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Akilles: Log Part I


Jan 13, 2022

Hello all. I wanted to start this progress log for two reasons. First, to give myself a medium through which to reflect on my experiences. And, second, to chronicle my evolution. My goals are simple and definite. My two long term goals are to bang 50 girls and have at least one threesome. My goal for 2022 is to bang 10 new girls. In achieving these goals, I'll be using all the methods available to me: daygame/cold approach, social circles, going out 3 nights/week, and Tinder. I also made a New Years Resolution to hit on at least one girl a day for the whole year. I'm pretty good at New Years Rez's.


In high school I made out with several girls, got one BJ, and never got laid. I had options and girls that were interested in me, but I was wayyyy too much of a pussy and nice guy to capitalize on that. I was popular, but always tended to be a lone wolf and almost never went out. Consequently, during my time in college, I never got laid. In fact, I didn't make a single friend until midway through my last semester.

Thanks to the wild and exciting life I lead now, I don't recall this period in my life. :D

Once out of college, I started making money and hitting the gym religiously. My part-time job makes me enough money to be comfortably well-off. (Of course, I want to be making six-figures blah blah blah, but, at this stage of my life, I want to focus on getting laid). I love working out and I'm pretty ripped for a natural (visible six pack and nice muscle separation). I'll upload some pics later.

I'm extremely new to pickup and self-improvement generally. I read The Game and discovered GLL during the lockdown in 2020. It was only the past summer (2021) that I began implementing and living all the things that I learned. I lost my virginity, banged 3 girls, and made out with at least 20 (too trivial to keep track of). At some point in the future I will give more backstory about myself and where I am coming from.
ovnidos said:
I'll follow your log man!

Merci beaucoup mon pot aha. C'est bon à savoir qu'il y aura des gens qui le liront. 💪 I'll be keeping an eye on your progress as well.
January Recap – My Best Month So Far

January was the most exciting and rewarding month so far. Lots of new insights, discoveries, and novel experiences. The first month of this year started off with a bang:

I banged 3 new chicks in one weekend!!!! Never done that before!

But let me give a week-by-week breakdown with some insights and revelations that I’ve had along the way.

1/3 – 1/9

Returned to lovely and cold Chiraq from a 3-week vacation, looking tan as fuq. (I have to remember to maintain a tan year-round. It really does wonders for my looks. Without it, I look as pale as Caspar the Friendly Ghost – lmfao). Since classes didn’t start until the 18th – I’m in law school – I had ample time to work and workout. So I was hitting the gym 2x a day for the first two weeks of January.

There’s nothing in life more important than being tan and being ripped – RIP Zyzz.

Anyways, that week I was scheming to meet up with this girl that I’ve been chatting with since December. We made out the month before, but because I went on vacation, I couldn’t seal the deal. The problem is that her friend group despises me lol. Like hates my guts, so they judge her for hanging with me. I organized a lil’ get-together at a sushi place Thursday night with some of my friends and her friends that are cool with one another. Made sure to sit next to her and keep running my hand up her thigh. Eventually, I get up to go to the bathroom and, once there, message her to come too. She complies :D and I grab her by the hand and execute the Scotty bathroom pull. I was alpha and dominant as fuck in the moment. We just made out cuz she was scared a friend would come in and see.
(It was only later that night that I realized how ballsy and insane that was shit was. Crazy how certain things that seemed IMPOSSIBLE six months ago have become reality.)


Reading Chris’s and Scotty’s personal adventures really opened my eyes to what was possible and how to go about doing it. I need to read in more to the stories of other legends on the GLL forum. I’ve found Boytoy’s webpage archived and, from what I’ve glimpsed, it looks to have some solid stuff. You’d be surprised at what small, nifty stuff you can randomly pick up and later use. E.g., I think I picked this up from Two and A Half Men (lmao), when a girl asks for my phone number I respond, “You’re gonna have to persuade me” and signal to her that she needs to kiss me. Love doing that shit.

The group dispersed and the girl left with her friends. She kept calling me all. night. long. and messaging me about how wet she was (mhhhhhh). I told her to send me her address, but she was staying at a friend’s. Bummer.

Next day, Friday, I straight message her to come over. She complies. She comes over to my place, and I come out to meet her at her car (she hasn’t been to my place before). We hit a speed bump here. Out of nowhere she tells me that she can’t do this; how she’s nervous ya-ta-ya-ya-ta.
I’m all soothing and calming, but this girl just becomes stiff and frigid. I become frustrated (internally that is; I don’t show it) and tell her, “Yeah. We shouldn’t do this.” Kiss her hand and get out her car. She leaves and we haven’t spoken until recently.
In hindsight this was just last-minute resistance that I should have eassssily overcome with a bit more persistence. But I was irritated. I hadn’t gotten laid in a month. And I haven’t masturbated or watched porn in like 3 months.


Ever since I’ve started getting action regularly, my desire to watch porn and jerk off has vanished. I don’t even get hard from explicit pictures anymore. And it is fan-fucking-tastic. I can finally just focus on what I’m doing.
Girls volunteer to send me nudes, but I dissuade them. What the hell am I gonna do with them?

Since I wasted my Friday night, I went out with friends that Saturday. We went out to this small-ish, but popular, bar. I made the rounds hitting on chicks – at first solo and later with a wingman. Two chicks showed interest, but we got bogged down in conversation and there was no place to take these girls to make out. Logistics at this place sucked. But it’s whatever. Ebb and flow.

Funny Story

Hit on this one girl that demanded – DEMANDED – I buy her a drink. Laughed in her face and went away.

