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Best return-on-time-invested

Aug 29, 2020
So I've been sitting on my ass too much with actually going and trying to get laid - I've been using my other goals (apartment, friends, tinder pics, working out) as an excuse to be "too busy" and not do it. Also getting kind of tired of getting nowhere/blown off on Tinder/Hinge/Bumble (haven't gotten a single date off those in like three weeks).

So I've set aside Thursday 4-7 or so (after work) as dedicated *actually do something* time.

Right now, the "plan" is literally just to walk outside and just try to get girls back to my apartment.

Posting here for really two reasons, one is so I can't pussy out and not do it, the other is to ask if anyone has ideas on what the best thing to do would be with fairly limited time (getting laid is obviously the "primary" goal overall, but right now my bodyfat/muscle goal is #1, to make that easier, which is taking most of my free time).

Basically what do y'all think will be the best use of three hours on a weeknight? Immediately jumping to aggressive screening and just trying to take them back to my apartment, aggressive screening but go for numbers, "nervous guy" or "basic guy" game (along the lines of the scripts on GLL), or something different?

(I'll probably start doing this more regularly, maybe once a week or so)

Also with all the corona BS, masks are required downtown and in parks, and the city literally has people patrolling around who hand out couple-hundred-dollar tickets if you're not wearing one. Malls and most other placed where a lot of people would be alone are closed or semi-locked-down too. Bars aren't really an option. Any ideas on what/where would be best nowadays?

(I live right near the beach, and a small "downtown" area. There's a boardwalk kind of thing that runs along the beach, and it's a (mostly) residential area around that ).
Have you approached much before?

Try whatever you want to try and what you think will work
Basic guy game is what most of us started off with, the approaching Andy suggests, what I and many others have done the most.

Crisis_Overcomer was big on the physical screening when he started
Radical said:
Try whatever you want to try and what you think will work
I guess I was kind of overly wordy, I was asking what you think will work right now. I have absolutely no idea (especially now).

Haven't done much cold approach, back when I had time in my life I started the aa program, but moved to a new city after a couple weeks and never got back to it. Did some approach in that city but had a lot more opportunities in social groups and put most of my energy into that. Found the full-on aproaches I did weren't any harder than the early AA drills though, I was always able to follow through with it once I decided to do it.

So as long as I have a plan, I can (almost) always "just do it" is the point I guess. So kind of asking if you have ideas on roughly what game plan is reasonably likely to work in my situation (my current looks, style, location) AND during all this quarantine/corona crap.
See how you do

Id make the initial goal just to approach at first and then ramp up to screening for lays when you can do that

I'm sure if you go hard you'll get to that quickly

I tagged crisis cause he got to spinning every girl around pretty quickly on approach
For some reason I didnt get a notification, even after getting tagged. Weird.

Yeah I was physically screening right from the get go. I already had experience doing it during dates, so I did it when approaching as well. It was a skill I had gained and it transfered easily.

As for what you better do, no idea. Not sure how open girls will be to getting physically screened, with COVID and all. Definitely try basic guy game. If you're comfortable, here's a basic screening check list

* shake hand, and keep it as long as possible

* lightly touch shoulder

* lightly punch abs

Unless you go for a instant lay, I dont think you need to be more physical than that.
Thanks guys, I'll shoot for basic guy game and will decide on touching once im there by if theres the city offical fuckers handing out tickets for not "social distancing" 🙄. Just got here and parked. Defining success today as getting one "live" number. Here goes nothing
Went kind of OK. Not amazing, but did accomplish my goal of one live number.
So my my main location and two backup locations were totally dead even though they were pretty well populated this time just a couple weeks ago.
Maybe just that it's getting into fall? I dunno.
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I ran into about 5 girls total who weren't over 40 or moms with their kids and husbands.
For all of them just went with a pretty basic, "hey this is kind of random, but I thought you were cute, wanted to see what you were like. I'm John, tell me your name" (or so)
Location 1:
1 : cute asian girl, just said "Sorry I don't speak english" and kept walking. :(. Literally the only girl I saw at the first location.
Location 2:
2 : Super hot ukranian girl, ran into within the first minute once I got here (rest were like ~20 minutes apart). Said she was already late meeting someone, but offered her number almost immediately. Haven't gotten a response.
3 : Hot latina girl, looked older from a distance and I pussied out when I realized she was actually pretty young at the last second.
4 : Okay thai girl, was actually working but I didn't realize it. Talked for ~3 minutes, got her number. Said she was working tomorrow night but that I should come by the bar. Responded to texts, talking now, but looks like she's busy tomorrow and saturday night :( We'll see.
5 : Was walking, just kind of said her name really quietly, looked away and just kept walking.

