ADVICE - My Hair? What are best options


May 30, 2021
Hi guys my hair is pretty thin up top and the best I can do is comb it over to the back and the side.😑

Or currently rocking a mohawk. 😎

I'll post some pics with things I have tried in the last couple of years.

But it seems my hair up top has essentially stopped growing. 😔

So thinking of just shaving it, similar Jason Statham. Definitely don't want to commit to using a razor every other day to hide the hair line.🤷‍♂️

Could also get laser hair removal too on my scalp if I decide to go completely bald.💯

Open to Advice, Suggestions, Ideas, Concerns?

Thanks CD
You could try finasteride, RU58841, ketoconazole shampoo, Midoximol and micro-needling to try and thicken your hair up. Some people get really good results. You could get a hair transplant and use the former compounds to keep your hair, or you can just go bald and own it.
Shave it and go bald.

A smooth shaven head is a great way of demonstrating that you take yourself serious, and are in control of your appearance.

Just have a good look through Andy's profile, and you will see what I mean,
i agree with @play_time_is_over, try it out BUT at the first sign of side effects STOP. Don't be like me and push through it, you will end up in a bad place. And NEVER stop and start this. Look at more plate more dates videos on this

Or you can just ask the barber to give you a British haircut, like the ones with the hair combed down with faded sides. This will give the illusion that you have hair
PK47 said:
If you like wearing accessories, you can start building up a hat collection to wear with your outfits

It also gets fucking cold.

PK47 said:
I always recommend buying an electric shaver and shaving your head completely bald for a few weeks to see how you feel about it
Thanks guys! My whole thing, is I'm not sure if I look objectively more or less attractive...

I mean a guy can use every edge he can obtain💯
ILLuminaughty said:
Thanks guys! My whole thing, is I'm not sure if I look objectively more or less attractive...

I've never seen a bald ripped guy who didn't look 'good'. I used to worry about going bald because I can't grow facial hair and have a really far set back chin. Then I just remember Vin Diesel and realize worse case I just need to pack on muscle consistently for two years and worst, worst case go on an anabolic cycle or two (which I would normally otherwise avoid).