Back to bald?


Jun 4, 2022
you are balding, so sooner or later you will have to shave it or get transplant - the photos where you are bald i think you got some extra kilos? you look like a different person :)
Yeah man at your current state you should be shaving it for a clean look IMO. If you can’t accept that then there are some good treatment options that you may want to look at ASAP for potentially reversing some of that hair loss
Anything beyond NW 3 it looks better to shave. NW 4-6 is typically ranked as worse looking than the bald look. I'm balding too but I've been using RU and microneedling. I definitely recommend it and when you shave your head its easier to apply topical treatments.
maestro said:
AskTheDom said:
you are balding, so sooner or later you will have to shave it or get transplant - the photos where you are bald i think you got some extra kilos? you look like a different person :)
Yeah rougly 10kg more 😁 lost them since.

Transplants, finasteride etc are not an option for me. I am either trying to make the best out of what i have or shave it.

That being said i am super conscious about my headshape. And i am afraid tjat my smv will drop significantly. It is not that high to begin with.
It is practical though 😁

I hate to say this but if it's clear for guys, girls look at that even more and they will notice it right away.
it definitely removes certain girls out for me, but some dig it.
The trick to be bald is to be in top shape :D
You have two options:

1. fighting against your genetics
2. shave it and make the best out of it

If you pic the first option, you have to take go on meds for the rest of your life (which many people do).
You could start Finasteride, RU58841, Minoxidil, Ketozolin, dermaroll. However, if you care about your hair, you should have picked Finasteride at the first sign of balding. Because it's much easier to maintain status than to let hair grow back, which doesn't work for everyone. You could try the stack for a while, maybe you get regrowth. If yes then you are lucky, if no you need a hair transplant or you have to shave.

If you choose the second option, then you need to maximize other aspects of your appearance. Not all, but most men just look better with hair, exceptions prove the rule. Become/stay lean, get a better beard style, rub minox on your brows (they hardly exist), get a tan, style, everything else.
Not an expert of ratios and looksmaxxing but I would say you have a slightly more bigger oval shape, it can be fixed with the beard though, real good barber can help you with that
Sometimes I go through periods of shaving my head, and when I do, hats and beanies look so freaking good on me. I think you should get some headware and you'll be golden. Especially cuz you've got nice thick facial hair.
MFbag said:
What kind of girl is gonna sleep with a guy who sets his board up wrong. Smh
I doubt most girls understand chess well enough to even notice that.

I also don't see what is wrong. The king is on the opposite color, isn't that is how it is supposed to be?
maestro said:
AspiringMaleStripper said:
Sometimes I go through periods of shaving my head, and when I do, hats and beanies look so freaking good on me. I think you should get some headware and you'll be golden. Especially cuz you've got nice thick facial hair.

Thanks for the response @AspiringMaleStripper . Back when i was shaving my head i was against wearing caps or beanies. Reason was that it felt like a way of hiding my shiny huge dome. And i thought back then "If going bald, then doing so boldly". Not sure how i think about it rn tho

I used to (and still do) make up a bunch of dumb rules for myself. "Oh I can't use this photo on my tinder because its x years old." "Oh I can't do this because blah blah blah." I'm a very honest person in general, so I set myself up to fail in certain ways by having too high of a standard for myself. Just think of wearing a cap like a girl putting on makeup. She usually don't look like she did the night before when you wake up next to her (although it's awesome if she does!). Just think of it like sales... You're just trying to get your foot in the door. Cheers.