym progress and having a full on breakdown last night...
  7. TylerDurden1995

    Syd's Progress Log

    UPDATE 28: 28/05/2021 Just a quick one again - got a bit upset today. Taking some time off for self-care until my head is in a better place. Updates to follow S.
  8. TylerDurden1995

    Syd's Progress Log

    UPDATE 27: 27/05/2021 Just a quick one today - Woke up at 04:30 - Hit the gym at 05:00 - Listened to some of Andy’s podcasts. Will post more after this weekend Regards, S.
  9. TylerDurden1995

    Syd's Progress Log

    UPDATE 26: 26/05/2021 Gym Goal: 9/12 Been up and down today, but hoping I'll be back to normal next week and I can hit the ground running again. Got some bullshit going on at the minute which I'm working through, but should be sorted very soon so I can move on. - Woke up at 04:30. - Hit the...
  10. TylerDurden1995

    Syd's Progress Log

    Hey Adam Thanks for the advice mate. I've had a few things going on with girls I've met from Tinder and the with the one girl it's turned into a bit of a nightmare, so I'm taking a 1 month Sabbatical from all the apps. I'll give it 30 days and then see how I feel. As a minimum, I'm getting in...
  11. TylerDurden1995

    Syd's Progress Log

    UPDATE 25: 25/05/2021 Gym Goals:8/12 Feeling a bit better today. I've found that music is really helping me out. Just put my earphones in and Tune out 8-) As I said yesterday I'm working through a few things lately which I can't discuss, but are causing me a bit of grief. Another week or so...
  12. TylerDurden1995

    Syd's Progress Log

    UPDATE 24: 24/05/2021 New Gym Streak Challenge: 7/12 Days Bit of a bad day today not gonna lie. I've got some other things going on at the minute which I can't discuss, but a few things happened today which pissed me off: - Had a dream about my ex last night. Broke up late last year due to...
  13. TylerDurden1995

    1 year after AA review (Part 1/2): Changes in skills, attitudes, learnings

    Damn man that's Fucked up! I hope you're okay. Try not to let it knock your confidence. Sounds like someone's seen your perfectly innocent behaviour and come up with a scenario in their head and let it blow out of proportion. People these days :roll: Good work for not letting it get you...
  14. TylerDurden1995

    Syd's Progress Log

    UPDATE 23: 23/05/2021 Current Weight: 10 St. 13 lbs. After a great deal of consideration over the past couple of days and identifying several issues from the various Tinder dates I have been on, I have decided to change my current goal from 'Getting Laid' to 'Bulking Up'. Today I took a break...
  15. TylerDurden1995

    Silver's Log - job interviews and fear.

    Yeah man the Gym is an investment I didn’t fully make and I was non-committal and had a bad case of ‘Fuck-around-itis’ for the best part of 10 years. It was Lockdown that got me doing a lot of thinking and I realised I didn’t want to carry on how I was. So I paid for a PT and bought...
  16. TylerDurden1995

    Silver's Log - job interviews and fear.

    Hey Man Good work on the Gym progress - also been hitting it myself this week. Best of luck on your journey 8-) Regards, S.
  17. TylerDurden1995

    Syd's Progress Log

    UPDATE 22: 22/05/2021 Lay Count: 1 Gym Pledge: 6/6 Gym sub goal now complete - I got up at 4:30 A.M for 6 consecutive days and went to the Gym. I will now take tomorrow off as my rest day as planned. This was a real big initial step and I am now going to set another sub-goal in the coming...
  18. TylerDurden1995

    Syd's Progress Log

    UPDATE 21 (BlackJack!): 21/05/2021 Lay Count: 1 Gym Streak 5/6 Of my 6 day Gym pledge, I have now almost completed it. Just need to get up early tomorrow and hit the Gym again and that'll be 6 of 6. 'And then there were none'. This will have been my longest Gym streak ever. For the past...
  19. TylerDurden1995

    New daygame lay, sexual questions opener, etc.

    Hey man I know it's tough, but keep going you'll get there. I've hit walls with my self-improvement journey too, but try push through and focus on why you're doing it. 'You can't Afford the Luxury of a Negative Thought' is also a great book which Andy recommends and I have read from his...
  20. TylerDurden1995

    Syd's Progress Log

    UPDATE 20: 20/05/2021 Lay Count: 1 Another milestone on the progress log posts today - I hit Day 20 This is quite a big deal for me as I have never really kept on with any self-improvement journey for more than a week or 2 at most for this long and have always faded out as my motivation has...