Be Wary of Dating Advice on the Internet (especially if they don't show proof)


May 30, 2020
I think this needs to be reiterated even at a forum level chado

If a guy doesnt show his full face in the avatar and hasnt posted pictures on here, then fresh guys shouldnt be taking their feedback to the same degree that they take Andy's or yours. Guys should start listing their laycounts or something in profile signatures. We used to do that on GLL

I wrote this as well during the first couple of weeks here, its not quite in the same ballpark as this but it raises some similar points:
Yeah one of the big problems with so much if that stuff I think is they've been out of the game too long to be useful.

Rollo comes to mind about this. He has some good stuff, but I've fucked more women in the past week, than he has in a decade.

Waiting 5+ days is just asking to get silence. The same thing with OLD, oh you want to wait 4 hours between messages, she's just going to meet someone that doesn't.
When guys say stuff like that I immediately suspect they dont actively go after hot girls in their 20s

Or they do and have no success with them
Saw a video of Rollo recently

Goddman he's an ugly fuck and dresses like shit, also sounds like he snorts helium

Doesn't he have like 50 lays, of which 45 were from when he was in a rockband?

This dude over analyzes everything and is just sad man

Never gonna forget that one time he made a whole post just to brag that a girl with a bf checked him out once lmao
My old martial arts instructor once told me that no two students he has ever trained turn out the same. He described it like handwriting. Everyone is taught how to write the same way, but we all develop are own personal and unique style. I feel like this apply to learning game as well.

The best thing to do as a student is not only double check that your teacher is credible, but to look around and absorb as much as possible from as many different sources s you can. You need to absorb and learn what does and dose not work for you individually.

A great teacher has many students, a great student has meany teachers

I've really liked everything I've read of Andy's so far, and I'm trying to take it onboard, but I live in a very different part of the world and I have a very different personalise from him. I'm certain that if I am ever going to achieve that he has, I will eventually have to find my own unique way of doing it.
Sin Silver
Not at all...

Anyone that I know who has actually gotten laid a lot (30+ girls a year) all have 2 things in common....

Guess what they are....

They all look good

They all hit on a lot of girls per week 20+

Just focus on those two things. Everything else falls into place afterwards IMO
DNPTHC said:
@Sin Silver
Not at all...

Anyone that I know who has actually gotten laid a lot (30+ girls a year) all have 2 things in common....

Guess what they are....

They all look good

They all hit on a lot of girls per week 20+

Just focus on those two things. Everything else falls into place afterwards IMO

Your spot on, the fundamental principle at getting to better at speak to girls is be some one girls want to speak to, and speak to a lot of girls.

Beyond that thou, you get lots of different techniques that people debate about. Negging, Kino, sciprted openers... All these are debatable, but it's up to each of us to decide what works for us the best.
That 'debate' is just mental masturbation Sin

And none of that stuff in that list is necessary to get laid

Andy wrote a good article about this

A lot of guys that focus on game are doing that because they enjoy doing it that way. Its their choice but you dont need it, and also it leads you to waste a ton of time on that sh't when you could be talking to new girls instead
But that's exactly what I'm saying. People need to go out their, speak to girls, and find out what works for them based on their own personal experience.

Is fine to read about how something works, but unless you go out into the field and try it, you have no idea if it works or not. It's just 'Mental Masturbation' like you said otherwise.
I've read a lot about cold approaching methods in the past year or so that I've actually been interested in game.

Like it's been said above, the more credible 'players' (for lack of a better term) are the ones going out and chatting up lots of girls and have been doing it for years (verifiably). I just think there's too much of an 'unknown' factor to girls that means any one game technique or strategy won't hold up often enough.

Like pretty much anything worth learning, nothing beats repetition and learning from mistakes (I can only apply this to learning two languages and not game as I haven't done nearly enough approaching to warrant any opinion on my potential).

One thing I do believe is true is being able to identify strong signals from girls that they are interested in you i.e. strong 'yes' or 'maybe' girls in the vernacular. I'm certainly getting better at identifying this but need to engage them more to see if the interest can be capitalised upon.

Also, I'm really more interested in embodying what I want people to see me as; namely, a fun, exciting individual with a good active social life. That's far more valuable than any canned routine about blue alligators someone you don't know told you about.