
Jan 19, 2021

We all know GLL was a space where performance enhancement was encouraged. Many have experimented with different approaches to productivity, cognitive enhancement, and getting shit DONE.

I am interested in exploring approaches to push really hard for 90 days on my business goals for, 8hrs a day.

This will be a biz & physique focused period, with maybe 1hr action on dating every other day.

Lets think about how guys on GLL used to swear by Kratom to really get shit done. Chris believed it contributed very positively to his success.

I am making exactly 0 on my business right now, because I wasn’t charging. Andy has now coached me to take step 1, which is to start charging, and we have a plan for this.

Bros, what tools could I use to give me the edge for 90 days, really blast this hard and start making some damn money?



Thoughts and advise welcome and if anyone has business goals and wants to push alongside me for 90 days, lets go!

Not really nootropics focussed but this it what works for me -
-Alpha GPC PLUS brain.fm PLUS the app from here https://www.ultraworking.com/ PLUS fasting/low sugar in the morning
I'm keen to try other 'harder' nootropics, but honestly with the combo above I don't really feel the need to. I'm locked in with minimal distractions for hours. Definitely worth exploring non-pharmacology options as well as nootropics imo
jackBruh said:
Not really nootropics focussed but this it what works for me -
-Alpha GPC PLUS brain.fm PLUS the app from here https://www.ultraworking.com/ PLUS fasting/low sugar in the morning
I'm keen to try other 'harder' nootropics, but honestly with the combo above I don't really feel the need to. I'm locked in with minimal distractions for hours. Definitely worth exploring non-pharmacology options as well as nootropics imo

Jack has got us off to a roaring start, thanks champ!

Alpha GPC:

OK, so I like this concept a lot and would be down to explore - so it's collaborative working through video conferencing, yes?

I want to be working on biz, no shit, 10hrs a day 6 days a week, so 60hrs fuckin SOLID week. Sundays off. 90 days. Gotta make money, man.

I've emailed UltraWorking to ask if their service would work for me, in my timezone, which is England.

....And if not, I will set one up for myself! I could start something on MeetUp or find others in the UK who want to hammer it.

Thanks for the value - how can I help you in return? Do you have biz goals? If so, regardless of where you are, I will happily welcome you into a KYIL biz / focus group chat I will be looking to start soon. I already have natedawg and FormalBox in the pipeline for it and we must, absolutely must, get rich.

Finally, this video on nootropics and focus seems interesting:


Modafinil works fairly well to stay focused but for some reason I used to get a slight headache on it regularly.

In terms of Alpha GPC you can pick up Gorilla Mind Smooth which contains it.

A simple but really effective combo for me is 250mg L-Theanine taken in the morning with 100mg caffiene, legit provides a stronger effect for me than Modafinil.

As jackBruh mentioned keeping insulin low also helps, can stay fasted in the morning then use 500mg Berberine with your first/second meal to also control insulin levels.

Then working in pomodoros of 50mins work with phone kept away then 10 mins breaks is ideal. You can use Get Cold Turkey as a website blocker if needed.
Hedon said:
Modafinil works fairly well to stay focused but for some reason I used to get a slight headache on it regularly.

In terms of Alpha GPC you can pick up Gorilla Mind Smooth which contains it.

A simple but really effective combo for me is 250mg L-Theanine taken in the morning with 100mg caffiene, legit provides a stronger effect for me than Modafinil.

As jackBruh mentioned keeping insulin low also helps, can stay fasted in the morning then use 500mg Berberine with your first/second meal to also control insulin levels.

Then working in pomodoros of 50mins work with phone kept away then 10 mins breaks is ideal. You can use Get Cold Turkey as a website blocker if needed.

This sounds awesome man!

Same applies to you, if you have biz goals you wanna work on in 2023, if you wanna join a group I'd like to start soon, you're very welcome.

When I first started my log, I believed that I was living with undiagnosed ADHD, so in the last 12 months I've tried several supplements / tools and various more or less illegal substances to try to maximize my focus.

