Advices for this situation.


Mar 8, 2021
Hi guys, I hope you are doing great.

I'm writing this post because I need some advice. So, let's hop in. I was on holidays, I met a girl at the beach, it was a cold approach, the situation was good and we exchanged our phone numbers. It was my last day there, so I wasn't able to arrange a meeting since I had to come back my home city.

We sometimes chat, she is quite receptive and she likes the idea of meeting us. I live 3 hours away from her. So, my plan is to go her city for 4/5 days and enjoy the beach and ofc to have sex with her.

The problem is next one: she wants to meet me but she doesn't want to be with me for 4 days at the same apartment. I understand it since we hardly know each other and maybe I'm still a stranger for her; but I'm not in the mood of renting an apartment for 4 days to be alone and in case things aren't going well... not to have sex (I hate wasting money and time).

So, my plan is to gain her trust by whatsapp and get my proposal. In case of not, next!, and it would be a shame because she is probably my best girl and this doesn't happen everyday. I sometimes think with my head and not look a needy but I do other times with my dick.

Have you ever got this situation? How did you solve it?

Thanks in advanced.
Best wishes.
It depends on where you are in life and how much bullshit you're willing to put up with just to get laid. Personally I wouldn't do it, unless the city itself was interesting and I could enjoy myself there even if I never meet the girl. I'd only stay one night though and get a cheap hotel/hostel.

Just know that if you go there with the purpose of meeting this chick, there is still a possibility she will just flake on you. You're driving three hours and then see you got a text "I'm not feeling well lol, another time??"

So I wouldn't go unless you find a reason to go to that city (beach, museums, nice architecture) without the girl. You could use the opportunity to get some approaches in a new environment, too.
Aren't there any girls that are, you know.. closer than 3 hours ride? I would rather spend my time on those. Is there any reason that you want to focus on that particular one, other than she 'seems' (which may very well be misleading) receptive?
3 hours aint that far man, for me personally, I would just get a hotel for the night and enjoy the experience of spending time with a new person.

Why not?

MakingAComeback said:
3 hours aint that far man, for me personally, I would just get a hotel for the night and enjoy the experience of spending time with a new person.

Why not?


You should value your time more man. Yes, you decide yourself how much your time is worth, but I personally would not spend 6 hours (to go there and back) just to get blueballed or stood up.
Lol interesting

On one hand I've hopped countries before to go meet a girl with whom i had the faintest chance of maybe sleeping with. Back in my clueless, pre GLL younger days though - and I love travel so the journey and being in a new city was its own thing.

On the other hand its clear if you had options near where you lived you wouldnt be chasing a girl 3 hrs away

Im all for guys doing what they want and making their own mistakes though, but me personally i wouldnt be doing that anymore unless i really wanted to go visit the place the girls lives at
Well the experience itself could be good for you and if its a nice city in case the date does not turns out the way you want it to be just book a room for 1 or 2 nights. If it clicks you stay longer otherwise you go and do something else in the city or go daygaming to meet other girls.

3 hours travel is not that crazy far imo.