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Been Talking to this One Chick...

Apr 2, 2021
Hi guys, this is my first proper post so bare with me if some of my shit isn't formatted properly.

Some background bout me, I've been into self-improvement for some time starting around 4 years ago, and I've made large headway, went from 170 to 200lbs now down to a lean 190lbs with an over 600lb deadlift, scraped my shitty freshman year gpa of 2.7 into a 3.6 and had figured out what I wanted to do with my life up until recently :/. Looks have improved tremendously and I'm finding getting lays off tinder not impossible, although not as easy as I'd like.

Now onto the post... I met this one chick and we clicked very quickly, fucked on the second date and things seemed to be going well. We did shrooms together (my 8th or 9th time and her first), and afterwards, I could tell something was up, she was off; less touchy and more reserved. We talked about it and she said she lost all desire for physical intimacy, but she wanted to remain friends. I realized this isn't really what I wanted with her and I told her that I want to have sex with her and if that was off the table for the time being that I'm not entirely sure how I'd feel about the relationship. Talking slowed down with occasional snaps and all until she snapped me calling me handsome and sexy, then very quickly told me she was DtF again, we fucked once again and now trying to hang out with her is a chore, she never initiates, and every time I do I feel like its a lost cause. Granted, we have completely opposite schedules, I work during the day, and she works nights, so that plays a role of course.

She recently texted me telling me that she really enjoys having me in her life and values me enough to respond to me given that she's a terrible texter. I enjoy spending time with her and even introduced me to her friends which are cool, but I don't know how I feel about the situation. I very much hold my word to heart and it's a bit odd for someone to say that they care about me and value me so much only to never want to meet up and fuck. It's also put me in this weird position where I ask her to hang out more than I would someone else because she won't initiate fuck all, and I feel like that makes me come off as needy af.

I enjoy being with her because she's very self-aware, a hard worker, hot as fuck and all. I don't want to date her, I just want to fuck and spend time with her. It's frustrating because I know I should just stop talking to her, but I'm finding it a little tough given that most other chicks I've fucked/been on dates with weren't as chill and cool as her.

I'm still trying to talk to other chicks, but tinder's been a bit dry as of late with only the weekly boosts getting me matches. One of the other chicks I was seeing I just wasn't vibing with and dropped her.

Thanks for giving a read lads
Anyone got any advice for what I should do? Do I have a case of oneitis lol? She just called me and we chatted for a bit but it’s just such a frustrating situation and I’d rather talk to her about it in person but I rarely have the opportunity :/
I imagine I know a bit about lost causes.
Just tell her "I have no time, when are you free to meet". If she's down she's down, if she's not move on.

Tbh, if she's all about talking, not having sex, why would she want to meet you, when you keep writing with her?