
I tried taking pics on cloudy days but it was so dark that I had to either use a higher ISO (which removed the blurred background effect)

I dont think ISO has anything to do with background blur, but well.

Ive had friend who had ~300 of matches with shit photos. What is the hook he spent 3 years collecting these. The point is there much more to it then some ELO score you cant even prove exists.

I suppose your friend is just attractive enough that his set of low ql photos works for him. I feel like you may be in for some grief when you realize how being picky works for you lol.
Did you really go from asking for free advice, to getting a picture edited by a professional photographer for free, all the way to complaining about a (again) free guide which you didnt read and passive aggressively attacking one of the kindest guys in the world ?

Dude the reason you didnt have many matches has to do with you looking like a baby-faced killer.

Dont blame Andy for your lack of reading comprehension or ability to look like a non-threatening guy in your photos. Sack up, apologize for your mistakes and stop playing the victim.