1/10-1/16 (Hattrick Weekend)

Felt bored Monday and Tuesday so I hit up two malls to do some solo cold approaches. Had some decent opportunities Monday and A LOT Tuesday but only managed to do a single one each day. L’Approach-Anxiety. Very annoying. Sometimes it incapacitates me and other times it’s non-existent.
Monday hit on a cute cashier after she gave me my receipt. She was stunned and had a difficult time talking haha. Held my hand the entire interaction, but she told me something like, “no, no. I can’t.”
Tuesday hit on a reeeeally cute cashier at a store I passed by. Girl turned bright red when I told her she was cute. :) . It was adorable. She thanked me but told me she was leaving for her college at the end of the week. Might have been a freshman or sophomore – idk.
I love cold-approaching for the thrill. I almost don’t care if the girl doesn’t give me her number and/or we don’t end up banging. It’s just so fucking fun and alpha and dominant. It’s exhilarating asserting yourself, breaking the norm and tedium of the everyday. Absolute rush.
Also got some real güd workout and going out drip.

Lay 1 – Thursday (Cold-Approach)

Hit up a friend I haven’t seen in a while to go get dinner and just hang. We go to this kinda bougie place that is restaurant by day and club by night. Enjoy an excellent meal. Randomly, some drunk girl approaches us and starts making small talk. We banter with her, and she demands to know if I want her phone number. I tell her she has to persuade me ;) and point to my cheek. She scoffs and scrams. I hit on two hotties and get a # from one.
My friend and I get approached by this strange dude who asks if we want to drink with him and his pal. They’re both dripped out, swagged out – just as my friend and I are – so we join them. We get to drinking and somehow a conversation sprouts up with a group of boys and girls sitting at the table next to us. They make ready to leave, but I make a move on this pretty chubby chick that was really interested. (5/10). Mind you, I was horny. Grab her hand and lead her to a secluded area and make out with her. She gets really turned on but has to leave with et al. Gives me her number.
The gang and I uber to a bar that’s pretty lit. Lots of young people my age. As soon as we get inside, I’m making the rounds: hitting on every hot chick in my field of vision. See one of the most gorgeous girls I’ve ever seen: sleek black hair cut short Cleopatra-esque, phenomenal breasts and ass. I blitz in. She’s with a group of girlfriends so my boys provide covering fire. Interaction goes extremely well; I tell her to grab her drink and follow me. Lead her by the hand to a secluded spot but make the CRITICAL error of spinning her around and slapping her ass. UHHHHHH. Girl leaves.


(Never doing that again. I got that from an old GLL video with Scotty. But that chick interpreted that as sleazy and crass. NEVER DO ANYTHING SLEAZY AND CRASS).

Continue on hitting more chicks but the interactions go nowhere. Some girl was so stunned by my approach that she couldn’t respond. I asked her friends if she was mute and tried communicating with her in sign language hahahaha.
My friends leave ‘cuz they’re pretty messed up. I’m not fond of drinking, so I don’t overindulge. That chubby girl from earlier hits me up and asks to meet up. I give her the deets to my apartment and she comes over. We fuck and she sleeps over. Very sweet girl. Don’t know her name and haven’t spoken to her since lol. But walked her out the door when she left next morning.

Lay 2 - Friday (Social Circle)

Meet up with company of amigos at the same bar as the previous day (though with different friends). We get a table. One amigo invites two girls that he friends with, but that I haven’t met before. Both are pretty cute (6/10). I feel out both but, initially, they didn’t seem that interested. Resort to Plan B: playing the field.

Funny-Ass Story

Hit on a couple girls but they have BFs. Catch this one hottt Indian girl giving me the eye as she passes by. Stop her and do my thing. Lead her away from her friends and my friends and proceed to make out and squeeze on some ass and titties. She whispers in my ear, “Do you want to see me naked?” I reply, “Fuck yeah I want to see you naked.” Girl whips out her phone and starts showing me nudes of herself :lol: . Not exactly what I had in mind!!! Try to get this girl to leave with me but she from NYC and leaves tmrw. She gives me her Snap and messaged me like two weeks later. lmao

I return to my company of amici and amicae. At this point in the night, everyone is pretty drunk (and horny). Catch one of the two girls in my group eyeing me. Sidle up beside her and get to talking. Eventually, grab her by the hand and lead her away to make out. Superb. My roommate takes the other girl and she, I, he, we depart. Return to our apartment. Girl I’m with is going crazy making out with me and feeling me up but says she can’t have sex. I take it as last-minute resistance. Keep making out with her and eventually cajole her into going to my room. Eazy-peezy-lemon-squeezy from thereon. She leaves really early in the morning while I’m still asleep.

Made plans to meet up with her next week, but this girl is really rich and really erratic. On two separate occasions that we planned to meet up, she booked a flight to San Fran and then San Diego. I know the trips were legit because she posted them on her Snap story. Whateves.


Go out with the boyz to get wings. Group of inebriated chicks from adjoining table come over and converse. Wasn’t feeling any of them, but my roommate (the one from the previous evening) secured one of their #’s. He still bangs her ever and anon. Dude’s a natural and not into any of this pick-up stuff. I notice our waitress is pretty cute (7/10) so, as we’re leaving, I make my move. Girl turns out to be really receptive, so I get some digits and a Snap.
We go out to a multi-story bar/club. Some girls meet up with us. I wasn’t feeling any of them and I already banged one of ‘em. On the downside, in terms of chicks, this place we’re at is pretty dead. I had to scrape the bottom of the barrel without any luck. Eventually, the group disperses.
Two amigos and I venture to a neighboring bar. We encounter this group of STUNNING hotties. I make my move on this one that really caught my eye and she reciprocates the interest. Kept things very flirty and touchy (as I always do now). Realize I can’t detach her from her friends, so I settle for some digits. She hugs me when I say goodbye lol. Girl later turned out to be a psycho while I was txting her, so I dodged a bullet.

Some Insights

I was watching an old GLL video (thank God they’ve been reuploaded) and realized that I hadn’t been all that flirty with girls. My standard approach – night game – was the opener, physically screen, make some small talk, and then lead the girl away from her friends to the dance floor and make out. The conversations I had were generic, mundane, and not fun/interesting at all – not even for me. It was all so mechanical. But ABSOLUTELY imperative at the beginning stages. Incorporating some flirting into my interactions has supremely enhanced my results.
Also. Whereas over the previous months I wasn’t taking any #’s – because I was following Chris’ advice about getting laid same night – I’ve started taking #s.

