Are these pictures any good? Or should I start over?


Dec 26, 2022
I made a Hinge account and try to send messages along with my likes, but not once has anyone ever responded to me or matched me. on Bumble, the girls I do match with never message first and the match expires. FB Dating is also pretty bad for me.

For Tinder, the amount of matches I get is far less compared to what I used to get, the algorithm is definitely more fucked now. I get a few likes my first day, then nothing at all. I recently deleted my Tinder but I think I need to use it as my main app since Hinge, FB Dating, and Bumble don't do shit for me.

Anyways, I think these pictures are contributing to my lack of success, and I may need to start from scratch. If I'm gonna suck it up and start paying for Premium Hinge / Tinder Gold and Boosts, I may as well enhance my profile as much as possible.

So go ahead and roast me. Lmk which of these are decent + how I should improve. These pictures I have either used, am currently using, or thought about using. Thanks in advance.
Hey man, these photos aren’t usable imo but that just means you’ll get better results later. Read Andy’s tinder guide and start implementing the advice:

Take photos with you in focus, well framed (more zoomed in), well lit, and doing something interesting. Try to think about what you could improve (even the tiniest bit) in each photo you have and keep iterating.

Your dating profile is a story about who you are to these girls - what kind of story are you telling?
I think 7th pic is the best, but yeah none of them are good. Expressions are awkward, outfits are basic. Your face should basically NEVER be shadowed, no amount of brightness adjustment will fix that you just need better lighting.

Don’t edit away bad shadows. Take better pictures.

Re read the Tinder guide

You’re body isn’t good enough to rock a shirtless picture on your profile. No shame in it, mine isn’t either and I still get good results from OLD, but just don’t have those pics.
I agree with what was said above. Unfortunately, none of your pics are really good enough for online dating.

Fixing shadows is possible, but has to be done locally to not fuck up the rest of the pic (and it's only truly working with RAW files). It's still better to take pictures with lighting natively on point tho.

Do you have a camera btw? You should get one or eventually pay a photographer for a nice photoshoot.

Good luck!
I have to echo the feedback everyone else gave above.

Andy's Tinder guide is awesome. Helped me a fuckton, and my clients too.

I find most guys don't know how to evaluate their own photos, and estimate them to be much better than they are.

I wrote a guest post for Andy with a ton of examples from my clients' before photos and their after photos, rating them from horrible to amazing:

Reading that can give you a good start to be able to accurately judge your own photos. And of course posting them here and getting our feedback will help you build a sense of what's good over time too.
vbc said:
I made a Hinge account and try to send messages along with my likes, but not once has anyone ever responded to me or matched me. on Bumble, the girls I do match with never message first and the match expires. FB Dating is also pretty bad for me.

For Tinder, the amount of matches I get is far less compared to what I used to get, the algorithm is definitely more fucked now. I get a few likes my first day, then nothing at all. I recently deleted my Tinder but I think I need to use it as my main app since Hinge, FB Dating, and Bumble don't do shit for me.

The bad news are:

Online dating is a tough battle ground for men. Just look at the stats, they look awful to the average man.

And as harsh as it sounds, why would a girl text or reply to you when she has better alternatives? Sounds like shit, but that's the way the game works, it is what it is. You definitely have to be in the top 10%, even top 5% and better of all men with your pictures to even get your foot in the door.

Now for the good news: It's not that hard to stand out online once you know how the game works.

What MILFandCookies says is definitely true, most men have bad pictures. I can only confirm his advice 1:1. Read the guide and especially his guest post, that's worth its weight in gold.
They're dreadful photos mate, unfortunately. You've got a lot of potential but you won't be matching hot girls with these.

See advice above.
Thanks everyone. Starting from zero, I'll need to step it up big time.
ytlord said:
I think 7th pic is the best, but yeah none of them are good. Expressions are awkward, outfits are basic. Your face should basically NEVER be shadowed, no amount of brightness adjustment will fix that you just need better lighting.

Don’t edit away bad shadows. Take better pictures.

Re read the Tinder guide

You’re body isn’t good enough to rock a shirtless picture on your profile. No shame in it, mine isn’t either and I still get good results from OLD, but just don’t have those pics.

Yeah generally I'm camera shy, so i'll just need to take a lot more pictures and be more comfortable posing for a camera. How can I make my outfits less basic?
vbc said:
Yeah generally I'm camera shy, so i'll just need to take a lot more pictures and be more comfortable posing for a camera. How can I make my outfits less basic?

Yup, start taking lots of pictures of yourself, ideally at least 1 every day. I started doing this, inspired by killyourinnerloser’s 365 project and it really helped me improve my dating profile.

As for help with outfits, I recommend Radical and his style program. I’m a member of his Facebook group and can vouch for his advice
The one with the girls is a good social picture.

You do the typical tourist pose on your other pics. Try to relax your face and arms more (it’s not easy)
The picture with the girls is OK, but I do not like your outfit. The others are shit because you are just standing and looking at the camera, you have a tourist pose, and your outfit looks cheap.