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Best return-on-time-invested

NotYourAverageNerd said:
Yeah, everything's kind of started to die here :/
I actually spent most of thursday in a kind-of-downtown area (little strip of bars/restaurants) between about 5 and 7pm, but literally only saw 4 girls just walking around.

That's a good idea with logging the days/times, I'll start doing that. I'll probably start a new thread next time I do approaches and keep regular track there. Sounds like you've had pretty good success finding places with a lot of girls, where are you based? I would have thought where I'm at (south bay) would be perfect, but it's not that great at the moment. Might just be corona and stuff, or the times that I do go downtown / run errands / bike are just not times when a lot of girls are out. I dunno, but keeping better track would probably help.

Jogging is probably a really good idea, plus would give me an excuse to do it shirtless Only problem is I wouldn't really be able to actually have a conversation since I'd barely be able to breathe after about half a mile, I'm not much of a runner. Might just start walking in athletic shorts so it looks like I *was* running earlier or something.

Since it's getting colder, beaches are dying down but malls are getting better. I went to the mall today and did 12 approaches while trying on sweaters. The girls always go somewhere; if it's sunny they're at the beach, if it's chilly they're at the mall, if it's finals time they're at coffeeshops/libraries, etc.

I'm in Orange County. I've been approaching for 3 years now so I've figured out where/when to approach in my area. You will too if you keep it up and track everything.

I'm sometimes still self conscious about this too but at the end of the day it seems not to matter. I've picked up just as many girls dressed my best as I have when I was out of breath wearing sweaty clothes from the gym or while jogging. As long as you're cool with it and the girl's sexually available you'll hookup with her.
Quick update: schedules finally lined up, so date tonight with #4. WIsh me luck.