Lay 3 - Monday (Tinder) (It was MLK day so technically still a part of the weekend haha

Little backstory. At the beginning of the week, I hopped back on Tinder. I hadn’t been on for maybe over a year ‘cuz I was focusing on beating AA and boosting my confidence and verbal skills around real chicks. Getting inspired by Andy’s guide – and more importantly following his advice – I got more likes and matches than ever b4. (Thanks KillYourInnerLoser !). Thanks also to Playingwithfire’s YT vids on tinder messaging, one Tinder interaction went verrryyy smoothly.

I matched with this (7/10) Latina on Friday, and we planned to get drinks Monday evening. She’s super responsive. I quickly move the convo onto Snap. I kept the convo fun and flirty without it devolving into anything mundane, trivial, boring, or dirty. I was concise and focused solely on meeting up. As the man, I set up all the arrangements Saturday – time, place, me picking her up, etc. She just acquiesces. Send her one message Sunday to confirm and tell her I’ll call her the next day before I leave to pick her up.


I don’t know how effectively this is, but I think that asking a chick, “We still good for tomorrow?” gives her too much power. Like it’s up to her to decided if we meet up or not. I also feel like it gives her an exit chance or will sow doubt in her mind about meeting up. Chris once said that sex happens when a guy and a girl like each other, and the guy makes it happen. So, instead, I now txt call girls saying, “You still good to go tmrw?”

Monday, I call her and she’s good to go. I pick her up and this girl looks hot as hell. Big butt, wearing a white crop top with gorgeous breasts. She’s got blue hair highlights, so I’m reminded of Shego from Kim Possible :lol: . Absolute turn-on. We get to the bar, order some drinks and food (on me of course) and get to talking. She can’t maintain eye contact with me for too long, plays with her hair, and talking nervously and profusely. No light could be greener.

She says, “You don’t talk much. Do you.” I respond, “No. I’m more action-oriented.” She was sitting across from me, so I move her drink and food and order her to move over. I sit next to her, put my arm on the spine of her chair, and start caressing her thigh. Girl just can’t take it anymore and we start making out.

We exit the place and I suggest that we go get a hotel room (one was close by). She declines ‘cuz she doesn’t want to do anything the first date. Instead, she proposes we go to my car to keep making out. Being a gentleman, I oblige. Inside my car, we continue making out. Meanwhile, I’m being real dominant and leading the interaction. Really getting her worked up to the point that she says, “Fuck it.” Takes her soaking panties off and we get at it.
Hottest and best sex of my life. So good, in fact, I immediately made plans to meet up with her that Friday.

(1/17 - 1/23)

Back to the law school grind.
The momentum I built up from the previous week had me cold approaching with the greatest ease I’ve ever had. Hit on a girl at Starbucks during a lunch break and secured some digits. Girl never responded but whateves.

Met up with my FwB, whom I haven’t seen since December, on Thursday. Had dinner (on me) and then banged at her place. She’s a cutie with a rockin bod and terrific personality. Absolute sweetheart that I will definitely keep around.

Met up with Tinder girl Friday. We smoked a lot of weed. She’s a stoner, while I’m not. But I’m always down for an adventure and something out of the ordinary. Had sex a bunch of times. Ran thru a whole box of condoms.


Having fuck buddies makes me laaaazy. It makes me lose sight of my goals ‘cuz all I can focus on is the girl I’m with. Plus, I’ve got a tight schedule, so meeting up with them sometimes throws a wrench into that.

But it has its upside. Just hanging out with girls, listening to them talk about their stuff, figuring out how to act and interact with them made me realize how weak I am in the area of retention. (I’ve never had a gf). I’d say more than half of the time I’m not sure of myself as to what to do. I never reveal that, of course. But I’ve realized I’m pretty good at opening, the first date, and first sex, but after that I don’t really have anything concrete. So, they’re definitely helping me work on that.

Saturday was supposed to meet up with the waitress from last Saturday. I had arranged everything – venue, time, pick-up – last Sunday. Tried to meet up sooner but she’s had a lot on her plate. Snapped her throughout the week once or twice a day so that she wouldn’t lost interest. Called her Friday evening to confirm and she was a-go. She didn’t send me her address until half an hour before the meet but by that point I just couldn’t logistically come to her. Told her I wasn’t interested anymore and that it was nice talking to her. I didn’t see the point of continuing to message her if she wasn’t dying to meet up.

(1/24 - 1/30)

Tuesday Tinder girl came over. Had dinner and banged.
Wednesday went to the gym with my FwB, ate, and banged.

Thursday went out to this college bar with some bros. Great watering hole. The girls there are all horny and college aged, surrounded by dudes that don’t know how to make a move. Competition is non-existent. Grabbed this one cute shortie and danced/made out with her. She tells quite sternly, “Shove your hand under my shirt.” lmfao. Why certainly. But it turns out the girl gave me a phony #. Some dude responded the next day :) .

Saturday a friend was having people over at her crib. Had a good time socializing and meeting new peeps. Went out to a bigass country bar nearby. Enjoyed some time socializing and being convivial. Later in the night made the rounds. Hit on this gorgeous (9/10) college senior with slick black hair (love that shit). But the girl was AWKWARD. She couldn’t maintain the conversation. She just kept saying how “bold” and “forward” I was. Like appreciate it but I’m well aware of those traits as well. Ended up making out with a girl in my social circle but didn’t feel like taking her home.


In retrospect, not a bad month for a dude that banged his first chick six months ago. lmfao.

Everything I do – my approach, my convos, my style, my outlook – has come about from binge watching/listening/reading GLL. Andy was instrumental in upping my Tinder game, but I still have much muuuucchhh more work to do in that area. I got a DSLR so I just gotta put in the work in with that.

Going forward:
Improve Tinder game: better pictures.
Up the volume with girls I approach
Continue to tweak my style
Make more friends/expand my social circle (I hope to make some ambitious, adventurous, and interesting friends from this forum).
Wow man, insane how far you've come since just 2020 you said? Mirin' for sure. How long did it take you to get rid of approach anxiety?
MilkyWay said:
Wow man, insane how far you've come since just 2020 you said? Mirin' for sure. How long did it take you to get rid of approach anxiety?

