_J_'s Daily log


Aug 26, 2022
I want some accountability so this is my daily log. I also will be making a progress log to track the progress I've made towards my goals. The posts here may be mundane but honestly this log is more for me rather than you. I'd like to end every day by recapping the successes and failures and what I've done for that day
Today went well, I worked out as usual and went to my classes. Its really starting to get easy to talk to people, the anxiety that usually is there is noticeably fading away... I'm really proud that I've made this account and I think I'll sign up for intramural sports after I post this so I can meet more people. I've also finally gotten settled into my apartment that I'm staying at so I'm running out of excuses to start working on some my goals that I've been slacking on. I really want to start "progressive overload" on my other goals. Next week, hell even tomorrow I want to start going out of my way to talk to girls at least 1 a day. We'll see how that goes.
I could have done better today. I overslept which meant that I had to miss my workout and I didn't end up working out after work and school but I'll make it up tomorrow. However I did sign up for intramural sports today and looked at some free student gym classes I could join, I'll have to try some next week. I also did well counting calories today so that was good. but other than that I haven't left the apartment today since I was working from home. I don't think I'm going to be able to post tomorrow I'll be celebrating a friends 21st birthday and shits probably gonna get a little crazy. I'll post if I can or if anything eventful happens, I'll also post my progress log tomorrow.

I'm really just shooting for the bare minimum today and that's all that matters... keep your head up and keep going even on the meh days
Log 4 8/31/22
I could do better right now. I've been really busy... had a fun weekend and had to go in the office to work Monday and this week has already flown buy... its already half way done. I really like the saying time flies when your not paying attention to it... because its true!

I need to do better,

Heres what I want to do with my remaining time this week:
one time:
clean furniture boxes from room
Create progress log on forum to track my progress
do daily log
fix sleep schedule
don't miss a single morning work out
compliment 1 hot/cute girl a day
work on hobby for 30 minutes a day

Today is basically over this goes into effect tomorrow, and a new week starts on Sunday
9/1/22 Log 5
Today went well I worked out, complimented a hot girl and worked on my hobby. I've also learned that my room mate is doing a weekend trip next Friday to Sunday so that would literally be the perfect opportunity to loose my virginity, or at least seriously try to.

Any time I think about it I get a little bit anxious/nervous/excited I can't really figure out exactly what the feeling is but it isn't a comfortable one. Maybe its because deep down I don't feel ready. even though I know logically this is bullshit and I'll never be ready the feeling doesn't disappear. I'm just going to say the feeling is excitement. I like reframing any anxiety or nervousness and calling it excitement instead because the feelings are fairly close to each other.

To get ready for this:

- I might buy tinder gold even tho my pictures and profile isn't the best right now
-Make a bumble account by EOT (End of Tomorrow)
-Make a hinge account by EOT
-Really study the tinder guide TOMMOROW and learn what to say when I get matches
-Also Study the tinder guide to figure out what to do for an actual date and the after math of one ;)

-If no online dates pan out ask friends to hit some bars and see If I get lucky there

I just really don't want to waste this opportunity by watching YouTube and playing videos games all day and being all alone over the weekend. I'll do my progress log on Saturday night I've got a busy night tomorrow

Good luck all!
9/3/22 Log 6
I wasn't perfect with my habits this week but I've made so really good progress on online dating. I've set up a basic bumble hinge and tinder profile and I've gotten a few matches that haven't led to anything yet but It sure is a confidence booster to be getting matches with poor pictures. I really want to get some better pictures before I spend any money on the premiums. The first step to getting some good pictures is finding a photographer and picking out a few good outfits to take the pictures in so that's what I'll do this week. I'll be more specific in my goals tomorrow I'm big tired tonight

Good luck all!
9/6/22 Log 7:
Today went well, I hit the gym even though I really wanted extra sleep. I complimented another girl and went to class. I've noticed the dating app free nooby boost has gone away and I've gotten 0 matches over the last few days. Really makes me want to take better pictures but I need better outfits first. I really want to start my progress log but I'm very tired right now. I need to do it tomorrow...
9/13/22 Log 9
I really want to start logging daily, I think it will help me stay focused and motivated to achieve my goals. I've lost motivation and all the online dating apps right now, I need to take some better pictures for them but first I need to buy some new outfits. I just bought radical's style guide so hopefully that will help me figure out some sick clothes to buy to get some awesome pictures. I've still been consistently working out and I just did a loading week for creatine so that was exciting. My new focus is starting to cold approach girls, I haven't ever done it before and I think I'll do fine once I actually put myself out there but time will tell.
9/14/22 Log 10
Nothing special today, I worked and got school shit done. I started a new abs routine and stretch routine but didn't work out because of it being a rest day. Finally finished creatine loading not much physically different maybe my arms look a little bigger. I really should try to get out on Wednesdays I don't like staying in the apartment all day, maybe next week I'll do a cardio session at the gym just to get out and potentially hit on some girls. I am feeling more motivated now.
I haven't made any progress recently and that's been do to me not taking action. The more I see on this forum I constantly find that everyone constantly telling people to take action and I wondering what are some actions that I need to start taking to achieve my goals?

Some more background info:
I've been consistently working out and counting calories for a year and haven't been struggling with that
I've never cold approached a girl before
I've set up dating apps but my profile is ass and I need new pictures
I've bought radical's style guide and am currently improving my style

Any advice would help!
_J_ said:
I haven't made any progress recently and that's been do to me not taking action. The more I see on this forum I constantly find that everyone constantly telling people to take action and I wondering what are some actions that I need to start taking to achieve my goals?

SHUT YOUR FUCKIN MOUTH ROOKIE, and put on your red shirt WITH ME.

Progress and results are not the same thing.

Progress happens on a daily basis, results take longer.

Results are a culmination of daily progress.

Read that article , I hope it gives you some clarity


It seems to me you want to lose your virginity, keep doing what you're doing.

Post your online profile, get feed back. Get better pictures. Improve style, get bigger/leaner, improve social skills via cold approach.

The possibilities are endless. You're on the right track, self improvement is a life long commitment. If you think you will get results when you wake up tomorrow, you're dead wrong.

Learn to have some patience in this game, good things come to those who wait, and to those who work their ass off.
Thanks for the advice
Mimbe393939 said:
Read that article , I hope it gives you some clarity
The article helps, I don't know why but I've never thought of trying to get laid like long term progress and results like I've done with going to the gym. I'll focus on reframing it to be a long term journey, even a "red shirt year" where I'll learn as much and possible and don't give a shit about results just focus on getting that daily progression in

Mimbe393939 said:
The possibilities are endless. You're on the right track, self improvement is a life long commitment. If you think you will get results when you wake up tomorrow, you're dead wrong.

Learn to have some patience in this game, good things come to those who wait, and to those who work their ass off.

Your right, I'm going to dedicate at least 30 minutes tomorrow of going out to talk to girls, it could be just to compliment them but I really want to have the balls to start cold approaching. I think setting dedicated amount of time will help push myself in the right direction. I don't have much time tonight to upload my profile and pictures I'll have to do that in the near future.