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I'm wearing a red suit jacket in my (new) main profile picture and before that I wore a red bomber jacket in my main picture. Can confirm they vastly outperformed my last main pic, which was the classic black leather jacket pic.

Gotta admit it feels dystopian as fuck to use AI images but I also believe that all is fair in love and war and if they lead to actionable insights, that's a good thing.

I've thought about "use the first pic to grab attention" not necessarily to look hot before, based on marketing principles that never disappoint if you apply them to girls.

Like the little envelope is interesting as fuck, it gives that version of a pic a reason for a girl to stay 0.5 sec longer on your profile, probably leading to more matches.
Interesting post. I've experimented a little with AI for dating and other purposes. When it comes to photos, in my experience quite a lot of girls do know they are not real. I got several comments each time saying its AI or that something is weird about the photo. It also matched up with me getting less matches than with my normal photos. That is despite the AI photos looking incredibly realistic (imo) and being of the highest quality in terms of what i am wearing, location etc.

Maybe in the future when AI photo generation becomes even better it will be more workable but for now normal high quality pics were still absolutely superior in my experience.
Hey Max, glad to see you again ( although here)

I used AI back in Jan with Paw and got me shadow-banned right away. My fear is that Tinder will train their Ai to detect other AI before it gets mass diffusion
Extremely interesting but makes me a bit concerned for the future of online dating. Especially the shirtless one lol, has does that play out in person?
Heisenberg said:
It feels dystopian, but I consider it just another way of optimizing the profile. This will be the new normal. What's the conceptual difference between this and staged photos with a professional photographer or instagram beauty filters?
Tinder is a competitive marketing funnel and the rewards go to those who innovate and apply effective strategies.
Everybody who is on the "Use shitty photos to show your real self"- train can enjoy their ethical high-ground while not having sex.

The difference is that one is actually you, and one isn't. One exists in the physical reality, one doesn't. I choose not to live in the Metaverse for a reason.

You're not optimizing your profile, you're faking a lifestyle and looks that you don't have (notice how even your face is more attractive in the AI-generated photos than your real ones?)

Enjoy the rewards all you want if you don't have any moral qualms about it, but in my view, what you are doing is ethically ruinous and promotes a race to the bottom (and I have been consistent about this on KYIL since guys started FaceApping their photos on here).

Don't even get me started on KYIL guys who put Faceapped or AI profile photos that only other guys will see.
Heisenberg said:
2. Red = Matches

Totally correct, red just doesn’t suit any skintone. So if it doesn’t, you should try to get an element of red in.
Heisenberg said:
I tried a huge bunch of pictures of me as James Bond and in many different settings like medieval, steampunk, godfather, alien, etc. None of them produced good results. I think

Those are horrible ideas of funny pics. I have one with an alpaca kissing me and it performs amazing

Heisenberg said:
and gets me about 1 match per day when I do nothing and about 15 matches for a boost during peak hours, which is more than double that before the experiment.

I get that this is an improvement but are you really throwing away your moral for 1 match a day?
Interesting write up based on what you found testing this

Just be aware we have a general forum rule that you can't promote and post outside links - have redacted the initial post

Links to any personal projects are allowed in signatures though as I see you already have
Well this got me thinking of a few of my own ideas such as using a color light for photography. I have one that can switch to any color and it would add to some photos. The other idea is a bit ambitious but it would train AI to recognize the women you are attracted to, including preferences, then automatically swipe for you.
AmericanAndy said:
Well this got me thinking of a few of my own ideas such as using a color light for photography. I have one that can switch to any color and it would add to some photos. The other idea is a bit ambitious but it would train AI to recognize the women you are attracted to, including preferences, then automatically swipe for you.
Doesn't seem that far fetched to me. You'd just need dozens of pictures of women you're attracted to, and surely the model could pick up on little subtleties and figure out trends in certain features.

Granted, I don't know that much about AI, despite being a software engineer, but this seems pretty reasonable, honestly.
Lol this is so dystopian. People reproducing with partners who they get via an app that uses an AI-powered algorithm to match the best suitable profiles (=tinder). But the profiles are made by AI that is adjusting the profiles to get the best outcome from Tinder algorithm. I gotta write a scifi novel about this.

Your idea is cool - I do indeed think more like a hacker than a noble traditional man with conservative values. I'm an AI developer myself. However I'm also questioning where we should and where we shouldn't use it.

Results speak for themselves. You used it and it worked. Many others will do it in the future, too. I guess that is all that matters. Have fun drowning in pussy, right?

Maybe after time "vanilla" tinder profiles become different and more real and thus more desired by women. Like vinyl became desired over CD, old paintings over 4k videos and what have you.
I’ve already told you but this shit is so fucking good Heisenberg. I will give your software a go around December.

It’s all escalation, iPhone photos > camera photos > planned photoshoots this is the next step. You got dudes already faceapp, wearing makeup. I have very grateful that you are part of the community and we get first go at it.