So, not like a crazy day of approaching or anything (I'll need to find somewhere/time where there's ACTUALLY people next time :/ ) but decent.
5 approaches off the bat

Good fucking shit dude

How long did the first one take you?
Radical said:
5 approaches off the bat

Good fucking shit dude

How long did the first one take you?

Took me about 20 minutes to even find the first one (no speak english girl), she was walking away so had to kind of chase her down, lol. Pretty much just went up to her and said it though, didn't really have to hype myself up or anything. Might have helped that it took so long though, I was at the point where I was just like hunting for SOMEONE and was thinking about where to go and how to actually get in front of her and stuff and didn't really have time to psych myself out.
I really have a lot of respect for guys who do cold approaches. Never actually done it myself and i think i will never(never say never) do it.
myownglory said:
I really have a lot of respect for guys who do cold approaches. Never actually done it myself and i think i will never(never say never) do it.

Thanks, but why not? AA?
Way to go on the approaches dude. 2 numbers is a good start!

Beaches have a lot less girls now that we're into fall and the weathers cooled off. If you're trying to be efficient the best way to approach girls is while you're already out doing other things.

I approach a ton of girls at the beach but I always do it when I'm there jogging. Earlier this week I did 15 girls on Monday and 8 more on Wednesday all while running 5 miles.

The problem with the beach is that the girls are usually very spread out so it can be hard to approach a lot of them very quickly or even to find them. Jogging solves that and you can get in a workout as well.

Now that we're into fall there will be less girls sunbathing in the middle of the afternoon so you should go out around lunchtime and sunset so you can catch some of the girls going to lunch or happy hour in the downtown area.

If there are a lot of restaurants and bars there that are popular weekend brunch spots then those will be the best right now. You could even go there tomorrow around noon and probably approach a ton of girls.

I need 15 approaches to hit my weekly goal of 60 so I'm going to do exactly this tomorrow in my city's beach/downtown area where all the hot girls go to brunch.

If you're trying to get the best ROI on your time then keep a log of every location you go to, along with the time/day, and how many girls you approached. Over time you'll slowly figure out the best spots in your area and be able to just schedule them into your daily errands or routine.

I now have a list of 50 locations where if I go at the optimal time /day I can do 10-20 approaches. Since you're in LA this will be even easier since there's way more hot girls there.
NotYourAverageNerd said:
myownglory said:
I really have a lot of respect for guys who do cold approaches. Never actually done it myself and i think i will never(never say never) do it.

Thanks, but why not? AA?

That as well, probably, but i never actually needed to do it. I have done approaches during the night on weekends near clubs etc, but it's a different thing to go after women in such an environment.
myownglory said:
NotYourAverageNerd said:
Thanks, but why not? AA?

That as well, probably, but i never actually needed to do it. I have done approaches during the night on weekends near clubs etc, but it's a different thing to go after women in such an environment.

so is "approaches during the night on weekends near clubs etc," your primary method? Or something else??
myownglory said:
NotYourAverageNerd said:
Thanks, but why not? AA?

That as well, probably, but i never actually needed to do it. I have done approaches during the night on weekends near clubs etc, but it's a different thing to go after women in such an environment.

Makes sense, if it's working for you, no reason to change :)
In your picture you look fucking amazing too, so probably could get some serious results from it, but you probably pull like crazy at night too.

I always actually liked the excitement of doing approach during the day - it's not something most guys just do so it's a little ... empowering, I guess, and just kind of makes my day whenever I do. May just be some kind of insecurity / pride thing but I don't really know. Also I always feel like a pussy when I DO see a hot girl during the day but don't go talk to her.
Duke said:
Way to go on the approaches dude. 2 numbers is a good start!

