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124 Approaches in One Day (Interview with RogerRoger)

Wow, had no idea how g̶a̶y̶ funny you all were.

I bet Andy's post will be more entertaining, but you can check out my aftermath thoughts in my GLL log: https://www.goodlookingloser.com/forums/member-vlogs-video-logs/140207-r2-life-log

Totally appreciate all the support. Honestly, I was too worried no one would be posting to check in - and it was 90% physical exhausting, 10% mental exhaustion that did me in the end.

joe_ronimo , while I agree in principle, in practice, my approaches got better (I relaxed / didn't give a fuck) for the last 50-70 way more so than the first 50.

So the question is how can I get in that state sooner. I feel very much in the same mindset as after having gone surfing for a few hours. Thinking maybe deadlifting could get me there. We'll see.

Also, I have a feeling things would've been easier/better if there weren't masks, I was actually stopping girls and shaking their hands.

But restrictions or not, life goes on.
Oh and unfortunately, my webcam refused to take video after session 2 :(
So I guess I'll have to repeat to have proof.
RogerRoger said:
@joe_ronimo , while I agree in principle, in practice, my approaches got better (I relaxed / didn't give a fuck) for the last 50-70 way more so than the first 50.

So the question is how can I get in that state sooner. I feel very much in the same mindset as after having gone surfing for a few hours. Thinking maybe deadlifting could get me there. We'll see.

Sure man, if it works for you don't change it.

I'm impressed by your massive action taking, major props!
RogerRoger said:
Oh and unfortunately, my webcam refused to take video after session 2
So I guess I'll have to repeat to have proof.

Dude, if anyone ever disputes your action taking we'll hack his computer and destroy his life.


RogerRoger said:
Approached Crisis' mom. Now I see where he gets his hot looks

Thank you good sir.
Hey RogerRoger ,

Great job!!
Did you use any special technique to approach the girls? How did you do the approaches using wear mask?

sex, hope to be getting at that Friday night w/ one chick I approached!

Yup, wore my mask for all of them. I did that because ~all girls here are wearing masks (pretty sure I saw 3 girls out of about 1000 not wearing a mask, more guys aren't tho). I have one that doesn't fit tightly so it doesn't muffle as much. But I wore my athletic mask when I tried an athletic look and that thing definitely muffles. Just gotta PROJECT. And that's true without a mask too.

I didn't do anything fancy. The "techniques" I relaxed into at the end were to start looking at a girl a good 5-10 seconds out, and holding the gaze definitely the last 3 seconds as I walked straight at her - GET IN THERE. That definitely helped over the start when I was more timid and giving girls more space - they'll move out of the way if they want distance.

The other "technique" is being in a spot where there were at least 3-10 girls I could've approached for every one I did, but it wasn't super cramped either.
Great RogerRoger ,

when will you do that challenge again?

Success to you!!
Absolute legend

These forums have been a little dead in terms of guys doing crazy approaching stuff since covid started

Good shit roger
Dammm. The resillience with all the rejections. Dammm so did you get more as the day went on or did you start hard from the get go. How big was the city you did this in?

Good shit rr legend darrryyyyy
Cheers dudes, Andy's a fucking legend staying up all night to help me thru. Literally would not have done it without him.

@JP, I bet I did most of them earlier in the day (but it came in waves). Definitely less rejections later in the day though (around 4pm was the best hour). City population is 120k but the college population is 45k.