Baseline pics for advice

Jan 7, 2023
alright. kind of a photo dump. Starting off my journey, i wanted to get some feedback on where i start
first off here are my profile pics as it stands.
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All these phtos are from the last week or so. I was shocked how few photos i had of myself. Going to remedy that for sure. any advice on photos i might be missing?

Second i have body pics

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This is before I've ever touched a gym, so definite room for improvement.

lastly i have a beard pic. grew it over the summer. don't know if i like it. shaved it off for Halloween (ned flanders)

it comes in kind of patchy and really ginger. clean shaven right now.

So that's it. looking for honest advice - or even just trash them. could use some ideas for what to improve on them with. Any help would be appreciated.
You’re on the right track however these pics won’t cut it … yet.

First one is cool. Do this shot again with better fashion. There’s probably a reason why you’re shooting the yellow ball but I’d stay to normal pool hitting the white ball (it’s in the details and girls just like me don’t know the other pool games)

The rest of your shots just don’t work. You need to get them all in cooler locations with better fashions + a little faceapp magic never fails.

I think you look better shaven, the beard is indeed too patchy and makes you look like you don’t care about hygiene. Consider a slight stubble but ask some attractive girls what they think suits you best.
Hey welcome! Great job on asking for feedback on your photos.

The pool picture is usable for now. Kratjeuh is right you could use some better fashion.

The beanie one is also decent. However, get your hands out of your pockets. Unconfident guys keep there hands in their pockets because they don't know what to do with them, then feel uncomfortable, and get nervous about that unconfortablility. I suggest walking around always having your hands out. You'll get used to it and then when you go to take photos, you won't feel self conscious about it.

The rest of the photos are meh. Keep taking more. All our photos were meh in the beginning.

As for looks we have some easy fixes and more long term ones:
  • Fashion: Your fashion makes you look pretty average or a guy looking for a long term relationship. Check out Radical's fashion content and get yourself upgraded. This will help a lot.
  • Haircut: Its also pretty average. I'd recommend looking up styles for you facial structure or talking with a barber.
  • Beard: We'll address this next, but you don't have much of a chin. Beards are a great way to fill out your face if this is the case. However if you want to grow one out, it's a commitment of continued trimming and grooming to fill out the patches. If you want to go this route, ask some attractive girls what they think you with and without the beard. Also know that it will be more polarizing, meaning some girls will be really into it and others hate guys with beards.
  • Chin: Facially, it's your weakest area. No worries, you can either accept it and work with what you got, grow a beard and give the illusion of a stronger chin, or do some long term work like mewwing. MakingAComeback has good advice on this.
  • Posture: You also have some long term work to do here. You're head is pushed forward some. I recommend hitting the gym and working your chest and back muscles. This will go a long ways for stabilizing your spin and helping your posture. Then doing some posture correction exercises. For now, when you take photos, roll your shoulders back a little and pull your lats down. Then relax slightly and take the shot.
Awesome replies guys. Taking this all on board.

The pool hall shot is actually the only one taken by another person. rest were tripod. guess I learned a lesson there. I see what your saying now about the other photos. still learning poses and how to use a camera. brainstorming new locations now. I'll be going out again this week, maybe with a fresh cut, to try and get some cooler photos. I've got some other clothes I can try on too, bombers chains etc.

I'll stick to the clean shaven look for now. other stuff to do first. I have one of those posture correcting pull back straps. that's got to be the thing I'm most self conscious of looks wise. hope the chin will look a bit better standing straight and a little less face fat. I think this is all the stuff i was most worried about. the honesty on these forums is real.

Feel like Ive got some direction. @kratjeuh, @Bman, thanks for replying to me.
Declaration of Principles said:
I think this is all the stuff i was most worried about. the honesty on these forums is real.

Just know we do it with loving intentions.

We will not bullshit you. Looking at reality is the only way to actually overcoming your challenges. Is it hard? Yes. But the person you want to be is on the other side.

We all started out in similar positions. That's why we are truthful with you. We want you to succeed.

If you keep putting in the work, we'll keep helping you along the way.