Ash's log - 130 days to be the new me.

Aug 21, 2022
Week 34:
Lose anywhere between 0.7-1.4 Kilograms Body weight by Sunday.
Semen retention till Sunday.
Complete 5 day gym cycle by Thursday.
Practice drums 3 days (30-45 minutes) by Sunday.
Upload weekly pic for Socials.

As a long term goal, I want to remove getting stimulated through Porn and masturbation altogether. I have been dependent on it for the past 32 years that honestly have not got me anywhere to my full potential.

The only way to be independent of them is to get my dating life in order.
To do that, I am planning to improve myself based on the Self-Improvement Guide from Andy.
Welcome to the forum!

gettingoutofcomfortzone said:
Lose anywhere between 0.7-1.4 Kilograms Body weight.

Imo getting into the habit of going to the gym should come before aiming to lose weight, that will come naturally when you've got the habit locked in.

gettingoutofcomfortzone said:
Semen retention till Sunday.

Do you have a specific reason for doing Sunday only?

Good luck!
Hard2Focus said:
Imo getting into the habit of going to the gym should come before aiming to lose weight, that will come naturally when you've got the habit locked in.
Yeah, I agree.
I have started a new workout program that pushes me towards working out weekly.
I have been consistent the past 4 weeks, even adding cardio on some days.
But I know my diet is lacking. I am trying to get it back in order :D

Hard2Focus said:
Do you have a specific reason for doing Sunday only?

I actually want to do it till the year end. Because I retained successfully for 36 days. My confidence and self-esteem were very high. But, I broke it in my moment of horniness to fckin sexting. Now, all my triggers are dragging me down and I find it hard to escape the dopamine fix. So needed a clear concise plan. I thought doing it till Sunday might give me a good place to start with.

Also, thanks for the welcome note. I feel somewhat scared by all of this knowledge at forum that I dont know where to start. But, one thing I do understand is all the posters including you have great pics and good physiques and I guess I am working towards that.
Goal: Increasing my social presence.
Short-term: Have 300 Followers in Insta. by Sep 2022. Currently at 233.
Long-term: Have 400 followers in Insta. by Dec 2022.

Goal: Being positive
Short-term: Finish the book 12RulesforLife by Sep 2022. Currently, at Page 135
Long-term: Internalize the sayings. Although, I dont know how.

Goal: Curb Masturbation.
Short-term: No Fapping to sexual images for 7 days.
Long-term: Continue with it till year end.
Hard2Focus said:
Welcome to the forum!

gettingoutofcomfortzone said:
Lose anywhere between 0.7-1.4 Kilograms Body weight.

Imo getting into the habit of going to the gym should come before aiming to lose weight, that will come naturally when you've got the habit locked in.

Well. Loosing weight is all about calories in - calories out so even if you build the cornerstone habit of going to the gym, it doesn't mean that weightloss is going to happen.
To me what made the whole game change was keeping track of calories and plan the weekly meals on sunday, so when on monday I go to the supermarket I know what i have to buy and i steer away from the shit :)
Not my area of expertise at all but i have a question based for Dom here

AskTheDom would you not agree that consistent training while losing weight is important to physique as it protects muscle and strength?

I've lost weight before without any gym training (during covid lockdowns) and I wasnt happy with the end results. Even though i had abs and my face was lean, i was also thin as a twig in all other areas

Now im losing weight with consistent training and im much happier with how im shaping up
MakingAComeback said:
Time to work sir.

If you go hard, and remain consistent, you will suceed.

Yes, Isn't that THE TRUTH ?
My problem until now has been the lack of consistency. I kept reading theories but failed to materialize them. That behaviour stops now.

Thanks for taking the time to motivate me. I skimmed through your logs and your personal journey sounds amazing..!! Keep on killing it..!!
Best of luck to you on your journey. Never quit and you’ll eventually succeed.
Radical said:
Not my area of expertise at all but i have a question based for Dom here

@AskTheDom would you not agree that consistent training while losing weight is important to physique as it protects muscle and strength?

I've lost weight before without any gym training (during covid lockdowns) and I wasnt happy with the end results. Even though i had abs and my face was lean, i was also thin as a twig in all other areas

Now im losing weight with consistent training and im much happier with how im shaping up

Also interested in this. I'm trying to drop about 50lbs but also lifting but kinda wonder if it's a very inefficient waste of time if I'm in a calorie deficit, you can't build muscle while in a deficit right?

Still good to build the habit and I guess lifting weights burns some extra calories but curious if the body can actually change from lifting while in caloric deficit.
gettingoutofcomfortzone said:
MakingAComeback said:
Time to work sir.

If you go hard, and remain consistent, you will suceed.

