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100 Days, 100 Approaches

Then you just do some days with three approaches.

And then you do four. Then five.

And then you realize that this entire exercise was a social construct and to get better, you need to be constantly pushing yourself to do as many approaches as possible, as fast as possible.

There are no participation trophies in cold approach. Doing one approach a day for 100 days is really not going to get you anywhere except for patting yourself on the back that you did the very minimum.
Good point. I think what I'll do is gradually increase the number of approaches per day.
Friday, June 7
Day #13

Went to another mall today.

Approach #13: Approached a 2-set but as soon as I opened them, they immediately said they had to meet a friend.
Approach #14: As soon as I opened her, she immediately said she was "waiting for someone".
Saturday, June 8
Day #14

Went to the ByWard Market.

Approach #15: She said she "had to go" as soon as I opened her.

Approach #16: Approached a 2-set, and both women were from Australia! (Well, how about that? I'm actually planning to move there in December!) We spent a few minutes talking about Australia, then I added them both on Instagram.

Numbers: 1
Insta: 2

That last one was probably my best approach yet!
Awesome to see improvement.
Yeah the main danger of doing one approach a day is that the first approach is the hardest. Both psychologically, and in terms of you have to get to the venue. So its basically the worst effort to results ratio you could ask for.
I recommend instead to keep going until getting one number every day (although 2-3 would be even better). For me one out of every 6-7 numbers turns into a date, so if you are at all similar you’ll start averaging one date per week.
Awesome to see improvement.
Yeah the main danger of doing one approach a day is that the first approach is the hardest. Both psychologically, and in terms of you have to get to the venue. So its basically the worst effort to results ratio you could ask for.
I recommend instead to keep going until getting one number every day (although 2-3 would be even better). For me one out of every 6-7 numbers turns into a date, so if you are at all similar you’ll start averaging one date per week.
I think I'll take your advice. So far I've only gotten contact info from three women, so if I continue just doing 1-2 approaches per day, it'll be a long time before I get any dates out of it.
Sunday, June 9
Day #15

Went to a shopping mall today. Did six approaches, and got a grand total of...zero numbers. In fact, only one of those six interactions made it past the opener.

Toward the end, the mall felt eerily empty, and I wandered around wondering what was going on, until a security guard walked by and said the mall was closed. (Gee, no wonder it felt like a ghost town!) I asked why there was no announcement over the PA system, and he said "we don't have to, at 1700 hours (5pm) everything just shuts down". Needless to say, I was one unhappy camper.

Well, we all have good days and bad days, and today fell into the second category. Oh well, I'll try again tomorrow.
WTF kind of mall closes at 5?! I guess it's a Sunday nut that's no excuse.
Monday, June 10
Day #16

Approached for two hours (I lost count of the number of approaches) between the ByWard Market and the Rideau Centre (nearby shopping mall), and got...ZERO numbers (again). Needless to say, that was very demoralizing. Never thought it would be this tough.
Monday, June 10
Day #16

Approached for two hours (I lost count of the number of approaches) between the ByWard Market and the Rideau Centre (nearby shopping mall), and got...ZERO numbers (again). Needless to say, that was very demoralizing. Never thought it would be this tough.
Approach isn't something where you just do it enough times and it suddenly works. You need to be mentored by people with more experience than yourself, who ideally have access to hear recordings of you infield.

At the very minimum we don't even know what you're saying to these girls and how you're approaching them physically.
Monday, June 10
Day #16

Approached for two hours (I lost count of the number of approaches) between the ByWard Market and the Rideau Centre (nearby shopping mall), and got...ZERO numbers (again). Needless to say, that was very demoralizing. Never thought it would be this tough.
Yeah, this shit is brutal. There's a reason most guys don't do it.

I'm personally at 750+ approaches with zero lays right now. And this is with active improvement and having more experienced wings give me feedback on my sets.

You better be prepared to fail a lot before you succeed. That just comes with the territory.
Very good you are getting out and doing all these sets, that's already more than most people are doing!
Keep on going.

Consider recording your sets, so people here can give you some better feedback.

I was wondering:
-Do you grab their attention first before you open?
Thanks for the feedback, everyone.

So after yesterday's session, I have decided to put approaching on hold for the time being. In the meantime, I think I'm gonna find myself a wingman.
I was enjoying your log, you seemed to be making better progress doing one or two a day and going at your own pace? Don't feel the need to do a shit ton everyday and burn yourself out, that might work for some people, but certainly not all or even most of us.