AskTheDom: AMA - Game, Self Improvement, BDSM, Sex Positive/Kink, Masculinity (PRINCIPLES FOR SUCCESS W/ WOMEN & LIFE))

Aku said:
Great initiative MAC!

Maybe I'm pushing it a bit but here's my list of 10 questions for Mr.Dom:

  1. How did you get involved into BDSM?
  2. What do you like the most about BDSM?
  3. What are you screening for in women and why?
  4. What should be the priorities for a beginner getting started into BDSM in your opinion?
  5. What are the most important qualities to have as a Dom in your opinion?
  6. What's the biggest mindset shift you had throughout your journey?
  7. What is your favorite top 3 go-to bondage positions?
  8. What are some good ways to "punish" your partner? I feel like I only use spanks and lack creativity.
  9. If you're traveling and had to choose a minimalist kit of essential BDSM stuff with you, what would you bring?
  10. If you're comfortable with that, can you share one of your wild sex stories ahaha

Thank you, Aku. I'm transcribing The Dom's answers, and they're really solid. As ever, I find this dude fucking fascinating - his thought process, the insights, you cannot really touch this level of clarity until you've done the work. He has been hustling 20 years man, a different animal. I learn shit constantly from him, and why shouldn't you? If you were here in London man, we'd be collaborating together.

I want this for our community. We can be better and I want to see KYIL become legendary.

Fortunately, we have that potential.

Anyway bro, thank you for this question. The answer is ready:


The push for elite, it is relentless, it will not, and cannot stop now it has been started. How will we win? By continuing to develop the community’s knowledge base, principles and understanding, and forge a truly indestructible mental toolkit that we can use, apply, test, evaluate, and process to unlock new level upon new level.

Today, we will continue our learning and capture more from one of the legends, The Dom:


Question 1) How did you get into BDSM?

Answer: The Dom)

I’ll keep this short and sweet, because I’ve had a discussion with Andy, and we’ve covered a lot of this ground. I encourage you to look out for this.

So, how did I get involved in BDSM? Would you believe, it was through a girl I dated once. She used to work in Swinger’s parties. In a lot of countries, like Italy and Spain, there really aren’t anything resembling BDSM dungeons. But, if you are to find a party, often, it’ll be in through a Swinger’s Club.

In European Swinger’s Club’s, once a month, there will be a Kink Night. You’ll see Shibari, among a range of kinks on display, and it was in fact a girl who I was dating who initiated me. She took me there, and right away, I can tell you that my mind was absolutely blown wide-open.

My reaction when I arrived?


The night was very formative. I met a dominatrix, and given that my girl wanted to be tied to a cross and spanked, I asked this dominatrix to show me how to do it.

The rest, as they say, was history. Truth is, I was mind-blown from the get-go.

Question 2) What did you like most about BDSM?

Answer: The Dom)

It’s such a vast world, and everyone has a different experience. What I liked about it most was that it allowed me to really see another side of the human animal. I met people who you would never guess are into kink and BDSM. Because of their place in the social hieararchy, you’d never begin to imagine they’re into anything risqué. And yet, the things I’ve seen them do, and have done to them, oh man……words fail me. That, for me, was fascinating, and something that I really loved about my journey with BDSM.

Question 3) What are you screening for in women, and why?

Answer: The Dom)

My usual thought process on screening: I have to like the woman. I have to be attracted, physically. I will explain to her what I do, what I am, and I try to address the negative stereotypes associated with this that inevitably arise. Thereafter, I’ll open up the discussion, the framing is very much the following: Look, I like having sex with you, but if you want to go further, broaden your horizons, and explore your boundaries, we can try things.

I would say, that most of the time, girls are into this.

As for me, I like to, as Andy would say, “corrupt” (whilst this is an unsavoury term), or be a Daddy/Teacher to vanilla girls, show them the way of kink so to speak! ;-)

Question 4) What should be the priorities for a beginner getting started in BDSM, in your opinion?

Answer: The Dom)

I would say the priorities start with YOU..

It always starts with the fundamental question: What do you want?

I start everything in my life with this question.

So, what do you want? Do you want better sex, kinkier sex? Do you want to experience power trips? Once you know what you want, you can carve a path down the road.

Priority #1 is communication and being honest about your desires: what do you want?
Priority #2 is safety and consent, making sure that all parties concerned understand everything they need to know, and are always in a position where, if anything they’re not comfortable with takes place, they have full the power to say stop and discontinue play.
Priority #3 is being specific about what kind of BDSM you want. Do you want to be a Dom, a Top, a Sub, a Bottom, a Masochist, a Hedonist…..What do you want?