I wouldn't say that I've gotten rid of it. It's still present, and the degree to which it's present fluctuates.

The biggest reduction I saw was after 2 months. I wasn't really going hard that first month, but as I picked up speed - and kept upping and upping the volume - it dissolved pretty rapidly. Still present though. I'm thinking it'll probably take another 6 months before I can talk to 90% of girls that I want to.
Mid-February Recap - A Bit Dejected

First a quick recap, and then an explanation.

(1/31 - 2/6)

Thursday night I picked up Tinder girl and we linked up with her friends. Def some cool people. She paraded me about like I was a trophy boyfriend. I was treated quite regally haha. Free drinks! Loved it. Never had a girl treat me like a prince b4.

Friday night I met up with a friend who was turning 21 that Saturday. He, a friend of his, and I, all went to this very popular college bar. I’ve enjoyed tremendous success there. My friend and his other friend (also 21) are pretty inexperienced when it comes to chicks, so I showed them the ropes a bit.

It was stunning the contrast between me and them; how far I’ve come and how expansive my social freedom is. Lemme me give you an example:

Next to the dance floor I observe this pair of hotties – one blonde and one brunette. I loooovvveee dark-haired, brown-skinned girls, so I hit on the latter. I hold her hand throughout the entire interaction. Meanwhile, to occupy her friend, I introduce everyone – my friends with her and her friend. I then ask the girl to go dance (i.e. make out) and she is receptive, but she consults her friend. It’s obvious she wants to go and her friend doesn’t want to be left alone, so while the girls talk I nudge my boys to handle the friend. These guys BALK at that. Like, they literally remain silent. I nudge them a little more exasperatedly, but these guys just stare at me silently. Of course the girls eventually depart and I never saw them again.

No hard feelings against my boys. We still had a good time even though they didn’t hit on any girls and just followed me about while I made my rounds.

But goes to show how much your reality can change when you put in the work.

Saturday met up with a very good friend of mine. Me and him go waaaaayy back. This guy actually found out about GLL our senior year of high school in 2015-2016. I think he showed it to me once, but I totally forgot about it until I chanced upon it in 2020. He transferred colleges to one in the city and is staying basically at this frat house. So I hadn't seen him in a month cuz he was too busy getting laid or trying to get laid lmao. Kid's the BEST that I've seen when it comes to picking up chicks.

He and I reminisced mostly, but still did a fair share of approaches GLL style. Hit on these two blondes that called us hott and bought US drinks !!! Never happened to me b4! These girls were WASTED, so we didn't feel right taking them home.

(2/7 - 2/13)

Friday night my homeboy from Sat invited me to a house party at his crib. I hit on every hot chick that was there but no luck. I actually left early cuz I didn’t see the point in my remaining there. My friend claims that shit gets way more poppin than it was, so I’ll def swing by again. I mean, how many college parties do I have left? (My homie got some action though).

Saturday I was in no mood to go out. It was due to what I talk about below, but my 21-year old campadres came over and swayed me to go to a club with them.

It’s when you don’t want to do something that you make the most gainz, right?

Anyways, we journey to this pretty high-end club downtown. Surprisingly, there weren’t that many hot chicks about (Valentine’s day???), which is peculiar given the scene. There’s a decent number, but they had tables and a pleb like myself could not just barge in there. Although that would be a fun story. I hit on just one chick in the crowd, but she turned and walked away haha.

My approaches work better in bar type settings and I have to improve my club game.
So, the first two weeks of February I’ve been kinda in the dumps. I’m not depressed or anything, it’s just a sort of sad internal tune that I’ve been humming along to. If that makes sense. Definitely I’m just coming off the high of January.

I know that in the long run – so long as I stay at it – I WILL be successful.

Diamonds are made through pressure and time. Pressure and time.

The root of this is that I want to get with even HOTTER girls. My sense of entitlement has gone up haha. The girls I’ve gotten with have been average to above-average. (8/10) s and + have been slipping through my fingers. The girl from January that gave me last minute resistance is an (8-9/10). The Cleopatra-girl – whose ass I sleazily slapped – was a (9/10). Another chick from November that was interested in me was a (9/10).

The question is, how do I get them? Aside from increased volume – through cold approach and Tinder – I think I need to improve my swag factor. I need to break into higher status social groups, or at least improve my SMV.

Some Additional, Minor Points

The volume of girls that I’ve been hitting on has been too low. Far too low. Reading Sprezza 's log from the end of 2021 made me immensely conscious of this. Law school classes and homework consume a large part of my time and Chicago in the winter can be brutal.

I have to cold approach more girls before and after classes, as well as during my lunch break.

Shit Tests

Went out for lunch with a classmate day or two ago. He’s a natural when it comes to girls, so he doesn’t cold approach n’stuff. Saw a (7/10) Latina eating alone. Pounce on her as soon as my friend and I find a table to eat at. We get to chatting, and I hold this girl’s hand during the entire interaction. Since she was on the phone with her sister, I didn’t want to continue to intrude. So, I ask for her # and to get drinks sometime. She responds that she probably won’t respond. And I, therefore, exit.

When I tell my buddy what happened, he tells me it’s a shit test.

And that got me thinking. Nowhere – that I know of – did Chris delve into this subject. In fact, from his screening method, we should want to screen girls out that give us a hard time. I tell my buddy that if the chick was really interested in me (she called me cute btw), then she wouldn’t have shit tested me. He responds that some girls just do it naturally.

What do you guys think of shit tests? Is it worth it overcoming them? If so, how should I go about doing it? Or should I just focus on upping the volume?


The weekend of the 24th to 27th, I’ll also be Tampa. I plan on going out at least once, but I’m there owing to a family obligation. If anyone wants to link up to pickup/party, PM me.

Also plan on taking some pics there.
Damn dude, your nightlife adventures are inspiring as hell. You have wayyyy more social freedom than me. I need to get to that level! Hmu if you're ever in LA; I'd love to go out with someone who would push me out of my comfort zone.

Do you feel comfortable sharing your current Tinder profile sometime? Based on the positive reactions you get from girls irl, sounds like you could be slaying on Tinder.

Akilles7 said:
What do you guys think of shit tests? Is it worth it overcoming them? If so, how should I go about doing it? Or should I just focus on upping the volume?
I don't think I really get them? What are some other examples? The example you gave never happened to me.
For nightlife setting, I think Chris talked about continuing to escalate on a girl until she straight up leaves or ignores you. But not as applicable when you're just trying to get a number during the day.

Nice Louis V belt btw haha.
Akilles7 said:
Shit Tests

Went out for lunch with a classmate day or two ago. He’s a natural when it comes to girls, so he doesn’t cold approach n’stuff. Saw a (7/10) Latina eating alone. Pounce on her as soon as my friend and I find a table to eat at. We get to chatting, and I hold this girl’s hand during the entire interaction. Since she was on the phone with her sister, I didn’t want to continue to intrude. So, I ask for her # and to get drinks sometime. She responds that she probably won’t respond. And I, therefore, exit.

When I tell my buddy what happened, he tells me it’s a shit test.

And that got me thinking. Nowhere – that I know of – did Chris delve into this subject. In fact, from his screening method, we should want to screen girls out that give us a hard time. I tell my buddy that if the chick was really interested in me (she called me cute btw), then she wouldn’t have shit tested me. He responds that some girls just do it naturally.

What do you guys think of shit tests? Is it worth it overcoming them? If so, how should I go about doing it? Or should I just focus on upping the volume?

A couple things going on here:

The first is that this doesn't seem like a shit test, though it's hard to tell without more context. A shit test is genuinely something that a girl says *because* she's interested in you, not the other way around. It's just a way of screening whether you're actually a high-value guy. Common examples are her saying "you're too tall/too short/too old/too much of a player for me".

I can't find a great resource that concisely defines shit tests, so this might have to do for now: https://www.bunchofwisdom.com/shit-test/

The second is this specific situation, regardless of if it classifies as a shit test or not: whether she says she'll respond or not, if you're just starting out, you should still go for the number. You don't have enough reference experiences to walk away from this situation yet.
arcade_fireee said:
Do you feel comfortable sharing your current Tinder profile sometime? Based on the positive reactions you get from girls irl, sounds like you could be slaying on Tinder.

I don't think I really get them? What are some other examples? The example you gave never happened to me.
For nightlife setting, I think Chris talked about continuing to escalate on a girl until she straight up leaves or ignores you. But not as applicable when you're just trying to get a number during the day.

Thanks bro. Will post the Tinder profile soon. I know it's in need of work (I have plans to take better pics), but it'll be good to compare and contrast with my future one.

On the subject of shit tests, I'm not gonna worry about them that much. My friend, who isn't into self-improvement, just threw a wrench in my thinking/approach. I'm just gonna disregard shit tests.
pancakemouse said:
The first is that this doesn't seem like a shit test, though it's hard to tell without more context. A shit test is genuinely something that a girl says *because* she's interested in you, not the other way around. It's just a way of screening whether you're actually a high-value guy. Common examples are her saying "you're too tall/too short/too old/too much of a player for me".

I can't find a great resource that concisely defines shit tests, so this might have to do for now: https://www.bunchofwisdom.com/shit-test/

The second is this specific situation, regardless of if it classifies as a shit test or not: whether she says she'll respond or not, if you're just starting out, you should still go for the number. You don't have enough reference experiences to walk away from this situation yet.

Appreciate the response and the link bro. That article really elucidated things. I'll follow your advice and focus on number-closing/getting laid and disregard the whole topic of shit tests.
March – July Recap (1st Threesome, 2 New Hot Fuckbuddies, Laziness)


Yo, yo. What’s up boyz! Long time, no see! Apologies for the hiatus, but in my defense, I have been preeetty busy with school and getting laid aha.

So, what’s been going on? Well, the highlight reel of the past few months includes my 1st threesome and two new hot fuckbuddies. The fuckbuddies I had at the beginning of the year have either gotten into a relationship or aren’t interested anymore haha.

However, the amount of effort I put into the cause has dwindled. I’ve come to realize more and more just how lazy I become when I encounter the smallest iota of success. Not good. I’ve barely tasted success and I’m already resting on my laurels. I need to overcome this.

I’ll post an August recap soon (I’m back on the horse now), but I’ve added some insights and plans for the futures at the end.

March – 1st Threesome

March was a pleasant month. From what I recall, I mostly hung out with friends and banged my first fuckbuddy. Only two events stand out in my memory.

Weekend (3/18 - 3/20)

The first was hanging out with this friend of a friend who was trying to get with me. She’s not crazy hot, but def. above average. We went barhopping Saturday, and this chick has hella friends. And I mean a plethora. She’s a bit of an unhinged social butterfly haha. If she’s not meeting up with friends, then she’s making friends. That Saturday night, I think she organized the meetup of like 3-5 groups, approx. 20-30 ppl in all! Inconceivable for an introvert like me.

But anyway. She gave me the royal treatment like my 2nd fuckbuddy did. I met so many ppl that night my head was spinning like Karen’s in the wedding scene in Goodfellas lol. After having a good time socializing n’ stuff, I made the executive decision of going to her place (she lived around the corner). However, she was on her period, so best I got was a handjob lol (obviously didn’t count it as a lay). Spending the night with her though made me realize that high-energy girls just ain’t it for me. She was too all over the place.

Weekend (3/25 - 3/27) - Threesome on the Sabbath

The second event was my first threesome. That Friday I linked up with a friend, and he and I went to a divebar near my place. Ran into the 2nd girl I banged my hattrick weekend in January. She was with a friend. We all hung out and had a chill time. I wasn’t trying to hit again because she’s also unstable. I tried to set up meetups in January, but she just kept going to California repeatedly lmao.

