Anyone Try Feeld Yet?

Jan 23, 2022
Hey Guys,

Just want to see if anyone has used Feeld and what they thought of it? It is marketed as a way more kink, BDSM and casual sex friendly then the other dating apps but I am not sure if it has much quality or that many girls in general.

Anyone mess with it?
Tried it in San Francisco, which is not saying much. Girls were generally low attractiveness and way too into the "serious" side of kink (e.g. looking for consent agreements, consistent play partners, lots of other generally unsexy stuff).
There's barely anyone on it here. And all girls on Feeld also have a Tinder account btw.

One of the girls who was very briefly on my harem (I forgot the nickname I gave her in my log) had an account on Feeld and got flooded with matches but I met her on Tinder anyway and didn't find her on Feeld.

I'm assuming the male/female ratio on kink stuff like Feeld is even worse than on Tinder. If you're not part of a couple and looking to swing, you're going to be fighting an uphill battle.

But my greatest issue is just the crowd it attracts. Like pancakemouse said, it's full of those poly/bdsm/kink people who suck all the fun out of social interactions. Every single one of them also lists "philosophy" and "literature" as an interest and they want to make everything an essay-writing contest. I get that they need to screen out the low quality dickpic-sending guys on there but god damn that crowd is so full of themselves. They're not fun to talk to at all. All the girls are into that pseudo-intellectual stuff.

Anyway, I'm probably biased, but the OK Cupid crowd is the same as well (but at least I've scored two lays on OKC before their site went to shit.)
Feeld is low volume. Not worth the effort in a big city. Tinder, hinge and bumble will get you way more matches than Feeld ever could.

I've joined today as I thought I'd give it a try. I'm not impressed so far and concur with Dewm Holden and pancakemouse - lotta shit which is a turn off on there. Women are low-quality and seem demanding.

I honestly think I'm gonna have better luck on Tinder as will you, although particularly for me as I'm from a small mining town in central England! I'll give it a shot though and if I get any success/anything noteworthy happens, I'll be sure to drop back on here and let you know 👍