Question 5) What are the most important qualities to have as a Dom, in your opinion?

Answer: The Dom)

First, understand that there’s no dom without a sub.

Do you get that?

A sub, in effect, outsources the pleasure to you. People have misconceptions of what it is to be a dom, and create this mental image of an angry, jacked, strong, bad ass motherfucker.

In reality, a dom is more of a provider of a pleasure service.

You are there to please your sub, and your sub provides you with the gift of dominance in exchange.

Like I say, there is no dom without a sub. The sub, in reality, holds the power in the dynamic.

You as a dom, just conduct the process. There was beautifully illustrated in David Deidas’s book, the Way of the Superior Man: You as a dom are like the borders of the river, the energy of the river flows through you, and you as the borders will guide it towards the sea, where it becomes part of a greater whole.

Question 6) What’s the biggest mindset shift you had throughout your journey?

Answer: The Dom)

The first realisation: never judge a book by it’s cover ;-)

The second, we are humans, and all crave different things, experiencing the same situation differently. What one sees as a slam dunk, another is indifferent towards. Experiences are entirely dependent upon emotional processing, and there is enormous individual variation across the breadth of humanity.

With mindset, the overall shift that occurred over the 2 decades journey was deceptively simple: I simply became more in control of my mental state. That’s how you catch the big fish…..

Question 7) What are your favourite top 3 go-to bondage positions?

Answer: The Dom)

If I do bondage, it’s to show girls what fun ropes are.

If we’re having sex, I like Lark’s Head (a knot for the wrists), or ankle restraints to spread the legs – stuff like this.

Personally, I don’t like to do Shibari before sex, because it’s a little geeky, intricate, and puts me in a different mode, so I’ll use bondage tape if she wants to explore restriction with me. I use handcuffs, like leather handcuffs (Red Italian leather, of course, that’s the brand, you know? That’s the real deal, don’t buy cheap shit on Amazon please ;-)*)

That’s all you have to do, man. I like to do pentagrams, a hog tie is good, as well as a leg tie. Single column, double column ties – learn a few things & play with them.

*In reference to The Dom’s own brand of BDSM toys, education, and experiences.

Question 8) What are some good ways to “punish” your partner? I feel like I only use spanks, and lack creativity

Answer: The Dom)

Well, spanking, let’s explore that. Really, it depends what your partner likes, which is why BDSM requires a lot of honesty and communication with your partner. Spanking is impact play, you will use leverage skin to skin impact for your impact play.

Punishment you can either do mentally, when you place your partner across your knees and spank them, scald them, like an angry father would do. This will depend on how tolerant your partner is of mental bullying, of course, so doing this really does require some awareness, and I would not recommend it.

Many people get it wrong. For example, instead of saying “you’re a little slut”, they’ll say “you’re a stupid bitch!”, you know?

There’s a big difference here. While there can be no problem in calling someone a slut or a bitch when referring to temporary behaviours, when you call someone stupid, that’s a permanent and enduring remark on someone’s capacities. You’re offending them outside of the play.

As ever, it depends on what you want to do with your partner….?

Maybe your partner wants to do edging, so you’re driving her to near orgasm, and you stop it. Rinse and repeat. Rinse and repeat. You do not reward her with an organism, because you’re punishing her, remember?

Punishment is broad, and can be explored through a range of types of play, from spanking, restraint, blindfolding and flogging, to even figging, an extremely advanced practice which I do absolutely do not recommend new guys getting anywhere near, OK guys?

Question 9) If you’re travelling and had to choose a minimalist kit of essential BDSM stuff with you, what would you bring?

Answer: The Dom)

Well, being a professional Dom, my kit is expansive and interesting – plus, I genuinely love visiting sex shops, speaking with the local community, hearing what their scenes are all about. It’s always hard for me to travel with a minimalist kit.

Although, let’s start with a few things:

For tying, you can use normal tape, but make sure you have proper scissors (rounded scissors), and if you can, make sure you’re not binding the wrists too restrictively. The middle of the forearms is safer.

As a blindfold, you can use a scarf. In fact, I always had a bandana, because with a bandana, you can tie, as well as use it as a blindfold.

You can use kitchen tools to do impact play, also, by the way.

It depends on what your space is, and what you want to do…..

Question 10) Can you share one of your wildest sex stories?

Answer: The Dom)

I was in a swingers club with 3 girls I was dating, we’re having a foursome, there's a window where people can watch but when you lock the door, it means no one can enter.

If someone steps in, that's a huge no-no. It’s a MEGA bad thing to do, and can create chaos.