We all returned to my place once the bar closed, and she tried to make a move on me. We made out for a bit, but I still wasn’t feeling it with her haha. So, she and her friend left.

Come Sunday, though, I come back to my apartment in the afternoon after studying at the library and who’s there but this chick with another friend! This girl is friends with one of my roommates, and he invited her and her friend over. I’m also friends with her friend. We all decided to go out and eat/get drinks (I’m not drinking though, unless I’m going out to hit on chicks). I left early because I was tired, but these girls kept drinking into the evening.

Now bear in mind, neither of these girls had been flirting with me. So, it was a surprise to receive a txt from the friend asking if they can come over (with the heavy implication of a threesome). Of course they were welcome! They came, and I came on the couch haha. From the way these girls went about things, they’d obviously done something similar before (they’re 2 years older than I am), if not once then twice. The friend left to go to her ex’s place after, and the girl I banged before slept over. She wanted me to bang her again, but I just wasn’t interested – especially after the threesome.

Still, very cool. I was a bit anxious and def. not smooth, but who cares? It was kinda hard keeping both parties entertained, but I did my darndest. They were in the lead for the most part. Overall, as fun as it was, I prefer one-on-one sex much more.

(just had to pause here to go hit on this cute Indian girl at the coffee shop I was at haha)

I would definitely have another threesome (with other chicks), but I’d take intimacy with a girl that I’m really into any day. The girls have hit me up since for another round, but I’m just not into it.

April – A Dream Cum True: A Hot Indian Chick

Now I don’t know where it originated, how it developed, or why it lingers, but I’ve had for the longest time a strong desire to bang an Indian chick. What draws me in? The presumption that they’re all intelligent? The contrast between their darkness and my whiteness? Their slender frames? Some Disney movie I saw when I was a kid? Prolly an amalgam.

Weekend (4/22 - 4/24)

Got a ticket to go see a fav. rapper of mine who was performing in town. None of my friends that also listened to his music wanted to or could accompany me. So, I went solo. Fuck it. I had VIP access. I would just have to make friends with the ppl that where there.

Downed two beers for some encouragement and talked my Uber driver’s ear off to get the ball rolling haha. Arrive at the venue and immediately commence talking with first pair of chicks I encounter. Turns out they each were solo and had just met one another right before I came! What a lovely coincidence! I bought them some shots to toast to our newly established friendship. (A sleazy way – I feel – of making friends, but money really is the best social lubricant). I didn’t try anything with these girls because A) I made it clear off the bat I was merely befriending them (GLL’s new-guy-in-town) and B) I wasn’t really into them anyway (not all that crazy about Latinas).

The concert was tremendous fun. I was very close to the stage and – I swear to God – I was getting some puzzled looks from the rappers: I was part of a very slim white minority in the crowd. Lmao.

It ended rather early (like 11), and I didn’t feel like returning home. So I hit the street. Called a buddy of mine to link up at a bar that was nearby and, once there, began our usual activity of hitting on lots of chicks. Struck out a bit, but one approach went exceptionally well.
See this petite and cute Indian girl with a group of girlfriends and with zero hesitation burst in there to talk to her. Now I typically refrain from engaging groups because I don’t like the dynamic and the odds are low, but instinct took control. She was interested from the get-go. Lately, I’ve stopped trying to go for same-night pulls (unless circumstances indicate otherwise) and started gathering numbers (especially if the girl is with friends). Therefore, all I got that night was a kiss and a number. Yet somehow I was certain things would work out.

The next day, I set up a date for Monday as she was busy that weekend. The way I set things up is always simple: let’s grab a drink/dinner @ (insert time) @ (place). Done and done. Any complications that arise I just have to work around them. Getting laid is just a matter of problem-solving. I guess my first approach was more “boyfriendish” because she jokingly told me she was gonna make me work for it, but that didn’t stop her from making out with me in public lol. After we were done eating, I said, “Let’s go for a walk.” She said later that she would have given me a blowjob had I had my car with me (she and I lived far from the venue in separate directions). Fortunately, that was only delayed until that weekend haha.

May - Busyness and Dating

May was a busy month for me school-wise. I had final exams, so it was all study, study, study. But in between studying I rendez-vous’d with the Indian girl ;).

Did/accomplished nothing girls-wise. Just goes to show you how this whole thing is all effort based really.

June - Fuck-all

June saw the culmination of my laziness. I lost absolute sight of my goals. Not that I was depressed or anything. I was probably the happiest, most content that I’ve ever been in my life.

But I did nothing. Absolutely nothing. I just went to the library and worked out. No new tinder pics, no cold approaching, no partying, and no hitting on chicks.

The fuck got into me? I literally started watching art-house films every evening. I never did that sort of thing heretofore!

I think I simply became complacent with the Indian girl around. Eventually, though, I even ceased communicating with her (still hang out with her though; don't ghost; ghosting is for pussies). For like 3 weeks I didn’t even think about sex; I was just enjoying the mundanity of my life. Disgusting.

July – Reinvigorated: New Fuckbuddy and a Vibrator

July got me back into the swing of things. Or rather, a new fuckbuddy got me into the swing of things.

Weekend (7/1 - 7/4)

Sunday Fourth of July weekend a close friend of mine and I decided to get dinner. Afterward, we hit the bars. I hadn’t been out in almost 2 months! Almost everyplace was lookin’ pretty dead, but I didn’t become crestfallen and chose to make the best of the situation at hand. My friend and I just chilled and drank at one bar. Then, suddenly, the place became swarmed with people. My friend and I had occupied some prime real estate in case any acquaintance should pass by (Chicago’s a small town), and that yielded dividends. A group of girls I’m friends with entered and we spotted each other immediately. I was introduced to a girl I hadn’t met before because she was from out of state. We hit it off immediately (with me doing all the standard, ingrained GLL moves). I tried to get her to come to my place when we left the bar, but she was staying with another girl in the group as she’s originally from the suburbs. Small obstacle. Number. Next day text. Date set for Tuesday.