Beaches have a lot less girls now that we're into fall and the weathers cooled off. If you're trying to be efficient the best way to approach girls is while you're already out doing other things.

I approach a ton of girls at the beach but I always do it when I'm there jogging. Earlier this week I did 15 girls on Monday and 8 more on Wednesday all while running 5 miles.

The problem with the beach is that the girls are usually very spread out so it can be hard to approach a lot of them very quickly or even to find them. Jogging solves that and you can get in a workout as well.

Now that we're into fall there will be less girls sunbathing in the middle of the afternoon so you should go out around lunchtime and sunset so you can catch some of the girls going to lunch or happy hour in the downtown area.

If there are a lot of restaurants and bars there that are popular weekend brunch spots then those will be the best right now. You could even go there tomorrow around noon and probably approach a ton of girls.

I need 15 approaches to hit my weekly goal of 60 so I'm going to do exactly this tomorrow in my city's beach/downtown area where all the hot girls go to brunch.

If you're trying to get the best ROI on your time then keep a log of every location you go to, along with the time/day, and how many girls you approached. Over time you'll slowly figure out the best spots in your area and be able to just schedule them into your daily errands or routine.

I now have a list of 50 locations where if I go at the optimal time /day I can do 10-20 approaches. Since you're in LA this will be even easier since there's way more hot girls there.

Yeah, everything's kind of started to die here :/
I actually spent most of thursday in a kind-of-downtown area (little strip of bars/restaurants) between about 5 and 7pm, but literally only saw 4 girls just walking around.

That's a good idea with logging the days/times, I'll start doing that. I'll probably start a new thread next time I do approaches and keep regular track there. Sounds like you've had pretty good success finding places with a lot of girls, where are you based? I would have thought where I'm at (south bay) would be perfect, but it's not that great at the moment. Might just be corona and stuff, or the times that I do go downtown / run errands / bike are just not times when a lot of girls are out. I dunno, but keeping better track would probably help.

Jogging is probably a really good idea, plus would give me an excuse to do it shirtless :) Only problem is I wouldn't really be able to actually have a conversation since I'd barely be able to breathe after about half a mile, I'm not much of a runner. Might just start walking in athletic shorts so it looks like I *was* running earlier or something.
Radical said:
Heard back from the numbers?

Heard back from one of them (only got two numbers, so actually kinda surprised even one was real/texted back :) ), #4. Tried to set up plans for Friday but I was busy earlier, and she was leaving for a camping trip this weekend Friday night. She asked if I was free next weekend but I'm going to be out of town. Left it at that we'll wait until two weekends from now (nov 6) and set up something closer to then. So, hopeful, but that's a loooong way out, so pretty much expecting it'll fall through.
Try and beat my personal record

I got 2 in the first 10 ever approaches

Worth the effort for the story dude
NotYourAverageNerd said:
Makes sense, if it's working for you, no reason to change :)
In your picture you look fucking amazing too, so probably could get some serious results from it, but you probably pull like crazy at night too.

I always actually liked the excitement of doing approach during the day - it's not something most guys just do so it's a little ... empowering, I guess, and just kind of makes my day whenever I do. May just be some kind of insecurity / pride thing but I don't really know. Also I always feel like a pussy when I DO see a hot girl during the day but don't go talk to her.

Thanks man! Took a lot of work to get into that shape, gonna post a before photo in my log at some point.

I dunno if it's a very efficient strategy, don't really have a lot of experience to say that i know it works enough. Only so far. My lay count is pretty low but the success % is high. Could be noob luck and i go for safe opportunities and only do high-interest girls. Time will tell. Would not be against aproaching a girl in a somewhat safe social setting like a coffee shop or something though, would be a growing experience.

l0vebone said:
so is "approaches during the night on weekends near clubs etc," your primary method? Or something else??

Yeah. So far. After my break up, two were from Tinder and one from a club. The most recent LTR i had came from a cruise party. Everything else came from parties/clubs.