Be brutally honest with my pics, thanks


Aug 17, 2021
This is my first post so hello everyone. After some time using tinder with not so good pictures and not taking it too seriously, I bought a good DSLR camera a few weeks ago and I have been experimenting. I would ask you to comment on my pictures (in the selection there is also old pictures that I added for variety, but should be repeated with the good camera at some point) and tell me which ones would you pick for my profile, which ones you would not, what could I improve, ideas for new pictures, so on. I know the shirtless ones would look better if it was not so obvious, and that a few less kg would made those abs fully pop, so I am thinking in taking a shirtless pic in the gym once I have cutted some fat, for example. Well, thanks for your comments, see you around.
#1 is fine as one of your last photos to show off your hobbies and that you're an outdoors man. It's a little blurry, though. Could definitely get a better shot, but it does its job.

#2 is good although it's a mirror selfie of sorts. Could probably make it even better.

#6 could have been a good photo, only problem is that it's clear that it was taken by yourself by placing the camera on the table.

#11 looks good. It's your best photo.

The problem with all of your photos is that it very much look like you took all of them yourself and you pose too much. You want to make your photos look more candid, while actually not being candid. You're a good looking guy and you seems to be photogenic, so if you got someone else to take your photos and made sure to look more natural in your photos, I am sure you'd get a lot of matches. I would also recommend adding some sort of a group photo.
Thanks for your answers, man. Actually number 6 was taken by a friend of mine while having a beer. Maybe uncropped it looks less like that?

I haven't had the camera for a long time and I have been mostly playing with it myself, so now it's time to start carrying it while I am with friends and let them shoot some.
It looks more social uncropped, but you're more in focus in the cropped version. I would recommended #11 -> #2 -> #6 (cropped) -> #1 in that order for now, then work on taking some better photos to improve the profile. Could maybe include #7 or #8 to increase the amount of photos to 5.

I would work on taking a good profile pic that could replace #11 as the first pic and then have it as your second. Try and copy something out of Andy's article.

Here's an example from the article on how good a shirtless pic with a guitar can look when done properly:

Edit: I am sick and super bored, so I made some minor changes in photoshop: whitened teeth and removed some blemishes, etc.