1. Phenibut

Took it mainly for its anti-anxiety effects. Worked wonders for just that: made me calm and collected in meeting scenarios at work where my anxiety would sky-rocket and my mind would wander all over the place.
It was like when the anxiety got really low, it was easier to actually focus on the discussion that were going on etc.
Felt like my brain and body learned that it was nothing to be anxious about, and when I ran out, it didn't matter any more.

2. Brain.fm subscription service
This has been my go-to 'natural' solution for increasing my level of focus whenever I needed to focus deeply on i.e typing out a job application, long and detailed forum posts and the likes.

Basically it's a subscription service for scientifically engineered music / atmospheric audio that "locks" your brain neurons into patterns that are associated with a high degree of focus. Hard to explain, really, but they explain it way more efficiently over at https://www.brain.fm/science

It has worked wonders for me ever since I started using it back in 2020.

My personal downsides with this service:
  • A lot of the music on there is flat out annoying to listen to, and I can find myself skipping through tracks for a solid 5 minutes before I find something that fits my taste.
  • You need to use a headset for the music to work the way it's intended. And for me, prolonged headset use = more ear wax, which if I don't keep it checked, will clog my ear canals.
  • They don't have a huge selection of tracks for the "deep focus" effect, which is the one I've been using the most. Therefore you might get sick of having to listen to the same 2-3 tracks over and over.

3. Ritalin
Basically medical grade amphetamine. Gives me insane laser focus for 4-5 hours. Also kills my appetite for the entirety of the duration, which at best made me look lean as fuck because I didn't eat for 24 hours.. For me it also has a huge potential for abuse, and I can't go near that stuff if I want my sleep and overall mental health to be on point.

2/10 would not recommend

4. L-Theanine and caffeine
Tried this combo for a couple of weeks 6 months or so back. Theanine kills the jitteriness you'd get from the caffeine, but you retain the focus enhancing effects of the caffeine. From the anecdotal reports I've found on reddit, it works for a lot of people, but some doesn't feel like it's doing anything. Worth a try imo as L-Theanine is available in most supplement stores.

5. Kratom
Recently got my hands on 200g of white malay kratom, which from what I've read, is best for increased focus and energy.
I have really taken a liking to this compound. I've had days off from work where I start my morning with two cups of coffee and a decent 5-6g dose of kratom. Gives me a slightly euphoric feeling and makes me want to dive headfirst into focus-demanding tasks like working on music or art.

Closing thoughts:

I've also seen massive improvements to my general level of focus simply by minimizing the amount of notifications on my phone, have less tabs open in my browser, less applications open at the same time etc. Might seem like a no-brainer, but for the longest time I would assume I would get more shit done by trying to do several activities at once.

I also wholeheartedly believe that diet plays a role in this. I.e if I'm drinking an artificially sweetened drink like Pepsi Max or something similar, I'll more often than not feel like I always "need" something more after I'm done with the drink.

Same goes for blood-sugar regulation in general: if your blood sugar is spiked every so often by some high-sugar / high-calorie food or drink, at some point you'll crash and start craving another hit. For my part this will in turn make me want to get up and kill that craving.

Getting enough sleep also helps me tremendously in being able to focus on whatever tasks I'm looking at in any given day.

Hope any of this helps!

I also use the pomodoro technique if I have to spend a lot of time writing, working on job applications and so forth.
Not a nootropic, but I strongly recommend trying this writing exercise. I do it every month and find it amplifies my focus greatly.

Damn we have a great focus thread here.

I'll collate all the insights and produce a summary doc.

Maybe we can agree an action plan.


All those who wanna grind biz in 2023 DM me lets get the KYIL boys working

MakingAComeback said:
Thanks for the value - how can I help you in return? Do you have biz goals? If so, regardless of where you are, I will happily welcome you into a KYIL biz / focus group chat I will be looking to start soon

Cheers MAC. I'd be keen to join but still kinda focussing on girls atm. Will let you know when I'm moving to business goals
Jack thanks for your interest! Sure, and when you're ready to go full out barbarian mode, I will welcome you with open arms.

