Ali's Log

ProgressEvolution said:
So I slept well last night and worked out today after work. This was my first work-out in a long time so I didn't over-do it but it's good to finally get my body moving again. I'll be going at it three times a week from now on. Pretty much almost every other day.

It's a home workout of just a bit over an hour, strength-focused, and full body (major muscle group focus). 8-15 reps, medium weight. There's a little bit of HIIT at the end, with flexibility and warm up and cool-down. This will allow for a ripped, lean, and toned body while also making sure it's sustainable long-term, healthy for my body, and minimizes injuries.

I know that a lot of members here want a greek god type of body and I respect that and also am working towards a super fit and lean body which is great for pictures but I also want to make sure that my main focus is on the health and functionality aspect since I was going to do this anyways before getting back into dating and don't want to pollute that internal locus of control.

There is no difference between training for:
- health
- functionality
- leanness'
- being "ripped"
- greek god

The principles of resistance training are exactly the same for all elements of fitness. The only things that matter are time under tension and training to failure. If you're not training to failure, you're wasting time.