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1-on-1 Coaching with Andy (limited time only)

What inspired you to get into bdsm and the story with that.

I am annoyed by masculine/dominant girls but can't say I'm drawn to getting into BDSM.

I'm also curious if you did any BDSm events like BMAN has done? As Lord Rey mentioned.
kyil_andy said:
@Red asked me some pretty deep questions which I answered in a vid. Talked about meaning of life, what you guys have taught me, and a lot more:


I am glad you went through this pretty difficult question.

Thanks Andy!
First off, I know nothing about BDSM. Over the last few months I occasionally realized I need to increase my market value. Also, to try to reinvigorate my stalled relationship.

I’ve read the articles but when it comes to immersing myself, I need more knowledge.

Is something along the lines of jackknifing her so her neck is against the bed frame and railing her. Is that BDSM? Can that used in warming up in the first few days before we get kinkier? alongside spanking, getting called daddy, using a blindfold, and some rope tying. How else would you introduce BDSM to someone who has no insight into this?

Isn’t BDSM also a mindset that needs to be developed? Like that of a sub and getting a feminist to wear high heels for you on the first date and into that serf mentality? How do you do it? A woman says she wants to be a sub, but is antagonizing in every way, will it be a bullet dodged or does it require rules and patience to get her to comply. I’m thinking being a dom is tough work and it takes a few meetings or calls to get a foundation made based on honesty and openness. Please help me understand this.

What are the rules to ensure a foundation for your business to thrive and grow in your area? I’m not saying that you need a lot more money than a sub but how do you establish yourself in your bedroom, on dating apps, in the BDSM community and have that stream of friends and supporters who want what you have.

I can use a vibrator and a wand no issues, I’m more interested in the sadomasochism part. When do I use rope? When do I duct tape her mouth? Is it having a list of things I can do to her and picking and choosing where to go next do I need her permission or should I get it at the beginning?

How do you become a dom? How do you maintain it and lastly cause I have no idea what to ask besides your recommendations, what books do you recommend on BDSM?

You label yourself a dom or interested in BDSM, what traits and characteristics, values and tricks do you need to have to get her to come back and become a BDSM fb. Cause that’s what I’m going to need. Kind of like a protocol to follow or steps to take like text game. To me, this is just to get the door opened. This stage of life, fuck salsa, give me a vibrator and practical BDSM info.

I need to be able to justify calling myself a dom. When do I know I’ve reached it and how do I build up a rep?

What maneuvers like a dog collar and crawling can be considered kinky but not limiting? I’d go for a butt plug but what else can be done to make the pain a smoother transition to plugging? And to other BDSM related events?

What else can you play with besides the breasts, pussy, blinds, ass, is there in BDSM.

How do you deal with consent? How do you deal with refusal? How extensive should consent be? How do you go about nipple play to a vice on her nipple to any woman as far as consent? Same with butt plugs. How do you establish boundaries?

Everybody has their own view of BDSM, consent, expectations, besides working with someone how can I gain this knowledge quickly?

Can you create algorithms for us to follow and how to deal with possible obstructions in pleasure that can be addressed beforehand with consent and discussion.

Have you ever taken BDSM out of the bedroom and have your lover wear a clamp in her day to day? How can I create a dream like environment for my sub, are the boundaries expandable for someone who’s a new sub, is it a matter of pushing like pickup?

Are there limiting beliefs in BDSM?

Shibari. I have the crash restraint website, can I get book recommendations and how to use rope and what knots to learn.
Some more on BDSM?

Terminologies? CCFM, the ones I read were so weird I’m just going to forget them.

Waxing? Protocols, candles to use? I think this is more my kind of thing.

Wrist to ankle bonding? Postures, protocols,

Using Silence in BDSM. Earplugs, headphones or darkness.

I found a book on breast stimulation in BDSM. A book. What about the tongue and upper and nether lips?

One chic has her eyes rolling back by just touching a cock and the other needs 40 orgasms to get off. In BDSM, how do you gauge soft limits. “I don’t kiss on the first date, but with persistence she’s a same day.” What’s a re hard no.

I ask this because of being seriously out of touch. I’m attractive but I want to avoid the many nuances that I know may come up with consent.
I was never a big reader. It’s more for entertainment. My favorite book is - I am that Sri nisargadAttaMaharaj.
My secret garden is another one

bonzo34 said:
Does Scotty have any book recommendations?
Very much needed post. I personally use it as a deadline to go hardcore on social skills and live as if there's no tomorrow- because probably there isn't.

This has helped me let go and stop worrying or getting angry about nonsense.

In the meantime we should do everything in our hand to raise awareness about this issue.

It's becoming apparently clear that AI is developing geometrically, and our understanding of it is lagging way behind.

I've listened to both side of the arguments, and I believe that there's a much greater chance that developing an AGI will turn bad for humanity than good. I've listened to optimists like Sam Altman or Robin Hanson or Yann LeCun and to me it seems that there's pretty much no plan at all and they simply have an almost religious faith in humanity and AI. And they misrepresent or straight up strawman opposing arguments.

I really don't understand why people aren't taking this more seriously.

Well, I know. Talking about this shit isn't cool. It won't get you many friends right? It seems too far fetched, too science fictioney.

But what's most surprising isn't that "normies" don't care (I actually believe they are starting to care more). But what baffles me is that people in the AI field laugh at this. Very smart people.

Is it a matter of status? Believing that the end humanity is near is considered superstitous/dumb?

I'm willing to hear different opinions, but "AI doomers" like Eliezer Yudkowsky have spent decades thinking about AI alignment and haven't arrived to a solution, and their arguments (orthogonality, instrumental convergence) are solid... and AI optimists haven't thinked about this at all and never adress said arguments.

Supposedly the median of people involved in the AI field think there's a 10% chance of humanity not being able to control AI.


Even if such a survey probably screens for people that are more likely to be concerned about ai safety, it's still alarming.


Well I don't want to go on with all of this doom and gloom, everyone can make his own research, but I think it's intuitively clear for everyone that we are playing with something very dangerous, and the ones that are in a leadership position either don't understand the problem or are blindly pursuing money, power or a fantasy of progress.

What I'm talking about is existential risk.

But even if we just talk about job loss/replacement, wealth inequality and all the ways that these current models can be misused (which most people I think agree it's a fact), things look pretty bad.


So yeah, I don't want to be 'that guy'. But this shit is important.

I hope that this post inspires people to think seriously about this.

Yes. Worry about this.

And stop worrying about all the shit that doesnt matter.

Inflation, covid, crypto, politics. All of that shit is inconsequential.

This is the most important topic ever.

Take a fucking position in this. And the most reasonable position is calling for a pause in further developments.

Yeah, I know 'it's hard', if Openai stops, Google will continue or Amazon, or fucking China or Russia. But we can try.

I mean if we cant figure this out (I mean, coordinating halting ai development while we figure out alignment), good luck creating a superintelligent entity and controlling it.


I don't have my hopes high though and try to enjoy life beinghuman and have fun (aka socializing with other humans) while I can.
kyil_andy said:
Hey legends - mind doing me a favour?
Please click LIKE on this short and leave a comment on the video - I'm trying to see if upvotes + comments immediately after posting make a difference:

Appreciate ya all!


Done mate ✅
kyil_andy said:
Hey legends - mind doing me a favour?
Please click LIKE on this short and leave a comment on the video - I'm trying to see if upvotes + comments immediately after posting make a difference:

Appreciate ya all!


Will share in my log also
kyil_andy said:
Hey legends - mind doing me a favour?
Please click LIKE on this short and leave a comment on the video - I'm trying to see if upvotes + comments immediately after posting make a difference:

Appreciate ya all!
Bumping again.

You got it G💪
