Are any of these pics usable?

Hey man,

I'd say it's a nice try and from these pics, 3 looks the best (best posture and genuine smile). Now, my problem with your pics is the lighting: too harsh light causes your eyes and half of your face to be in shadows which doesn't look good.

Yggdrasil13 said:
Is my body good enough where a shirtless pic is worth it?

That's a good question, I'd say almost. I feel like I'm at the same stage of abs showing just a little, but there's still not enough separation tho.
As Lord mentioned, the lighting is too harsh but the effort is very good. I also like the setting a lot and the vibe that you're giving off.

You want to do some pushups and lateral raises before showing off your body to get the blood flowing. Also when you're smiling, you can flex your abs a bit because it's quite natural to do this.
With a bit more tan, your body would pop out more.

That being said, girls won't go crazy over your body right now. You should see a shirtless pic more of a filler pic currently instead of a major selling point
The pose is a lil awkward, but then I agree with all that was said above.

Second change this 2010 swim short 😡😡😡