I’ve seen fights happen, literally males punching each other in the face, people being thrown out the club entirely and being blacklisted from the entire community, so always make sure you learn the code of conduct and etiquette. Learn the rules of engagement of the territory you’re in.

So, I was in this Swinger’s Club, and I was very horny as the girls all started to suck me while we were playing at the cross.

I got inside, and I was playing with one girl, and had my back turned to the others. And at a certain point, I turn my head and notice there was another girl….

My surprise is elicited, but I’m like, “OK, that’s interesting.” I stand up, I make out with her and invite her to play with us and everything. I keep doing what I was doing, and turn around again, and now, there’s a guy!

“What the actual fuck?!” I think

“How did these people get it?”

I am taken aback, but I was literally 3 strokes away from having an orgasm, so I focused on that.

We continue fucking.

While I was about to cum, the thought of this little intrusion came back, and I turn my head and to my astonishment, there is ANOTHER couple in the private, locked, secure room which no one is allowed to enter.

What began as a foursome, which I understand is crazy as it is, spread like wildfire.

Without intending to do so, I started a massive orgy! And it was as wild as you can possibly imagine.

Look, I’ve been in the scene for over 10 years, so there’s plenty of wild stories man. I tied a girl up on the bar of the handicap toilet, the bar which provides wheelchair support, and went doggy, raw. A number of stories come to mind, and many have were interesting. That’s the game.

-The Dom
Very insightful answers!

I can't imagine all the stuff you have experienced in those 2 decades. Must have been a wild ride.

Thank you AskTheDom for sharing your wisdom and MakingAComeback for taking the time to transcribe everything.
You wiill do it too Aku. He has 9 years on you. You'll get there too.


Q1) 1. What are you reading lately and why?

Right now, I’m reading the autubiography of Lee Iacocca, the guy who basically saved Chrysler. I’ve been fascinated by these turnaround CEO’s, who pulled off the impossible and saved companies which were sinking ships. Another who caught my interest was an Italian CEO, Sergio Marchionne, who saved Fiat.

The stories of these two Italian CEOs who made impact at the top of the automobile game, and won, peaked my curiosity, and I wanted to know how they managed to save companies in very similar ways. What’s in their mind? What mental models are operating?

Furthermore, I’m interested in the mind of champions…….

With all these books which tell you how to get rich, frankly, there are many ways to skin a cat.

You put a hundred millionaires in the same room, and you’ll learn there’s a hundred ways to make a million dollars.

But, you’ll find a lot of similarities in their mindsets, and that’s what you can copy, thats something you can develop in you, emulate, and begin to mould and internalise over time.

Q2) Now can I cultivate more patience with my progress? Many times I find myself getting in the trap of seeing how far I have to go, and comparing myself against other people who have what I want. I know this isn't productive at all, and I feel I'm getting better at it. But I'd love any perspective you have around this.

Answer: The Dom)

We focus too much on the future.

Something you learn when you pursue a serious fitness goal is, when it HURTS, you just focus on the next rep.

If you’re too focused on the future, you’re not pushing hard enough in the present.

The process requires FULL ENGAGEMENT.

When you’re feeling pain, when you’re in the zone, when you’re doing something that’s really demanding, you’re in the NOW, you’re in the zone, you’re saying, OK, one more rep….one...more...rep….

You’re not thinking, well, I still need three more years of hard ass work! 😉

Yes, you’ll need three years of dedication and work to get the body of your dreams, so fixating on this in the moment is pointless. It is not a self-serving act.

When you’re in the rack, you’re squatting hard, you’re telling yourself: Jesus, Christ, OK – just one more, just one more.

That is all you can control.

“It is a mistake to look too far ahead. Only one link of the chain of destiny can be handled at a time”
-Sir Winston Churchill

Answers from The Dom (Transcribed by MAC)

Sisyphus said:

Actually, if anyone else wants to jump in with an opinion, that's great (as long as it's backed up with experience).

1) Why would you recommend Torero's and Krauser's books? What concepts do you find there that are valuable and different from Mystery style PUA and general Red Pill stuff and Good Looking Loser?

2) What's your take on Ross Jeffries method? I mean, verbal game, PNL, patterns, that kind of stuff. Do you know any evidence that this works?


1) Why would you recommend Torero's and Krauser's books? What concepts do you find there that are valuable and different from Mystery style PUA and general Red Pill stuff and Good Looking Loser?

Answer: The Dom)

Look, there’s a shitload of advise on the internet

But like with most advice, it's about clarity and cutting the signal-to-noise ratio all the way down.

These two books, from a beginner to advanced point of view, cover all the basics, and importantly, cover what works.