The future is interesting. This is either going to BTFO online or just add a new cost to men.
Adrizzle said:
It’s all escalation, iPhone photos > camera photos > planned photoshoots this is the next step. You got dudes already faceapp, wearing makeup. I have very grateful that you are part of the community and we get first go at it.

Yep, I see the word "morality" thrown out here with a hint of cope, while it should be clear to all forum members here what https://leanlogic.online/glossary/arms-race/ a race to arms dating is or why having tinder guides and pro cameras was yielding better results https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/First-mover_advantage
Girls are already spending less and less time on the apps because of all the reasons mentioned above: guys using old pics when they looked better, guys using only pro pics from there best angles, guys overdoing editing so they look waaaay better in photo than in person.

If AI goes through it will just shrink the female userbase to bits and possibly be the end of dating apps.

The next options are either cold approach, social circle or instagram.

95% of users who will use AI will either be big influencers who are joking with it or those losers with 150-350 followers who are posting these “high value pics” but they only get likes from engagement groups because they have no social life or friends (Currently these guys are using pro pics only and it’s hella cringe if they get maybe 17 likes each post)

People who use AI won’t be the winners because it’s a death sentence getting called out by it, especially in smaller communities.
The winners, as per usual, will be the good looking guys who got a cool life going and know how to talk to chicks + influencers ofcourse.
Heisenberg said:
pancakemouse said:
The difference is that one is actually you, and one isn't. One exists in the physical reality, one doesn't. I choose not to live in the Metaverse for a reason.

You're not optimizing your profile, you're faking a lifestyle and looks that you don't have (notice how even your face is more attractive in the AI-generated photos than your real ones?)

Enjoy the rewards all you want if you don't have any moral qualms about it, but in my view, what you are doing is ethically ruinous and promotes a race to the bottom (and I have been consistent about this on KYIL since guys started FaceApping their photos on here).

Don't even get me started on KYIL guys who put Faceapped or AI profile photos that only other guys will see.

You raise some fair points and I can understand your perspective. These points don't just apply to this narrow example but to a lot of other use cases of the newly available technologies.
This debate could go in a couple of different directions:

1. At what point does it become fake? Is Facetune fake? Are professional photos fake with lightning that enhance your features so that you look better than in everyday life? Is wearing wearing makeup and nice outfits that you wouldn't wear on a normal day fake?
Some items on this list are clearly more fake than others, but at least to me it is not obvious where the line between real and fake is.

2. Does it matter if it is fake? Is the purpose of a Tinder profile to give potential matches an accurate idea about your reality? Or is the purpose simply marketing and a profile isn't much different than a TV ad for a product?
None of the girls that I met had any issue with the pictures being AI-generated. They were still happy that they met me. 

3. Lastly, I think it is almost redundant to discuss points 1 and 2.
AI is a new reality that is going to hit many parts of society with force within 12 months. The individual incentive to use will be extremely strong. Hoping that there will be no race to the bottom is futile.
As with all disruptive technologies, there are only two options: Adapt or get out.
Funnily, in terms of online dating, my choice will be to get out and continue to meet girls in real life and I hope many people follow suit. If onloine dating got ruined by AI and people would instead focus more on the real life, that'd be an awesome side-effect of AI.

1. It's fake when you're projecting a lifestyle that isn't yours. This is my first time seeing you on the forums, and now my impression of any photos you post is that they've all been faked, and therefore the context of the photos is now bizzare.

2. Yes, it matters if it's fake. You can present all the logical arguments you want to convince dudes on a dating forum, but the actual field testing and results are going to provide you with the ultimate answer. I've already discussed this with women and it's not a favorable outcome for you as they learn that some men use AI for this purpose.

3. What's the goal here? To provide highly polished photos and then show up to a date looking like dogshit with no social skills? Because becoming dependent on AI for photos and texting will result in atrophy in other areas.

What about lifestyle? I see you have a photo of you in front of a private jet with fancy luggage; is that even a real photo? As a military pilot I make fun of people like that, and I don't have to use AI to do that. Plus the AI generated image of you with a rifle in what appears to be San Francisco is utterly cringe and makes zero sense (that gun isn't any type of real gun, there's a strange protrusion coming from the magazine, you appear to have two additional rifles on your back, your body armor isn't thick enough, you're not wearing a shirt which basically screams "shoot me I don't blend in", strange additional fingers down the barrel shroud, standing in the middle of the road which is also asking for the same).

