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Are my goals realistic?


Mar 9, 2022
I want to get to the point where I can reliably get sex using dating apps. I don't expect to bang really hot girls, but just 6+/10 girls (not fat). To do this I think I need about 2-4 dates per week. So far I can manage about 2 dates a month and I am wondering if I need to learn how to approach girls because I am not good lucking enough or if its because I am not trying hard enough on dating apps. Learning cold approach is my last resort because I don't enjoy it. Id rather spend my weekends with friends because I am a quieter guy. I have been going out every week with some local PUA dudes and its taken a toll, I am mentally drained and overwhelmed as I realized I might be confident enough to approach a girl, but I am too "different" from anyone that my game is pretty much just "I am hot, ur hot, lets smash".

So far I know my profile isn't perfect, I still need to:

  • use boosts
  • get a candid ab picture or professional physique picture
  • get better haircut and style
  • pretend I have a hobby
  • display more masculine body language overall
  • lose more fat?

Is it within my cards to improve my profile to the point of getting the necessary dates per week (or maybe I am not paying enough, I just got platinum recently)? I got a long way to go whether its the photography route or approaching girls and I want to know if Online Dating is a viable path for me. My online dating stats before joining KillYourInnerLoser: 7 dates, 4 I found attractive, 2 lays. I would like to think that with more volume and profile quality I can reach my goal, but lately blackpill thoughts have been surfacing. Thanks in advanced, and my apologies if this kinda feels like whining.
Also I don't know if this is the right place to post this but I keep hearing that u need minimum 5/10 face to use apps. Here is my bone structure with selfie distortion.
you’re good looking enough to reach abundance with women from online dating. your profile sucks.

i’ve been busy af and not on the forums but i’ll write more detailed feedback about the photos you need to shoot in your thread later
How big is your city?
How many people within 15-20 miles?
Are you swiping left on over 75% girls?

And listen to Rags2Bitches, his input made a huge difference. If you look on my online log you'll see that he was commenting on a lot of my pics and then I started getting a lot of matches/dates.
Manganiello said:
How big is your city?
How many people within 15-20 miles?
Are you swiping left on over 75% girls?

And listen to @Rags2Bitches, his input made a huge difference. If you look on my online log you'll see that he was commenting on a lot of my pics and then I started getting a lot of matches/dates.

My city is 1.3 million or so and probably 1.4 million within 15-20 million. I think I swipe left about half the girls but usually its because I feel like they are "too intimidating".

Also I just read your guide on 9 lays in 6 weeks and its answered a few questions. I didn't realize how much "spending on boosts" meant, I thought getting platinum was already a big step. It was a very helpful read, thanks for writing it.
Rice said:
My city is 1.3 million or so and probably 1.4 million within 15-20 million. I think I swipe left about half the girls but usually its because I feel like they are "too intimidating".

Ok that's the same size as mine.
And I was probably swiping right on half (give or take).

Ya I boosted a lot.
But it's the pictures that do it first and foremost. Boosting is just to get volume.

So a good metric to gauge you're profile.

Is if your boost around 9-10:30pm and get in the range of 5-10 likes + matches usually. With 7-8 being the most common. Under 5 being rare and over 10 being rare.
Manganiello said:
if your boost around 9-10:30pm and get in the range of 5-10 likes + matches usually. With 7-8 being the most common. Under 5 being rare and over 10 being rare.

I just used one yesterday at 10 pm and got 10 likes but only 4 of them were matches, 6 were too far away or unattractive. I was also out with friends so I didn't get a chance to message the girls, which is pretty bad. Gonna do it now before I forget.
Rice said:
Manganiello said:
if your boost around 9-10:30pm and get in the range of 5-10 likes + matches usually. With 7-8 being the most common. Under 5 being rare and over 10 being rare.

I just used one yesterday at 10 pm and got 10 likes but only 4 of them were matches, 6 were too far away or unattractive. I was also out with friends so I didn't get a chance to message the girls, which is pretty bad. Gonna do it now before I forget.

Ya 10 is good.
Should be consistently around there.
But it really goes in waves.

You need to message girls ASAP. Especially on tinder.

Any decently attractive girl will have over 1000 likes and many many many many matches and lots of guys hitting her up. You need to be the top of the pile. By getting her number while she's online that night.
Been kinda wondering the same thing about myself.

I'd like to think that most guys are capable of it, but online dating is so ridiculously competitive.

To be completely honest, I find it pretty shocking that I'm able to get laid at all using it, given she probably had hundreds, if not thousands of matches.

You have a good body but your photos are just not good. I can't really answer your question but I imagine you have a lot of potential given how suboptimal your current profile is, and you're still getting results even with that.
Squilliam said:
Been kinda wondering the same thing about myself.

I'd like to think that most guys are capable of it, but online dating is so ridiculously competitive.

To be completely honest, I find it pretty shocking that I'm able to get laid at all using it, given she probably had hundreds, if not thousands of matches.

You have a good body but your photos are just not good. I can't really answer your question but I imagine you have a lot of potential given how suboptimal your current profile is, and you're still getting results even with that.

That's because most guys don't know what to do move a match forward. They take way to long or say something super uncalibrated or stay too safe and platonic. Good pics / profile gets you in the game. Good text game puts you way ahead of everyone else playing.
countingsheep7878 said:
That's because most guys don't know what to do move a match forward. They take way to long or say something super uncalibrated or stay too safe and platonic. Good pics / profile gets you in the game. Good text game puts you way ahead of everyone else playing.
Interesting. My typical course of action is a short conversation of roughly 4-5 messages back and forth, and then I propose a date. If she says anything but a firm yes, I move on.

Still seems crazy to stand out among all those guys. I'm 6'2" and white but that doesn't seem like enough nowadays. I'm not even shooting for top tier girls, a 6/10 would be fine.