Yes, Isn't that THE TRUTH ?
My problem until now has been the lack of consistency. I kept reading theories but failed to materialize them. That behaviour stops now.

Thanks for taking the time to motivate me. I skimmed through your logs and your personal journey sounds amazing..!! Keep on killing it..!!

Be crystal clear of your goal.

Break it down into actionable steps.

Create a process, and execute it daily.

Log daily. Work your butt off.

Never, ever, ever give up.

No more bullshit now. You are 32. No time to waste. I started this process when I was 29, a few months shy of my 30th birthday.

See you tomorrow & work hard.

Radical said:
Not my area of expertise at all but i have a question based for Dom here

@AskTheDom would you not agree that consistent training while losing weight is important to physique as it protects muscle and strength?

I've lost weight before without any gym training (during covid lockdowns) and I wasnt happy with the end results. Even though i had abs and my face was lean, i was also thin as a twig in all other areas

Now im losing weight with consistent training and im much happier with how im shaping up

Hey Radical
First of all, no medical advice here :)

With that being said, let's go straight to the point:

In short answer, Yes, lifting while in a caloric deficit can help you retain muscle mass (assuming a/ you sleep is on point b/ you eat enough proteins c/ you follow progressive overload programs) -

Also, don't forget the "pump" effects and under skin water effects that resistance training provides.

If someone is serious about creating a more good looking body, caloric deficit and weight lifting are fundamental, although the saying "you cannot out-train a bad diet" holds true. If you are 500+kcals above your total energy expenditure, you can lift as much as you want, you'll never look "good" ( with good meaning what females finds attractive, if your goals is to lift heavy shit up at meetings, forget all i said)
Striker said:
Radical said:
Not my area of expertise at all but i have a question based for Dom here

@AskTheDom would you not agree that consistent training while losing weight is important to physique as it protects muscle and strength?

I've lost weight before without any gym training (during covid lockdowns) and I wasnt happy with the end results. Even though i had abs and my face was lean, i was also thin as a twig in all other areas

Now im losing weight with consistent training and im much happier with how im shaping up

Also interested in this. I'm trying to drop about 50lbs but also lifting but kinda wonder if it's a very inefficient waste of time if I'm in a calorie deficit, you can't build muscle while in a deficit right?

Still good to build the habit and I guess lifting weights burns some extra calories but curious if the body can actually change from lifting while in caloric deficit.

Again, no medical advice here :)

And NO, your body can build lean muscle mass while in a caloric deficit ( assuming your % BF is over 15%+- range) because stored fat can be converted in energy. Critical points are a/ quality of your sleep-recover b/ Protein intake c/ progressive overload

Although don't expect do became a body builder while doing that.
There are other million benefits from lifting weights (from making sure your body burns energy and keep a high metabolism rate to how your PP salute the flag) so I would absolutely make sure you follow even a simple routine while loosing weight and reach your optimal BF%.

Also, it depends why you are doing this. I suggest to "place the ladder on the right wall"
As I've made crazy cut many times in my life just to look good at the beach for the girls and made a YoYo as soon as september came in- I've realized the benefits of a healthier approach to life (eating,sleeping) and training
MakingAComeback said:
If you go hard, and remain consistent, you will suceed.
Though I had a bit of drama with the car getting fcked, I have gone back to this quote to keep me aligned to my goal.
Many thanks for the motivation.

MakingAComeback said:
Log daily. Work your butt off.
How do you suggest to log these daily?
Is it advantageous to do so in the long run ?
AskTheDom said:
your body can build lean muscle mass while in a caloric deficit ( assuming your % BF is over 15%+- range)
Hey, this is new to me . It adds a new perspective to my weight loss journey.
In the past, I had lost 25 kilos by being only on a calorie deficit and "once a week" cardio. But, I gained 10 kilos back over three years.
Right now, I have the chance for sleeping right, dedicated workout plan, and I am not willing to screw it up.

Striker Adding to what Dom wrote, What I have gained from lifting is the mental attitude towards a positive mindset.
I like going to the gym, I meet the hardcore regulars, and it helps with my anxiety to become social.
It also helps me visualize my lean physique.
Week 34 lookback:
Complete 5 day gym cycle by Thursday - Done.
Lose anywhere between 0.7-1.4 Kilograms Body weight by Sunday - Done (0.8 KG)
Semen retention till Sunday - Done (Managed to hold on).
Practice drums 3 days (30-45 minutes) by Sunday - Fail (managed only 30 mins).
Upload weekly pic for Socials - Done.

Overall, I had tremendous success in going to the GYM.
I am finding my presence in the mirror to be a regular habit. :)

Weight loss is ok. But, I need to keep going further.

