Are any of these pictures usable?

Fit / style is on point for the basic fuckboy look, good job there. 1 or 3 should be usable but it’s hard for me to say which. Id plug both into photofeeler and see which one does better, though I know thats controversial advice.
I'm kinda back and forth on this one.

If you were to use any of these, I would say 1 or 3 aswell but crop it so you only see your upper body and face (and a little background). Sitting on a rock with a leather jacket doesn't really align in what you're trying to present.

I don't like that leather jacket at all. I'm not saying it is cheap, but I think it looks cheap. I'd definitely make it a bit more dark black with photoshop.
Hey man, that's a good start!

I'd say they're all usable, but your facial expression isn't very good in 2 (you look a bit aggressive/grumpy), and your posture in 1 isn't as good as in 2 and 3.

So 3 would be my pick, but if it has to lead your profile, you should use one where you directly look at the camera because girls want to properly see your eyes.
kratjeuh said:
If you were to use any of these, I would say 1 or 3 aswell but crop it so you only see your upper body and face (and a little background). Sitting on a rock with a leather jacket doesn't really align in what you're trying to present.

yea pretty much this.

photo criticism:
1) the way you’re sitting on a rock with your feet pointed outward and the naive facial expression makes you look like an overgrown child or a twink
2) facial expression is too mean/intense
3) best pose and facial expression. i would try to look just a little bit lower

the main issue for all of them though is that you’re wearing a 2017 street style outfit in the forest— it looks wildly incongruent and staged. needs a city background.

for now, one of these isn’t horrible

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Rags2Bitches said:
kratjeuh said:
If you were to use any of these, I would say 1 or 3 aswell but crop it so you only see your upper body and face (and a little background). Sitting on a rock with a leather jacket doesn't really align in what you're trying to present.

yea pretty much this.

photo criticism:
1) the way you’re sitting on a rock with your feet pointed outward and the naive facial expression makes you look like an overgrown child or a twink
2) facial expression is too mean/intense
3) best pose and facial expression. i would try to look just a little bit lower

the main issue for all of them though is that you’re wearing a 2017 street style outfit in the forest— it looks wildly incongruent and staged. needs a city background.

for now, one of these isn’t horrible


Agreed, congruence is off.

Also, the pose isn't interesting. You're just sitting. Try having a photo that tells a story, not just looks cool.

Here's a few examples I took for clients that show a story. Instead of just "does this make me look cool" ask yourself "what does this photo say about me":

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