Sup guys,

I was looking for a video from Derek from MPMD & Leo and Longevity & Vigourous Steve.
They actually constructed full protocol aimed for entrepreneurs.
Could not find it but stumbled uppon this video that I forgot already.


Will try to use nicotine patches by myself. I know how nicotine can be actually helpful in terms of neuroprotection etc. when you are not abusing it.


Following some of the advice said here too.

For anyone interested to go deep into this topic Huberman did a whole 2h episode about nicotine.


From what I know modafinil will just keep you awake so if you do not have problems with insomnia and falling asleep during the day I am not sure how much it will put you in the "zone". Derek from MPMD did video on this.

You could potentionaly use fast-acting Adderall if you want to go over the edge. Associating hard work with dopamine release might translate to your brain making this connection into the future. Then you would hypothetically become addicted on focus & work. Adderall and other brands of this pharmaceutical combination of two amphetamine salts are all neurotoxic tho and obviously can be addictive (as said by others here).

Will probably try cycling alpha gpc by myself too. Seems to work.

Red said:
From what I know modafinil will just keep you awake so if you do not have problems with insomnia and falling asleep during the day I am not sure how much it will put you in the "zone". Derek from MPMD did video on this.

I think it affects different people differently, because while it doesn't do much for me for wakefulness, it is insanely effective at getting me in the zone.

I take modafinil every couple weeks and just bulk up all my busy work tasks for that day, I can absolutely blast through task after task without any hesitation.
I have some nicotine patches I've been wanting to try -- 1 or 2mg I believe. The gum FUCKED me up something good.

Modafinil is an internet favorite but there is some anecdotal data that it accelerates hair loss, just google "modafinil hair loss reddit".
I've experience with Modafinil.

At first i got the Modalert from Sun Pharma, but after a while i could get it through prescription from my physician (I was diagnosed ADHD when i was a kid, i was prescriped Ritalin back then, and later on concerta till my early teens.) which is Modafinil Aurobindo 100mg.

But when i asked for the Modafinil it was purely for the mental benefits since i didn't had that much of my ADHD symptoms as an adult.
I started experimenting with it in 2018.

Got the prescription in 2020 if i recall correctly.

I've experimented with different dosages, from 50mg up to 600mg (not in one go but dosed within an hour or hour and a half)
At first it definitely gave me an edge in concentration. It was far easier to learn and to just stick to the task at hand.

But as time progressed i also noticed some side-effects.
These where

- stomach cramps and slight diahrrea in the morning. Especially when i had a coffee before. I didn't have this every time. But it did happen quite often.
- Jitteriness
- Increased anxiousness and decreased socialbility. It turned me into a robot at times.
- Trouble getting quality sleep. Falling asleep wasn't an issue. But it could get me up multiple times at night. Which definitely had an effect on my overal restfullness next day which would encourage more modafinil use to counteract the sleepiness.

I actually used it for quite a long period between 2020 and 2022.
In december 2022 i decided to quit it for a month to see what would happen. So i gradually tapered off and i was really suprised with how i felt.

I felt way better than i would have expected to. I was afraid i wasn't that sharp and alert anymore. But instead i was still able to focus just as much as with the modafinil.
This probably was also because i forgot how good and deep i can actually sleep.

I did had some slight adhd like symptomes sometimes like drifting off when someone is talking. But its was like minimal and i could get myself back in the conversation quite easily again.

I tried modafinil these 2 weeks again for a bit and i personally am ready to just quit it. Maybe for good, but atleast for quite a while. I think its best if its used occasionally when you really have an intense learning bout. But quality sleep really works wonders too.
klondike said:
have some nicotine patches I've been wanting to try -- 1 or 2mg I believe. The gum FUCKED me up something good.

Reporting back on this.

Using 2mg gums while studying. Works awesome. 4mg was too much. Leo in the video above was right.

Try it out for yourself & also highly reccomend Hubermans podcast about nicotine. Talks about the gums too.