Cum Tuesday: picked her up, got dinner, “went for a walk,” banged in my car. A tried-and-true formula.

Weekend (7/15 - 7/17)

Invited out-of-state girl to come over on Friday. Meanwhile, during the week, I stopped by a sex-shop. I see it on my way to-and-from the gym. Fuck it, why not go in? Let’s have ourselves an adventure. The employees were all girls, very polite and helpful. As I was looking over the blindfolds, I noticed out of the corner of my eye: the Doxy! Hard not to notice this behemoth of a vibrator. Of course, I’m drawn to inspect it. An employee notices. She begins going into detail about it and asks if I would like a demonstration. “haha thanks, but I’ve seen enough online.” So I got me a blindfold and a vibrator :).

I tried both out on the girl from out-of-state that Friday and boy, boyyy, boy, boy did she love it! Fuck, I loved it too. Seeing a petite auburn-haired cutie with an athletic body squirming, spasming, and whimpering from pleasure in your bed; her hands gripping your bedsheets while her pussy strangles your cock is a sight worth seeing and experiencing. Money well spent! Thanks KillYourInnerLoser . She enjoyed herself so much she lingered around till Saturday afternoon and came back for seconds on Monday :). Boy oh boy self-improvement sure is fun!

Insights and Plans

As far as approach anxiety is concerned, mine has substantially diminished. As far as my standards, they’ve been heightened. Therefore, I no longer see the point of indiscriminately mass approaching girls. Instead, I only cold-approach in a non-alcoholic venue if I’m really interested in the chick. Otherwise, there’s just no point. I derive no benefit from it. \

As I think about it more, I will probably gain more and superior results if I expand my social circle (especially by befriending more girls) and by targeting a certain niche (more about that below). Concerning the former, I got Meetup and intend on meeting up with people interested in languages (I speak 5).

My Niche (I got this idea form an old GLL video)
I perform vastly better in club environments than anywhere else. Not only do I have a better chance of getting some tail, but girls are also more likely to approach me (only environment that I've gotten hit on). There’s this one nightclub in Chicago where I’m basically guaranteed nightly action so long as I make the effort. It’s a bit pricey to get in and get a drink, but so much damn fun. The DJs are great, and they generally play bangers. I love to dance and love EDM/house music. Overall, the environment and atmosphere are cool, and I have a pretty tight style, with some decent drip, to stand out. The girls tend to be way hotter, well-dressed, and generally hornier. I’m probably going to refrain from patronizing regular 'ole bars or smalltime clubs. I don’t get nearly as much action or have nearly as much fun anywhere else.

Social Skills For Any Occasion.
It’s funny how the tables have turned: now I’m the confident, extroverted person while my interlocutor is usually the more withdrawn, socially anxious one. I recall just two years ago being intimidated by conversations with strangers, and now I’m the one initiating them! This whole self-improvement journey has really given me the assurance that if ever I ended up alone in a foreign city, in a foreign land, I could rapidly make friends and even get laid. The people I’ve met over the past year of self-improvement keep complimenting me on my social “fearlessness” and great social skills – even though I know I’m still trash at communicating with people.

I’m susceptible to complacency bigtime. Give me a little bit of success, and I start to become very lazy. My lackluster (more accurately non-existent) success with chicks before self-improvement probably had to do with just casual masturbation. I felt no incentive to improve myself or really put myself out there. From the time I got on the NoFap express, I started to drastically alter my life. When I haven’t cum in 2 on weeks, I have zero problem going out alone and hitting on chicks. I just have to get habituated to never ceasing when I encounter success.

Having this forum as a place to reflect, set down my thoughts, and recall the goals that I set in the past means that I can really become accountable. Logging back on and seeing the goals I set in January really reinvigorated me to keep going. To not rest on my meagre success and to keep improving myself.

Funny how to 2 years ago I barely could get 20 likes. Now I have 99+ likes and 100+ matches (with some pretty hot chicks too). KillYourInnerLoser really has got the best Tinder guide out there. I just need better pictures.
8/1 – 8/11 Recap (Lay 10 - Club Pull)

Yo yo. What’s up boyz! As I’ve stated previously my motivation to pursue my getting laid goals has been reignited. I know my volume is very low, but what I’m focused on most is results. Of course, “you miss 100% of the shots you don’t take” but experience from the last year has borne out what does, and does not, yield results.

Anyways, here’s the stats for this past week:
Cold-Approaches: 3
Tinder #’s: 1
Lays: 1

(8/3) Cold-Approach I; Tinder I
Earlier in the day I had gotten a girl’s snap from Tinder, but she had an “entertain me” attitude to her, so I didn’t bother.

Was exploring the neighborhood (relocated to a new apartment) and hung out at a coffeeshop for a couple of hours. Wrote my several month recap and noticed a slim, Indian hottie with glowing skin, wearing a black top with a white tennis skirt. Couldn’t resist.

In situations like these, I don’t like to simply barge in anymore. From an old Boy-Toy article, I’ve learned you need finesse and tact. You need to convey to her that you’re part of the in-crowd that gets laid and knows about the social pressure/repercussions that exist for chicks. So, I struck when the circumstances were right: no one was within hearing range and the coffeeshop employees were not about. Personally, I don’t like it when strangers listen in on my conversations. It distracts me and disturbs my cool. And the coffeeshop is also cool, so I don’t want to acquire a reputation for being a nuisance or some “pick-up-artist.”

Long story short, she had a boyfriend. lmao

(8/4) Cold-Approach II
Savored a bottle of wine with my roommate evetime (trying to sophisticate myself) and decided to go out solo. I don’t have the fortitude to do this on-command, but with some liquid-courage and 2 weeks of abstinence, I’m all for it.

Clubbing on a Thursday evening felt a bit too much, so I made my way to a strip of bars I often frequent. I rated several venues according to the penile-vaginal index (new term I heard from a friend haha) and entered one I thought promising.

