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Advice on this girl ?


Jul 31, 2020
So I have been texting this girl every once in a while. She is very flakey. So I kinda just gave up on her for awhile until she randomly texted me and we got a day to hang out, this was after she flaked on me again however. We hang out with some of her friends drive home and go our separate ways. Kinda bummed thought we would have sex as she was flirting hard with me all night and told me how to park at her place and get to it but whatever next morning she texts me she wished she had sex with me but had work early the next day.

Since then we have only hung a little and no sex. Is she playing me she is younger woman. Is she only looking for attention, I am honestly lost on if I should continue to pursue her or if I am doing something wrong. I have a kind of formula I use that had been pretty good results so I don't know what is up with her.
OK, you need to tell us, how did you esculate this date?

In fact you met her with her friends so it wasn't a date. You say she was flirting, what did you do to advance the situation? Did you go for the kiss, did you offer to take her to your place?

Truth be told, people flaking multiple times are going to be too shy/unreliable to be confident/fun in bed. What you have shown this girl is that you do not value your time and she is able to get your time and attention without investing in you. This problem is solved by talking to more girls.

If you must try this girl again, go for a drink near yours and then invite her to yours. You will know instantly if she's a hell yes girl or a no girl.
This girl sounds like a timewaster but if you want to continue to pursue it just invite her over to your place to have a drink/watch a movie next time she hits you up. Try to have sex with her while she is at your place.

Other than that I would not waste anymore time on her. And do what Brother_Tucker said and talk to more girls that's usually the answer to every "advice on this girl" question.