175 Days Left till 2023.

Aug 21, 2022
Day 1: New thread. Same goals.

Loose weight - 1.5 Kilos before end of this week.
Mind - Gym and Cardio
Soul - Approach 3 women.
Day 2: different day. same goals.

Loose weight - nothing beyond 1500 cals.
Mind - Cardio for 30 mins.
Soul - Apply for a new job.
Day 3: different day. Same goals.

Loose weight - nothing beyond 1500 cals.
Mind - Cardio for 30 mins.
Soul - Apply for a new job.

Day 2 failed miserably due to not having a solid belief in myself. Not giving up.
Day 4: different day. Same goals.

Loose weight - nothing beyond 1500 cals.
Mind - Cardio for 30 mins.
Soul - Apply for a new job.

Day 3 only body goal was reached. Not the rest. Not today. Not giving up.
Day 5: different day. Same goals.

Loose weight - nothing beyond 1500 cals.
Mind - Cardio or a Squat/DL/Session.
Soul - Apply for a new job.

Day 4 body goal was reached. narrowed down some jobs to apply. Worked on CV. Working out seems to be a big hurdle. Not today. Not giving up.
Day 6: different day. Same goals.

Loose weight - nothing beyond 1500 cals.
Mind - Gym.
Soul - not overthinking .

Almost missed posting today.
Even though I have been meaning to do it in the back of my mind.
Says a lot about what kind of a man I am.

Day 5 body & mind goal was reached. Had proper diet. Had a good workout with compound lifts. Not giving up.
Day 7: different day. Same goals.

Loose weight - nothing beyond 1500 cals.
Mind - Gym + Do the work that I promised myself.
Soul - not overthinking .

Late post today as well.
Day 6 overall OK. nice workout and very sore.
Change my attitude to being a man.
I need to re-read the other men's thread again and again.
Day 8: different day. early start. Same goals.

Body - Loose weight - nothing beyond 1500 cals.
Mind - Gym.
Soul - Do the work that is required of me. not overthinking .

Day 7. Didnt workout. Didnt apply for job. Worked OT for the job(not a good behaviour)
I need to re-read the other men's thread again and again.
Clueless on how to proceed in life.
The answer is in Weight-loss. I can feel it.
Day 13: Unluckiest number. but I had a good day. Same goals though.
4 kilos lost so far.
need to hit the gym as often as possible.
Still doing a lot of sitting on the couch.
This forum is for helping people help themselves.
think I am worthy of the help in a few weeks.

focused on work.
splendid work week.
one of the effortless yet mindful thing I have done in the recent years.
I thought I had fear of speaking amongst a big team. turns out, I just had to prepare on the subject before hand. and a couple of readthroughs is all it takes to talk confidently on the subject matter. fckin nailed it.
Day 15: Evrytime I make a little progress, I kill my own momentum. Fckin hell.
ate junk shit. wasted time doing god knows what.
need to rectify in the next 48 hours or else I am toast.

good valuable time lost. 1st thing I am waking up and updating this website. never a minute later.
Day 16: I am still in the fight. Not getting beat up.
I will achieve what I desire to achieve.

Things to do.
Work(Self-defined productivity), Gym, Fasting, Job search.
Day 17: Focus on discipline. Get consistent on the weight loss.
Lot of thinking wont help without lots and lots of action.

Finish productive work. Do cardio. Fasting. Job search. Apartment search.
need to change my mind.

Day 16: overfilled with expenses and sucks to feel living paycheck to paycheck.
Day 19: Never become tired of mediocre. until today. dont want to be with flow and dont want to die doing mediocre things.
be a hellraiser..

Right, Goals.
Body - last two days diet has been kinda shit. will have a superb meal for afternoon. and still at calorie deficit for the day.
Gym today for sure. get the heart pumping.

Mind - learn more for the job and being proactive. dont aim for perfection. it will come.

soul - what does bring joy to my soul?
I am a project. lets build a way of working around that.
No porn.
Day 20: 5 kilos lost. Wow. I am glad but not happy.
I am riddled in self-doubt. Why ?
cuz, I still am not where I am supposed to be.
I still procrastinate & waste time doing random things.

I have work to do and need to fix it .
Day 21: be productive. get in touch with family. go outside. be kind to myself. be positive.
Did a bit of cardio to keep me moving.
View attachment 2

Day 20: I have encountered a problem of having too much time and spending it on being idle. wanted to change that.
So, made a mini-project.
View attachment 1

Split into weeks of measure and a quarterly milestone to measure with.
Will be able to tweak it for additional goals as I go along.
Currently, only have weight loss as a goal and will add some monthly milestones and quarterly milestones as well.
Day 22: don’t eat junk. Maintain the calorie deficit. I’m working to get the body I always wanted. No need to stop now.
Get the visa docs in check.
Finish pending work so I can spend time on good shit.

You all inspire me and I’m jealous of what you are able to achieve. I’m focusing too much on that end goal and not putting the effort. I’ll get there in a few weeks time. This week goal is to get the weight to 74.

Day 21: was ok. Even though I wrote I will do it,I had to drag myself to complete it. Funny how that works.
day 23: Please for the love of god, move away from the stupid thoughts. move towards being productive.
job,visa,gym,diet - goals.

day 22: was stupid. I ate even after promising that I wont eat Junk. just fat overloaded. I really want to move away from this weight. I need to exercise control to a greater extent than I ever thought was possible. I need to be on the watch all the time. and remove the thoughts and not entertain them.

didnt get the visa docs in check.

didnt finish pending work as flawlessly as I thought I was about to.
Too much mediocre people man.. even people I deem friends are not on my level. I am thankful I’ve one overseas that actually has balls. Rest of them, so shiteeeee..!! I don’t wanna die an average lost soul man.. I’ll show the world and take them with me to a higher heartier plane..
god, it’s so annoying to waste my potential sitting here listening to a sea of mediocre men..
I fucked up my diet yesterday and therefore have increased my weight back to 78.. I’m not happy about this setback and now I’ve to work twice as hard to get my goal weight. I’m being honest here and I’ll own up to my mistake during the week with a solid deficit day plans.!!(800cals). I know how I can achieve them and achieve it I shall
Day 24: today, I feel mediocre. I feel that ladder towards my ascension glimmers out of the fog . A hint of where I climb and how far I can go.
Today, I aim for mastery of the hours, not of salvation.