After getting girls numbers from cold approach, what is best strategy to convert into lays?

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Jun 28, 2021
My problem is not cold approaching. I can approach easy and will always approach any girl I find attractive in my vicinity.

I also am able to get numbers about 25-30% of the time. So from 100 approaches I will get about 30 numbers.

Problem is, I can hardly convert these girls into dates.

They pretty much ghost me.

I tried contacting early (in a few days).

I tried contacting late (after a week).

I tried calling (they usually don't pick up).

What methods work for you? Is there some guide specifically how to convert them to dates and lays?

I still can get laid via this, but the statistics are abysmal. I'm talking about 1 lay in about 40 phone numbers or something.

I'm 6'2'' and ripped with head full of hair and tan skin, whitened straight teeth and edgy style. I'm not beautiful in face, but also don't have any clear visual defects (normie tier).

Thank you.
This is like the 4th time you have posted a thread asking game theory questions like this


You can show you progression and guys can chime in to help you with your sticking points

And if you want feedback, post pictures of yourself and posts shots of your chats with the girls

Theses repetitive game threads are not a good way to get us to help you

Another fuckabout theory thread like this instead of a progress log and you're banned
Radical said:
This is like the 4th time you have posted a thread asking game theory questions like this


You can show you progression and guys can chime in to help you with your sticking points

And if you want feedback, post pictures of yourself and posts shots of your chats with the girls

Theses repetitive game threads are not a good way to get us to help you

Couldn't resist

If you approach a woman its acutally wise to talk 5-10 mins with her, just talk with her. Then try to set up a date right away, even before asking for her number. Ask if she wants to meep up with you and when she has time etc. Then grab her number and confirm the date. Dont ask every girl for her number.
If I remember correctly from all the stuff I have read, Chris recommends contacting the chicks ASAP. Like not after a few days but the same day or the day after or so. Chris has some articles on GLL about phone convo and texting stuff. You're gonna have to search them for yourself though. I know the search engine on the site sucks so you might be better off clicking through some of the articles and the tags on them.

He has also written a post on hypothetical numbers after people kept pushing him for it. The post is hilarious because of all the simple math errors in it, but might serve as a reference. Since I don't really know shit about you, you better go check it out yourself.

You say you get like 1 lay out of 40 numbers and about 30% of numbers. That makes a total conversion per approach of 0.75%.

That's not bad depending on your experience level in cold approaching. For beginners that approach girls with equal attractiveness Chris estimates (depending on like a million other factors) a conversion per approach of 1%, pretty much equal to your rate. If you approach just slightly hotter chicks, that drops to 0.2%.

You seem to be bummed out about so many girls not replying to your texts. Chris in the upper article: "Since phone numbers don't reflect success I'm only counting LEGIT NUMBERS, where the girl responds to the text and appears interested." So that seems to be general phenomenon that many numbers are not legit numbers, not a problem of yours.

But as the others mentioned, since you don't have a log we can not give you very specific feedback on your situation.
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