
Jan 19, 2021
Hey bros,

Consistency and action taking are something I have forged to elite levels.

You can read my log for the proof. I do this EVERY DAY.

.....But I wasn't always like this.

There was a time I lacked focus, couldn't get jack-shit done, spent many years of my life underachieving and missing my goals, and frankly ended up a total miserable excuse of a human being.

To turn myself around, I had to learn a tonne about conditioning, neuroplasticity, consistency, structure and process.

And I got it.

I now know, if I set myself to a goal, am ensuring it gets the time and energy it needs, and execute daily - that goal will get utterly destroyed.

To now tap into this super power, I want to help others double their productivity and hit their goals fast.

I am developing my offer, give me some thoughts:

I want to know how I can make this the best accountability service I can possibly provide.

I like this idea (and potentially could use the service) - but how can you emphasis that you are aligned with the clients goals? I.e. you will make more if the clients fail their goals so there is incentive for you in opposite direction. I do like it though
Hey, that's a nice offer that I may actually need... I'm a fucking procrastinator when it comes to working for myself. I'm a specialist to find excuses for not having the job done too.

But yeah, as pointed out by Antonio44, it's better for you if I procrastinate than get the job done as scheduled. I know that you're an honest and hard working man, and that you will push your clients to get them as productive as possible, but it's still a bit strange that you're only gaining when your clients are losing haha.
Antonio44 said:
I like this idea (and potentially could use the service) - but how can you emphasis that you are aligned with the clients goals? I.e. you will make more if the clients fail their goals so there is incentive for you in opposite direction. I do like it though

Thanks for this feedback.

Some checks & balances which mitigate the incentive to gain fines:

-Client themselves sets the primary & secondary goal, and will identify the key activities they need to complete each day to move forward in relation to these goals
-I review, make suggestions, and discuss
-We then mutually agree and form a consensus
-Fines are for missing check-in, not for not executing actions

I am piloting with a killer entreprenuer right now who will give me a testimonial for what we've done and I've learned a lot. For him, his primary goal was to "get on top of his life". The process for that was, he has to send me his to-do list every morning, and then check in with me to let me know how it is going. He has been crushing. He has had days where he didn't get his stuff done, but he always checks in, and hence no fine.

We mutually agreed he'll be fined twice when he repeatedly didnt follow up on a sales thing. I still need to refine how I approach fines, it's been a bit case by case.

Your thoughts are appreciated

So far, I think it looks pretty good, brother.

The only thing that really stuck out to me was the 'Primary & Secondary Goal' portion.

I think that could use some clarity so people understand the difference between the two in more detail.

Aside from that, it looks tight.
natedawg said:
So far, I think it looks pretty good, brother.

The only thing that really stuck out to me was the 'Primary & Secondary Goal' portion.

I think that could use some clarity so people understand the difference between the two in more detail.

Aside from that, it looks tight.

Thanks man!

I've done some more work on the primary and secondary goals, and have created another doc where people can understand this:

Once they've understood this and emailed me a copy of their goals and the activities they'll engage in daily to achieve those goals, I will then get back to them with an example process we can enact to hold them accountable daily.

Hope this helps.

I've actually had 4 people in my network take me up on my free offer which will enable me to learn, tweak, get experience in doing this with others, and gain some testimonials.

I'll figure out how to make it work I think!

MakingAComeback said:
natedawg said:
So far, I think it looks pretty good, brother.

The only thing that really stuck out to me was the 'Primary & Secondary Goal' portion.

I think that could use some clarity so people understand the difference between the two in more detail.

Aside from that, it looks tight.

Thanks man!

I've done some more work on the primary and secondary goals, and have created another doc where people can understand this:

Once they've understood this and emailed me a copy of their goals and the activities they'll engage in daily to achieve those goals, I will then get back to them with an example process we can enact to hold them accountable daily.

Hope this helps.

I've actually had 4 people in my network take me up on my free offer which will enable me to learn, tweak, get experience in doing this with others, and gain some testimonials.

I'll figure out how to make it work I think!


Love the clarity, man! This is solid!
Nice MAC

Pricing wasn't clear to me on first read.

My basic service is free, I just charge you a 10% fee. It’s £300 a month, with a an additional 10% fee, and and each day you slack off, I fine you.

Is it free or is it £300 a month?
10% fee? 10% of what? 10% of 300 is 30 not 10. Maybe I'm retarded there, dunno

As I understand it, I initially send you £300, and if I crush my goals and actions everyday, I get the whole £300 back and you don't get anything?
BROS: I have revised the offer and have taken feedback into consideration.

Here's the offer.

I have also been told the goals document isnt clear so I will revise that too lol.

Thanks for your help guys I appreciate it.