They limit mental masturbation on trivial, relatively meaningless things and silly fine details – “if she does this, do that” type of thinking. Frankly, there are millions of scenarios you can encounter in the sexual market place. In big picture terms, it is often best to think in terms of principles: understanding core principles gives you the compass you will need to navigate the SMP.

I don’t like tactic-based thinking, because tactics depend on determinable moments and situations.

What I like instead, is principles-oriented thinking. For me, it boils down to the principles that are in outlined in these books. Internalising them is the biggest bang for your buck, and pays the greatest dividends.

Mystery-style stuff, I am happy to comment further on: the guys who excel with this kind of material are usually quite high in neuroticism, and have a tendency towards becoming stuck in routines.

Whilst I am not from a GLL background, from what I can imagine, this was an incredibly direct, hardcore, balls-to-the-wall type approach to game. And this is OK: it shows MASCULINITY.

2) What's your take on Ross Jeffries' method? I mean, verbal game, PNL, patterns, that kind of stuff. Do you know any evidence that this works?

Answer: The Dom)

Verbal game: PNL, patterns, all of that kind of stuff is, well, OK. Why?

The benefits it offers are: it helps you integrate your overall verbal game correctly. But one big thing, which it seems nobody talks about regarding Ross Jeffries methods was para-verbals: the almost hypnotic way to deliver your words. So, speaking with a deep vocal intonation, calmly, with correct pacing. People tend to forget that, and instead, focus on what words to say….
Again, people are short-sighted, and pursue TACTICS over the internalisation of PRINCIPLES that one would need to learn in order to implement this approach successfully.

My main issue with this type of paradigm is is it has a tendency towards orienting guys away from HARD WORK. Many guys want to avoid hard work…….

“I don’t need to lose 30 kilograms of weight, because I can use hypnosis to get chicks into bed”

….It doesn’t work like that 😉

I am OK with it, but my take is: it’s a TOOL, and like many tools, over the years it has been misunderstood, and misappropriated.

-The Dom
The Ross Jeffries/NLP stuff has gotten my interest again after I worked with an NLP-practitioner who gave me loads of free advice. His focus was on business/sales but the same principles apply to women, which is what RJ is all about.

The biggest thing RJ has to teach you is the value of talking about emotions with girls. It's really powerful stuff, but imo it doesn't work to create attraction, only to enhance it once it's there.

Anyone reading this can quickly test it out for themselves. On a date with a girl (= she's already attracted) get the topic towards travel, ask her about her ideal vacation, and then give her a scenario like "imagine you're there, in country X, on your dream vacation, you feel the sun/snow/ocean on your skin... how would that make you feel?"

Then when she responds, say "wouldn't it be amazing if you could have that same feeling without leaving? If you could just have that feeling in everyday situations. I think that's very possible. Like sometimes, you meet certain people who make you feel that way, don't you agree?"

Once you get the hang of speaking this way it's really fun to mentally lead girls to certain emotions, and it's much more fun (and memorable) than being guy #342 who asks her about her hobbies and job and conducts dates in interview-mode.
Holden said:
The Ross Jeffries/NLP stuff has gotten my interest again after I worked with an NLP-practitioner who gave me loads of free advice. His focus was on business/sales but the same principles apply to women, which is what RJ is all about.

The biggest thing RJ has to teach you is the value of talking about emotions with girls. It's really powerful stuff, but imo it doesn't work to create attraction, only to enhance it once it's there.

Anyone reading this can quickly test it out for themselves. On a date with a girl (= she's already attracted) get the topic towards travel, ask her about her ideal vacation, and then give her a scenario like "imagine you're there, in country X, on your dream vacation, you feel the sun/snow/ocean on your skin... how would that make you feel?"

Then when she responds, say "wouldn't it be amazing if you could have that same feeling without leaving? If you could just have that feeling in everyday situations. I think that's very possible. Like sometimes, you meet certain people who make you feel that way, don't you agree?"

Once you get the hang of speaking this way it's really fun to mentally lead girls to certain emotions, and it's much more fun (and memorable) than being guy #342 who asks her about her hobbies and job and conducts dates in interview-mode.

Nailed in the head. Like I said, if you are 30 kg overweight with shitty fashion, doesn't matter if you know line by line what to say - she ain't interested in first place.
My issue with a lot of the PUA industry is the scammy "attract any girl, game will get you hot babes in bed" claim which is like the advertising where you see the fine print with a lot of specifications and limitations to the main claim

"I love when people with self defeating mindsets learn the true north principle of dating :women love winners, no matter the color. A winner is a winner"