Don't forget that women will adapt. I've already experienced issues years ago when I started taking really good photos, where I received feedback that my photos made my profile look fake, so I started to adapt by taking good photos by prominent landmarks. They're going to swipe left if the photo seems off at all, because using AI for online dating is ultimately a low status indicator.
kratjeuh and Vice have completely valid points but it's basically a perfect is the enemy of the good situation

being a friendless dude with pro photoshoots with no likes and no real lifestyle and using AI and whatever new bullshit comes up in the future is cringe yes yes

(it's funny how at this point the forum has started mirroring normies' attacks on PUA - that it's not holistic genuine self improvement of the Actually Be Social And High Status - not that this is a wrong line of attack)

but for 90% of the forums having this would be an upgrade and short term provide more results than before. people are here to get laid. mister eleven fingers 9pack mcbadass is posting this because he got laid more by doing this.

obviously long term you want to actually be hot and cool and high value, just it's funny that the forums are all about pressing the "get laid more" buttons regardless of what others think is cringe and then when it's a new thing to compete on suddenly a bunch of people are like wait no don't press that button it's cringe. literally paying for sex seems more acceptable than using AI pics

by the way everyone here is cringe compared to GettinItAll's 200% social proofed grainy iphone pics of himself being a genuine high status party boy, so yall should just deactivate your online dating accounts until youve copied his entire lifestyle and pic roster

Vice said:
Don't forget that women will adapt. I've already experienced issues years ago when I started taking really good photos, where I received feedback that my photos made my profile look fake, so I started to adapt by taking good photos by prominent landmarks. They're going to swipe left if the photo seems off at all, because using AI for online dating is ultimately a low status indicator.

yeah in competitive marketplaces like nyc etc pro photoshoots are basically par/negative, you have to actually have low quality genuine iphone/polaroid flash/whatever pics to stand out

this isn't to discount any ethical arguments against joining the race to the bottom of online dating. which is uniquely bad unlike the time/effort/money/etc spent in the races to the bottom of improving your game/body/photos/lifestyle/frame/etc you chose in part to appeal to women. because we'd all be living the exact same lifestyles and improving ourselves in the exact same ways with the exact same priorities even if women didn't exist right?

(I do get the point that some races have more prosocial/net positive effects than others, but to some extent competing on AI is an extension of sacrifices being made in other competitions)
september said:
but for 90% of the forums having this would be an upgrade and short term provide more results than before. people are here to get laid. mister eleven fingers 9pack mcbadass is posting this because he got laid more by doing this.

I agree that for most users this would be a boost and that’s why people are so tempted.

BUT this is social suicide if found out

In smaller towns you will get kicked out of the dating market when people find out your pics aren’t real.

In bigger cities there are various girl groups discussing who they’re dating. Also not a place where you want to be posted as someone with fake pics.

Short term it makes sense, but people are here to become exceptional in the long run.

It’s not hating on the PÚA scene. Many people just prefer to live a cool lifestyle to attract girls instead of going the pua route.
Also the repercussions of people finding out you’re faking your stuff is not worth the risk/reward in my opinion
kratjeuh said:
I agree that for most users this would be a boost and that’s why people are so tempted.

BUT this is social suicide if found out

In smaller towns you will get kicked out of the dating market when people find out your pics aren’t real.

In bigger cities there are various girl groups discussing who they’re dating. Also not a place where you want to be posted as someone with fake pics.

Short term it makes sense, but people are here to become exceptional in the long run.

It’s not hating on the PÚA scene. Many people just prefer to live a cool lifestyle to attract girls instead of going the pua route.
Also the repercussions of people finding out you’re faking your stuff is not worth the risk/reward in my opinion
Only thing is I don't really see how this is much different than staging "real" photos with props or something along those lines. Assuming that those props do not align with the authentic version of you.

For example, I staged some piano photos during my last photoshoot, because we had to be lowkey about the location we were shooting in, the security would've kicked us out. Actually playing the piano would've drawn too much attention. Now, I really can play the piano, so I guess it's not really "fake", but if someone else were to do this, I don't see how it's different from using AI really.

The way I see it, AI can just be a shortcut to make taking some of these photos easier. But you're right, if you get found out, it's social suicide. I've already had girls be sus about faceapp, I've actually been accused of using AI in my pictures a few times.

I think even having pro looking photos is sus enough, let alone AI generated ones.

I guess my point is, it seems like many forum members already advocate faking other aspects of their profile to get more matches/dates/lays, so I don't really see how AI is much different.

At the end of the day, social media (and yes, online dating is a form of social media), is fake. It's about making your life seem as glamorous as possible, cherrypicking what's good and in some cases, literally faking it. I think even for real high status instagram influencers, aspects of their pictures are being faked.

It's interesting to me because I agree with September completely, this thread to me is mirroring the typical kind of argument that normies would use against the PUA community.
The purpose of online dating is to get girls off the apps to meet you irl, and then close.

The only real test of if you're faking "too much" is if you stop closing on dates because girls feel catfished.

It's the same thing if, for example, you list your height as 6'5 then you turn up and you're actually 5'4. That's too much. But adding one or two inches to your height? Probably fine.

If I take a pic in front of a private jet (I'm not doing this btw, lol) and a girl matches with me because of it, and we go on a date, and she learns that I don't actually fly private, but we still have sex and start a relationship, then who gives a shit about my damn picture on the app.