175LB reached! Now where to go....

Sin Silver

Jun 30, 2020
After 3 months of continuous weight loss have finally hit my initial target of 175lb! That’s down from 200lb, which is over 10KG of fat lost. I honestly had no idea I had so much to lose. See my before and after pictures below.

When I stared, I didn't even think I had that much fat to lose, but damn, I've lost it, and it REALLY makes a difference. Between my new cloths, shape, and grooming, I have been getting a lot more attention from girls and positive responses form girls, and I've been feeling great.

The big question is where to go now. I was hoping that when I hit the 175lb mark, which I estimated as the 15% body fat, that I would start showing abs, which have been my goal for the longest time. My goal, like I tell my barber, is to look as fuckable as possible. I don’t want to lose so much weight that I become unhealthy, or it becomes unmanageable, but I might still have a bit more to go. At some point, I need to change my focus, and start building muscle and putting on weight, rather than loosing fat.

I'm arranging to speak to my personal trainer about it, as my current routine doesn’t have any dedicated abs work out.

Any advice or guidance would be highly appreciated.

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Original weight, me at the start of this journey.

After Weight loss, taken today

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I recorded and graphed my weight every day. Helpped me stay continuously engaged with the process.
As far as fat loss goes what you do going forward is going to depend on what you haven't tried yet.

What fat loss techniques have you used so far?

If you haven't done intermittent fasting, try that. If you haven't done keto, try that. Basically switch it up and you'll lose more fat.

But looking at those results, it is safe to say that you are no longer fat.

You would improve your shirtless physique by losing more fat to get the abs. But you would drastically improve your shirtless and clothed physique and make it easier to get even leaner by adding muscle.

If I were you, I would focus on that.
Great ass job on the progression man! You look totally different! I would also, like Gio said, start adding muscle. Well I would have already started adding muscle, but since you are now skinny, this is definitely now or never! The best kind of training to build muscle is definitely body building so look into it with your trainer, but can't wait to see the results down the line. You went and lost tons of weight, so I'm confident that you will go and build muscle which is easier than losing weight imo :p

Keep grinding and gj again!