Another option for a camera apart from Andy's recommendations?


Sep 28, 2021
Hey guys.

I'm planning to buy a DSLR camera to improve my tinder profile. I want to buy the cheap combo Andy recommends. But first,I want to ask if any of you have found a better option for a similar (or lower) budget that does the job.

Thanks in advance.
I think you can get a used canon body and a kit lens on somewhere like ebay for pretty cheap
If i remember correctly andys cheap option did not have auto focus
If your new at this and taking the photos by yourself with a tripod, youll be tearing out your hairs in frustration pretty quick without auto focus
Yeah, I wouldn't recommend the cheap option. In fact, I don't understand why it's even listed as an option because it's an old camera from around 2010 and it lacks all the modern features like an autofocus with face tracking.

A cheap but good option would be a camera like the Canon EOS M50 with the Canon EF-M 32mm f/1.4 lens (this lens does wonders for portraits). This camera uses the same processor as the Canon EOS RP recommended by Andy, so it has the same autofocus capabilities.
Unfortunately, this combo is way more expensive than the budget combo from Andy, but I think it's worth considering as it's a long-term investment.

Personally, I have a Canon EOS M6 Mark II which uses the same lenses as the M50 but has a better sensor and a few extra features.
Lord Rey said:
it lacks all the modern features like an autofocus with face tracking.
Oh yeah, David, absolutely do not get a camera that doesn't have autofocus. Lord Rey & Olaf are 100% right.
Hey everyone, thanks again. This is great advice.

workhard said:
Ex used DSLR dealer here. Also did portraits.

So the absolute minimum budget is around 300 usd. Under that you just get pain and drama and poor quality.

You have two options:

Canon EOS 650D/700D/750D(or absolute minimum 600D)
Canon efs 50mm F1.8
Body is 200 usd range. 18MP, autofocus, around 5-7 cross type autofocus points. Adjustable screen for good angles. Crop sensor.

Lens price 60-80 Usd. The ideal portrait lens. What you essentially get is a "75mm on a fullframe" due to 1.5x crop. It is sharp, light and has amazing bokeh and also light.

It does bot have the auto face focus. I forgot but I think 80% will be in focus during daytime.

Find some light in the face and point a cross type AF sensor there
It likes contrast! Closer eye could be a good bet.

Alternative By Nikon:
D3300/3400 - these are ultralight
D5200/D5300 - bit more bulky, Not my personal liking but you will get the rotating screen. It really helps when getting creative tho.

And a 50mm 1.4G (notice G not D. This is crucial)

Basically you get again a decent amount of cross type af sensors, very solid body. 18-24mpx. Decent ISO for sure until sunset.
Also a 1.4 lens which is basically the holy grail. Super sharp, amazing bokeh, good light. Again this would be like having 75mm on a full frame. No face distortions and good outdoors.

Body 170-250usd
Lens 170-230usd
You could get the 50mm 1.8G but 1.4 is just soo much fun for the extra 40 bucks or so that I would not really go for it.

I can do a 30 min consultation call with you for 30 bucks via Paypal.
I will Go to your local craigslist pick the things so you can contact them. You will give the link to the site homepage first and give location preference.
I will teach you how to check the second hand gear on the spot for a smooth deal. Basically run some tests on the camera and also how to check the lens so you get a working machine.

I basically did hand-to hand deals off craigslist daily. And shot thousands of pics with 10+ different camera models of chicks outdoors.

These are not suitable for selfies tho.
For selfies I think 70D from Canon was the first from the affordable range to have this live autofocus with flipscreen. 350-500 bucks for the body. I did not use it myself tho.
Also I never did selfies, but I do understand the benefit of not needing buddies behind the camera due to possible social struggles.

Thanks for giving out options. I'm a student so I don't have much budget. I can still make an effort to get the expensive options, but I'll be cheking these models as well.
D4vidDG said:
Anyone knows if Canon M10 is a good model?

So the M10 looks like a mirrorless which I don't know too much about, but my gut feeling says stick with a traditional DSLR as you'll have way more flexibility with lenses to buy.
If that’s your budget go for it

If you will have the money in 2 months wait and get a mirrorless. The only people I would recommend DSLR to would be people shooting something that’s doesn’t move at all or if you already own a DSLR. Mirrorless is hugely superior for shooting people.

Canon m10 will be a better buy get a prime lens

I don’t think getting a camera with not a huge budget is a great idea your gonna also need to spend on a lens, editing software, sd card, tripod and remote shutter if u wanna self shoot

Other options find some photo friends. Rent a camera. Have a look at prices of shoots
What is your exact budget? You can also buy used cameras and lenses, no problem with that.
Which kind of phone do you own btw?
Damn, I just bought the D7000 and the lens Andy recommended. It still has not arrived, but I am unsure if I should return it now. :(
Camtheman said:
Damn, I just bought the D7000 and the lens Andy recommended. It still has not arrived, but I am unsure if I should return it now. :(

if it doesnt have auto focus, return it. Trust me, you do not want to take photos with a tripod without auto focus. its better to be patient and save up some bucks for another camera. personally i bought a nikon d750, a bit more expensive but has full frame and auto focus.
Camtheman said:
Damn, I just bought the D7000 and the lens Andy recommended. It still has not arrived, but I am unsure if I should return it now. :(

IF the lens you bought says AF-S you are good, if it just says AF return it or return the whole thing. My next purchase is probably a camera body with AF built in, but I have the D5100 and I have no problems with it.
Hey guys.

So I did some research and I came up with the next table that lists the options I'm considering. It is based onsome models you mentioned in these post. Those numbers are the cheapest price I could find on the Internet.

Right now, my favorite options are 1) Canon EOS M50 with EFS 50mm f/1.8, 2) Canon M10 with EFS 50 mm f/1.8 3) Nikon D5200 with 50mm 1.4G.

I'm not an expert about cameras, but here are my thoughts on each model.
The first model is cheap and offers great quality. The second is cheaper, worse than the first but still does the job. Also, mirrorless cameras seem to be better than DSLR. I think the third one is worse than the other two, but still offers a decent quality for a reasonable price.

I have a friend that has a Canon EOS 60D, and he could offer a reaally cheap price. He hasn't told me the lens he has yet, but I'll keep it as an option.

Here's my budget:

Optimistic budget: 1333 dollars.

This is assuming I'll get paid for 3 months of work (My job situation is not totally certain) and assuming I'll sell my nintendo switch (which I'd prefer not to do, cause I love it).

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Most realistic budget: 707 dollars.

This is considering I'll get paid for 2 months of work. I'm not selling my switch in this case.

View attachment 1

Here's the deal. I work on a public institution and burocracy makes payment process slow. I'll probably have my realistic budget after two months from now. I'm not sure if I can't wait that long because my goal was to get laid before the year ends and I still need to learn how to use the camera to take awesome photos.

So I'm considering asking for a bank loan by myself or with the help of my parents. I'm kinda reluctant to have debts, so I'm hesitant.

Waiting could be a good option because dollar price has gone up the last weeks (I'm from colombia).

Sorry if that was too much to consider, but I'd like to hear your opinions about my situation so I can make a better decision.
Hey guys, I'd appreciate if you could give me some feedback here: