6 months of entrepreneurship/lifestyle building & heading towards first millions


Feb 2, 2021
Whatsup ass-kickers and killers.

I am Juhani. This is my first post around here, actually this might be one of the first time I doing this. Currently my numero uno goal is actually be financial successful earlier as well as actualizing my potential; my aim from now to at least end of July is hitting my first millions dollars from entrepreneurship as well as earning a citizenship in US.

I took a bet with my fate & decided to go with my gut instincts, I dropped out this college quarter, got my refund for $3500 and currently saving for this journey.

All chips are seemingly stacked against me since I can easily be deported from US or got into legal issues for not having enough eligibility to work or doing business here; and I could fail miserably.

This is seemingly ridiculous and hasty as fuck; but nonetheless I decided to took a full leap of faith and go 100% on this venture. I am on my own game now.

This thread is meant to be created with purposes of:

- Motivate me to keep kicking-ass and stay as convicted as possible (since I had trouble with keeping myself aligned and disciplined in the past).
- Post tracking and accountability of my entrepreneurial progress as well as lifestyle progress consistently.
- Exposing myself to others; which I have never done before.
- To see if there are any values I could possibly contribute to the forums.
- Network with other ass-kickers: Washington State is goddamn hectic for meeting new people right now; and I guessed that months of sticking my ass in the house, my social skills are borderline retarded (maybe).

Currently, the base of my venture is my blogging website and also my start-up project for an app that is tied with my website. I will clarify more of my execution plan on Feb 6-7th.

Anyway, let's start this shit. I am feeling both excited and nervous at the same time.

Feel free to give me opinions & critiques, they would be very valuable for me.
Week 1, day 1 - February 1st:

What were my goals today?

[x] = Completed. ; [-] = Half-ass/near completed

- [x] Finish the February 1st article.
- [-] Finish the January 22nd article. (80%)
- [-] Add some images & links to the previous posts.
- [ ] Edit the about me.
- [x] Train legs & shoulders.
- [x] Make the thread on Fastlane Forum & KillTheInnerLoser forum.

Habits checklist:

- [x] Take cold shower.
- [x] Meditate 15 minutes.
- [x] Train.
- [x] 4000-4500 calories eaten (5 meals).
- [x] Brain training: read a high quality article, watch 2 knowledgeable videos today.
- [x] No porn, masturbation, social media, video games, music binge today.

Productivity score: 8/10.
Discipline score: 7/10.
Mental state: Deliberately focused and clear.

What have I learned:

- Never eat high carbohydrate meals during intense hours of work required focus.
- CBT techniques: reframe negativity into positive thinking & behaviors; hypothesis testing (testing the behaviors IRL which you feel anxious or insecure about, observe the situation and your behaviors).

What do I expect from tomorrow?

- Get my January 22nd article done, still being motivated and full of energy; but also be cautious of old behavioral patterns: apathy, lack of motivation, procrastination.
Welcome my man. I am also looking into online business, too.

I will be blunt: I wish you stayed in uni while launching your venture. Lessens the risk of being deported back to your country as an international student. I also am a bit iffy with you setting your goal as $1M by July. Disregard this if you're already cashflow positive in the thousands of $$, but setting unrealistic goals is one way to shoot yourself on the foot

That being said: I'm a bit envious that you're starting your entrepreneurial venture early on. I had so much time back at uni I wasted in anime, TV Series, and porn. I didn't start a business back then, and I'm kicking myself today for it.

Let's get it!
SIGMA_1234 said:
Welcome my man. I am also looking into online business, too.

I will be blunt: I wish you stayed in uni while launching your venture. Lessens the risk of being deported back to your country as an international student. I also am a bit iffy with you setting your goal as $1M by July. Disregard this if you're already cashflow positive in the thousands of $$, but setting unrealistic goals is one way to shoot yourself on the foot

That being said: I'm a bit envious that you're starting your entrepreneurial venture early on. I had so much time back at uni I wasted in anime, TV Series, and porn. I didn't start a business back then, and I'm kicking myself today for it.

Let's get it!

Partly because I was to ADHD to process with two big things at once. I felt uninterested, lethargic, stressful and dead inside from the college stuffs. That was the moment I decide to listen to my gut for once; and I am trying my best to conquer this goal. If it fails, it fails; I can always do again 'til I go down.

But yeah, regarding to you: it is never too late, you are still lucky to start now. I hope you can do your best in your tracks as well.
Week 1, day 2 - February 2nd:

What were my goals today?

- [x] Finish the Jan 22nd article.
- [-] Spend at least 3 high quality hours of learning how to code.
- [ ] Re-evaluate the software building project overview structure.
- [x] Train chest & back.
- [x] Read a chapter of Infinite Potential - Neville Goddard.

Habits checklist:

- [x] Take cold shower.
- [x] Meditate 15 minutes.
- [x] Training.
- [x] 4000-4200 calories eaten (3 meals): aprox 75g fat, 620g carbs, 195g protein (currently bulking).
- [x] Brain training: read a chapter of a book, 4 articles about bio-hacking; watched 3 knowledgeable videos today.
- [x] No porn, masturbation, social media, video games, music binge today.

Productivity score: 7.5/10.
Discipline score: 6/10.
Mental state: Focused on the first 4-5 hours of the morning, but got crashed down after a meal, procrastinated for 2-3 hours.

What have I learned today:

- Daily Stoic February 2nd: let us not be controlled by our impulses to act or react to certain behaviors; we are in control of our mind and feelings.
- I'd make a huge mistake if I keep bouncing from 2 huge things deliberately and constantly while having little results from both; I will fail for sure. Currently working on both software & my website, since both are related to my venture. But since I am still making more progress with my website than software building. I gotta focus more on the website until I see some good results (this reminds me of a chapter in TMF: Monogamy First).

What do I plan to do tomorrow?

- Write a review article about digital nomad products; write a brief draft of a free eBook; practice coding with Python first hour of the day.
JuhaniEridius said:
Write a review article about digital nomad products

You write about digital nomads?

JuhaniEridius said:
practice coding with Python first hour of the day.

What's your endgame with learning Python? I also love love love coding (engineering background here) but I never was able to quickly apply my newfound Python knowledge quickly, and I ended up shelving using programming in the end.

Do you have a project or product in mind to make? Helps with going through the coding learning process.
What are your priorities exactly? Looking at how you organize your day I'd say it's self-improvement, not gaining valuable skills or making money.
SIGMA_1234 said:
JuhaniEridius said:
Write a review article about digital nomad products

You write about digital nomads?

JuhaniEridius said:
practice coding with Python first hour of the day.

What's your endgame with learning Python? I also love love love coding (engineering background here) but I never was able to quickly apply my newfound Python knowledge quickly, and I ended up shelving using programming in the end.

Do you have a project or product in mind to make? Helps with going through the coding learning process.

Not much about digital nomad, still it is still involved within my niche; also I am a digital & tech fanboy myself.

Yeah, I am shooting from now for 2-3 months building an online software about lifestyle designing with RPG-type gamification that allows users to track progress, build stats and accomplish shits & extra guides; something almost like Habitica.

Though this is just an quick overview of my idea, I haven't really develop more specific gameplan & blueprint about this; and I am still dumb at coding right now. Nevertheless, I am starting to take action first, learning Python is the great start, although that there might be more programming languages involved.
Giles said:
What are your priorities exactly? Looking at how you organize your day I'd say it's self-improvement, not gaining valuable skills or making money.

Priority is still entrepreneurship. But I am doing both, since lifestyle building and self-development is also related to my niche & expertise and also I am organizing my day incline towards the pursuit of entrepreneurship in long-term.
Week 1, day 3 - February 3rd:

What were my goals today?

- [-] Write a "digital nomad gadgets" review article.
- [x] Learn/practice Python coding in an hour.
- [x] Train legs & shoulders.
- [ ] Write a brief draft of email's newsletter's free gift.


* Entrepreneurship/making money:

- No truly significant actions toward hustling/making income; still beating around the bushes & re-evaluating risks.
- Practiced Python coding for 45 minutes & review the product's execution plan.
- Improved the websites technicality and started pushing traffics.
- Half-finished an article about "minimalism gadgets for digital nomads".

* Lifestyle building & self-improvement stuffs:

Habits/daily practices checklist:

- [x] Take cold shower.
- [x] Meditate 15 minutes.
- [x] Training & 3900 - 4000 calories (195g protein)
- [x] No porn, masturbation, social media, video games, music binge today.

* Journal:

- Lacked discipline and mental focus yesterday; I felt a huge crash yesterday and was procrastinating for few hours for a while; still was abstaining myself from doing anything detrimental in the long run. Slowly gained back discipline by reading and start learning about affiliate advertising stuffs for my blog posts. I was lazy and little bit nervous so I didn't update last night.

What I expect to do tomorrow:

- Finish the leftover article & putting visuals on to previous articles. Start consulting with my college's advisor about work authorization and signing for OPT so that I can start building a "real" business & hustling with lessen risks.
Week 1, day 4 - February 4th:

What were my goals today?

- [ ] Finish the digital nomad gadgets article.
- [ ] Go for a 10-minute walk after a heavy meal at 3:30pm.
- [x] Train chest & back.
- [x] Add some images & links to previous existent posts


* Entrepreneurship/making money:

- Still on regarding to working on with the college's advisors before I start doing anything related to monetize my shits or hustling.
- Still working on the website behind the scenes; improving content quality, front-end & learning Python coding for an hour.

* Lifestyle building & self-improvement stuffs:

Habits/daily practices checklist:

- [x] Take cold shower.
- [x] Meditate 15 minutes.
- [x] Training & 4050 calories (202g protein)
- [x] No porn, masturbation, social media, video games, music binge today.

* Journal:

- At the moment I am kinda closed to hitting rock bottom in risks of losing my visa's status; I received the message today that since it is impossible for me to get a work authorization from government & since I haven't graduated, I couldn't get an OPT training; also it is more likely I have to depart from US since I dropped this quarter. Still, I book a call with my advisor tomorrow and let see what can I do.

- In spite of this hectic shit, I am going to persist & solve the problems until hitting the bottom. Which I am still focus on living feeling focused, care-free and happy toward building my online entrepreneurial venture.