I am doing it for free for a while to get experience and testimonials.

Thereafter, I think it'll be £100 a month

Plus, they put £300 into escrow every month. Every day they follow their process, they earn 10 back. Every day they don't check in and don't let me know they will miss check in, they forfeit £10. This is about DAILY accountability and training these people to execute. And if we need to go deeper and figure out whats holding them back, we can do so.

Working with people for free is helping a lot and I am learning.

In time I will make it into a legit biz, this is something I am fucking passionate about and have done here FOR FREE for 1.5 years.

I can help people with consistency and accountability as I am elite at it. And I used to be the worst. Hence why I got to 29 basically an underachieving obese anxious mentally and physically ill loser.

Accountability and consistency were big factors in saving my life.

REVISED OFFER: Changed pricing

I am now working on:

-Sales deck
-Sales pitch paragraph
-Securing testimonials

I will complete the above 2 tasks today, and will need a few more weeks for the testimonials.

Thereafter, I will gear up to go full hustle mode with this biz and copywriting.


The offer will be group coaching. I am not going to charge anyone for a while, man, I have to really learn how to help my guys and nail this!

Here's my current copy for the pitch:

“I help entrepreneurs, consultants, coaches, and people who want to be healthier, wealthier and more productive double their productivity in 30 days with daily accountability. I’ll get you crystal clear on the daily actions that will move the needle for you, and check in with you DAILY to ensure you are accountable. I’ll condition you to effectively execute and blow past limits to achieve your goals. Time to get serious!”

Does this feel right? Anything I need to add or remove?

Testimonials/Case Studies
-My current 5 guys are all happy to give video testimonials. We've discussed provisional dates, and I will follow up and get these videos, as well as case study documents, nailed down.


-My friend and biz mentor, V, told me I need to just focus on getting free clients and working with these guys for now. He wants me to onboard 5 more, taking me to 10 people. This is FREE, daily accountability, and it's no obligation - once my free period is up (few months), they can move on having gotten shit done and achieved more success and happiness in their life
-Capture initial 5 testimonials, with a view towards capturing 10 total.
-Complete free phase and move towards monetisation, group coaching model, daily 1-1 accountability via discord server and then weekly group call. This will likely start at £100 a month and I'll aim to bring 30 guys in. How I am going to do this will be a mixture of brand building, social presence, and ads.

The copywriting work I will get up and running will pay for ads, and I will also do a bunch of cold outreach.

Many have a consistency, productivity and getting shit done problem. Thats where I come in.

Many months later..........

I've been successfully running my business, have now worked with a bunch of clients, had legit client success, referalls, retention, all good stuff.

I've since stepped up. Began really hustling hard.

I am now levelling up!


(1) My New Offer: 3 Tiers
(2) Features/Benefits:

(3) Biz Plan:

Current Focus:
-Audience Building
-Relationship Building
-Offer Development (Having a KILLER offer that solves my target customer’s problem)

Feedback Wanted:

I would like some feedback on the 2nd tier of my program. This will be what my current service becomes.


bonzo34 said:
only thing is: can you put less features or maybe combine some of them? It's just a bunch of them to read through.
For Tier 2

Thanks bro I will condense that down a little to improve clarity

MakingAComeback said:
Many months later..........

I've been successfully running my business, have now worked with a bunch of clients, had legit client success, referalls, retention, all good stuff.

I've since stepped up. Began really hustling hard.

I am now levelling up!


(1) My New Offer: 3 Tiers
(2) Features/Benefits:

(3) Biz Plan:

Current Focus:
-Audience Building
-Relationship Building
-Offer Development (Having a KILLER offer that solves my target customer’s problem)

Feedback Wanted:

I would like some feedback on the 2nd tier of my program. This will be what my current service becomes.



What's the format of your second tier document? Is it part of a sales letter or on a website as its very meticulous and there's a lot to get through.
Also do want feedback from what's actually on offer (the services) or the way it reads as a sales pitch?
Sewerdog said:
MakingAComeback said:
Many months later..........

I've been successfully running my business, have now worked with a bunch of clients, had legit client success, referalls, retention, all good stuff.

I've since stepped up. Began really hustling hard.

I am now levelling up!


(1) My New Offer: 3 Tiers
(2) Features/Benefits:

(3) Biz Plan:

Current Focus:
-Audience Building
-Relationship Building
-Offer Development (Having a KILLER offer that solves my target customer’s problem)

Feedback Wanted:

I would like some feedback on the 2nd tier of my program. This will be what my current service becomes.



What's the format of your second tier document? Is it part of a sales letter or on a website as its very meticulous and there's a lot to get through.
Also do you want feedback from what's actually on offer (the services) or the way it reads as a sales pitch?