SR was not a failure but not a resounding success as well. I want to be more active than passive when trying to curb my urges.

Drums were the worst part of W34, cuz I kept putting it off until Sunday. I procrastinated a lot which ended with me practicing for only 30 mins.Not happy. Need to fix it.
Week 35:

Complete 5 day gym cycle by Wednesday.
Lose anywhere between 0.7-1.4 Kilograms Body weight by Sunday.
Semen retention till Sunday.
Practice drums 3 days (30-45 minutes) by Sunday.
Upload weekly pic for Socials.

Goal: Increasing my social presence.
Short-term: Have 300 Followers in Insta. by Sep 2022. Currently at 235.
Long-term: Have 400 followers in Insta. by Dec 2022.

Goal: Being positive
Short-term: Finish the book 12RulesforLife by Sep 2022. Currently, at Page 135.
Long-term: Internalize the sayings. Although, I dont know how.

Goal: Curb Masturbation.
Short-term: No Fapping to sexual images for 7 days.
Long-term: Continue with it till year end.

Added my goals and general ramblings in a Vlog form.
colgate : Enjoy hearing my voice.. :lol:
Hello guys,
Sorry I was AWOL on the forums for sometime. Sorry to especially, colgate Manganiello I look like I had deserted after joining voluntarily.. It was not my intention.

I had a very taxing encounter with my parents that I will share sometime in the future. It triggered my insecurities that I failed on pretty much all of my goals. Couple that with trying to manage my girl's expectations, I messed up big time. At a point my diet was shit, life looked lost, mental state was a medley of anger and disappointment. All it takes is one day to fuck up the entire week, and only one week to fuck up an entire month. And soon it is life over.

Thankfully, I realized it soon enough but lacked acting on it. Instead, I let it happen. I am not proud of it. I am not happy about it. Sometimes, I wish I take care of me better than I try taking care of others.
All I am saying is Week 36 was shit. So, I couldn't set, achieve and log in my goals. It has set me back at minimum 10-12 days in my progress.

But, I am here now. I need to go look at my goals again and repurpose it.

gettingoutofcomfortzone said:
Week 35:
Complete 5 day gym cycle by Wednesday - I did.
Lose anywhere between 0.7-1.4 Kilograms Body weight by Sunday - I did and brought my BW to 79 KG..
Semen retention till Sunday - Managed to do this. I dont want to manage but feel content with my choices. Tempted by sexting.
Practice drums 3 days (30-45 minutes) by Sunday - Didnt do. Completely blew it. Need to rethink.
gettingoutofcomfortzone said:
Goal: Increasing my social presence
Goal: Being positive
Goal: Curb Masturbation.

I think I did OK. Since I was more focused on having a good time with my brother and my parents. I was feeling comfortable in my own shoes.

Week 36: Gained kilos, shit diet, the less I talk about this disaster the better.
Monday - bad diet due to fck all.
Tuesday - big fight with parents.
Wednesday - sexted and fcked up my goal.
Friday - Porn.
Saturday - Sexted but w/out any prompt from my end. I was too Weak to resist.
See a pattern here.. !!
I know for a fact now that I need to be cautious about my masturbation habits. It just kills whatever progress I make. Combined with stress from parents and a sugar increase, It is deadly. Any one has any ideas, please let me know..!!

Only good thing is from Wed-Sun, I did my gym. Since the diet was shit, I didnt see progress ofc..

It seeped into W37 also that I was acting needy and validation. I absolutely hated every single moment of it.

Week 37:
Slowly getting back into groove.
3 goals.
BW - 78 KG or anything less than that. 79KG as of today.
NoFAP till Sunday.
Gym - 5 times. 2 days done.

To everyone who spent the time to read all my mental vomit-comet, a big thank you.
I know I will get away from this wrut. Will write more when I have the time.
I am also thinking of logging in daily, so watch out for more ramblings.

Here today and I am ashamed to admit I failed the whole NOFAP thing already.
I feel disgust and mostly indifference at my failure.
However, I will improve to change my desires to something else than masturbation.
gettingoutofcomfortzone said:

Here today and I am ashamed to admit I failed the whole NOFAP thing already.
I feel disgust and mostly indifference at my failure.
However, I will improve to change my desires to something else than masturbation.

for nofap, read this:

also, i don't think nofap should even be a priority for you. girls don't care if you fapped before you meet them and it's all a nonsense modern psychological trap. MEN WERE KILLING SABER TOOTHED TIGERS THOUSANDS OF YEARS AGO AND WE'RE GOING TO LET A LITTLE COOMING STOP US? FUCK THAT.

you should be logging and focusing on the weight loss, gym, and accent stuff manganiello and i told you about rather than nofap