The pickings were slim. I refrained from engaging a group of hotties as it’s just too much work breaking into a large group. In retrospect, I should have just asked for a number while feigning having to leave. Instead, I hit on one girl in this pair. We talked for a bit. She was a fresh 21 from Ohio, but her conversation and personality were stale and conventional. Too much labour on my part, and too little enthusiasm on hers. Didn’t bother getting a number. “It was nice talking to you. You enjoy the rest of your night.”

(8/6) Cold-Approach III/Lay I
As per my previous post, I’ve realized it’s more worth my while to frequent this one club in Chicago where action is essentially guaranteed.

Had a pleasant evening grilling steaks, sausages, and burgers while imbibing wine at a friend’s rooftop. Then, linked up with another friend (4 of us now) and got in line at the club. We came early (10pm) as cover is cheapest (20 per pair of testicles) and I wanted to maximize the time to hit on chicks. I generally also despise hitting on girls after 12 as I feel it comes off as sleazy and phony-confidence.

We get inside, get some drinks, and I do some reconnaissance. I spot a group of chicks on the dance floor (place wasn’t packed yet), and along with a buddy, make a move. I usually just tell a friend, “See those girls over there? You take the one on the right, and I’ll take the one on the left.” No time for second-guessing; here’s the objective and let’s move. My friend struck out with his girl, but my interaction went splendidly. I did my standard GLL opener, conversed, flirted, and then, once the music began playing and the place became crowded, separated her from her group (not too far away, they were still visible, but just enough for privacy), and made out with and danced with her. I spent prolly 2 hours with her. It was tremendous fun!

I knew she wasn’t leaving with me since she was with a big group of friends, so I made sure, within the first hour, to get her number and ensure its accuracy. I could just sense that she wouldn’t flake, so I didn’t sweat leading/escorting her out of the crowd to the exit when her friends wanted to leave.

Spent the rest of the night partying with the boyz and didn’t feel like hitting on other chicks (was it complacency/laziness?) and left for home rather early (1am).

Lay 10
Girl actually hits me up the next day, saying how much fun she had, etc. I set things up for Wednesday: venue and time. She agrees. Cum Wednesday we meet up, have food and drinks, and then I suggest we return to my place. We do, and she spends the night. In the morning I see her out to her Uber driver and she’s already txted me for a second date. haha. She's a cutie. Iraqi actually, with very dark hair and a bubbly personality.

I intend on returning to that nightclub this weekend.
Recap: 8/11 - 8/14 (Lay 11 - Club Pull 1 Nightstand)

Here’s the stats for this past week:
Approaches: approx. 10
Tinder #’s: 1
Lays: 1

Bumbl #; Several Club Approaches (several can’t recall exact number lol); 4’11 Chick

Created a Bumbl profile for the first time and got a decent number of matches. One chick gave me her # but she didn’t respond after I txted her to meet up. Oh well. I was also hit up by a couple chicks on Tinder, but the conversations went nowhere. I need to rewatch some Playing With Fire vids to improve my Tinder convos. However, I think that I’m gonna get off the dating apps for a bit. It burns up my time and I get meagre (actually non-existent haha) results. I really just need to take more high-quality pictures.

Friday, I reconnoitered with friends, and we dined at my favorite American food joint in the city. This is the only restaurant I’ve ever been to where I seriously eat almost to the point of vomiting. Naturally, I went into a brief food coma afterward.

At night, we went, once again, to my target-club. My friend group and I are coming to like this place more and more. We came early, so the crowd was sparse. I was a tad worried by this, but I was relieved that the later it got, the more packed it became. I hit on maybe 5 girls before I got some action.

Some very peculiar action to say the least. I spotted this one chick going hard on the dance floor. It was hard not to notice her: she was the shortest girl there lol. Girl was straight up around 4’10 and just dwarfed by the crowd around her. I made my move: “I thought you were cute. What’s your name?” grabbed her hand and started dancing with her. Girl was very, very horny: she was massaging my cock and putting my hands on her titties. I was having a great time, except that I was made uneasy by the proximity of this girl’s guy friends. These creeps just danced by themselves and watched us vigilantly. I could feel their gaze burning into my flesh lol. I didn’t attempt to leave with the chick or get a # because she was – from what it seemed – pretty fucked up. Didn’t seem right. Instead, her girlfriends came and left with her.
I talked to prolly two more chicks that night – just provided covering fire for my friends who were getting with other chicks haha.

(8/13) Lay 11 - Same Night Pull

Saturday, I recuperated and hit the gym.

In the evening, met up with some other friends and we had an impromptu dinner. Unfortunately, my friends didn’t feel like returning to my target-club, so we all went to a strip of bars in a different part of the city. I didn’t feel like running counter to the group, so I tagged along. We ran into some girls we knew at one venue. One of my friends and I hit on some girls, but nothing came of it. One chubby chick became angry at me for some inexplicable reason haha. I suppose because she didn’t get hit on by myself or my friends.

Eventually, my friends and I grew tired of the venue, so we ventured to a neighboring one. I generally dislike barhopping because one is required to wait in line. And we had to wait for some time. But once I was inside, the first girl I hit on was really feeling it. Very cute redhead with a nice tushy. I did my standard thing: “I know this is random ... though you were cute ... blah, blah, blah...” My friends managed her friend group. Did the standard GLL grab her hand “Follow me” and led her to a relatively private area – but still in sight of her friends – where I placed both of my hands over her face (on her cheeks) and kissed her long and passionately.

I’ve started doing that more often now. Maybe it’s a placebo, but I think it helps in turning a girl on. Either way, I like doing it, so that’s what really matters :)

After that we returned, lingered with everyone for a bit, but pretty soon she asked, “You want to go back to my place?” Fuck yeah I want to go back to your place. “Uh, yeah, sure.” Girl even ordered the $40 Uber. Lol. (I reimbursed her, of course). She grabbed my hand and started to lead me out, but I stopped her. There’s only one party here that’ll be doing the leading. “It doesn’t work like that,” I said, as I got in front and led her outside. She said that was hot.

Went to her place and did the deed – twice. Then I passed out from exhaustion haha. And that was that. So ta-ta for now.