Best way to lose bodyfat?


Oct 13, 2020
I need some help. I think im skinnyfat and i want to get to 12% bf.

I understood that i need to be in a calorie deficit and need to up my proteins. I did this for 1 1/2 months, lost around 5kg but nothing really changed in my belly area. I think i lost all of my remaining muscle. Did i do a mistake?

Im legit skinny now, 79kg at 190cm
Post a photo of yourself, no way to tell where you're at without it.

Your belly fat is almost always the last to go. Keep cutting. Don't bother calculating TDEE or whatever, just eat a consistent number of calories. If after two weeks you weigh the same, reduce it by 200 calories a day until you plateau again. Most cuts look like stair-steps instead of a smooth decrease in weight

iwillbebetter said:
Im legit skinny now
Sad truth is you probably never had much muscle mass and you just looked bigger because of fat and now without it you can see it. If you've kept going to the gym during the cut then you probably haven't loss any muscle, assuming your lifts stayed the same. Post a photo and we can help out
5kg isn't going to take you from really skinny-fat to skinny (and 1-2.5kg of that will have been water, too, not actual fat). Really quick estimate if you started from around 20% would be that you've got at least another 5kg of fat to lose (so 74).

I also wouldn't quite put 79kg as skinny if you don't have muscle. My dad is about the same height as you, and was slightly lighter than that at his heaviest, and he was pretty well built and lean at the time. Nowadays he's only 170lb (~77kg) and I'd guess around 15~16% bodyfat, but still with a good amount of muscle. To drop to 12% from there, that would come in around 74.4kg.

If you're starting above 20% though, you could have considerably farther to go. Post some pictures, (both flexing and not flexing).
Theres no shortcuts when it comes to losing weight. It all comes down to eating leass calories then you burn.
(Also, shameless plug for the post I wrote about what I do to lose fat/build muscle)
Also, post your myFitnessPal logs. If you do not log food, you probably underestimate the calories you ingest. I struggled for years before understanding that.
One easy way to get your blood pumping and accelerate your fat loss is to run 5 minutes every morning, and change nothing about your eating habits.

Also, intermitent fasting is beast for lowering hunger levels and lowering food intake. Eating only between 12-8pm is a great schedule.
Im kinda ashamed showing of my body, looks like a child. But yea, here it is. What do you Think? I would say 17% bf


Hope i mentioned everyone here lol
iwillbebetter said:
Im kinda ashamed showing of my body, looks like a child. But yea, here it is. What do you Think? I would say 17% bf


Hope i mentioned everyone here lol

Forget about the percent unless you get a DXA scan (most accurate scan besides autopsy - within 2% of truth) People hold fat differently so we can't tell you.

You want to look good. That's the end goal, so fuck the number. If you don't look where you wanna look, lose more fat/gain more muscle - that's it!

For you, lose a bit more fat, but your main problem is muscle. You need to hit the gym, get on that strength training game, build mass - after you lose a few more pounds of fat.
Stuff that helped me and you can see it on my old log:

Track calories with myfitness pal and then post the amount daily on here
Take body pic every 3 days or so and post those as well
Also log exercise
My advise.

Don’t give a shit about the scale numbers etc.

Cut until you are ripped. You will put on muscle with time. Get really ripped first.

It’s much more rewarding to grow when lean.
Its a relative. Take a photo every week at the same time of day along with your weight. As to your progress with BF, let the mirror be your guide.
iwillbebetter said:
Im kinda ashamed showing of my body, looks like a child. But yea, here it is. What do you Think? I would say 17% bf


Hope i mentioned everyone here lol

It'd be tough to put it to an exact number from a couple pics. If you're not flexing in those, you're probably somewhere closer to 20%, if you are flexing, I'd estimate another couple % above that. That's a really rough guess though. Even without much muscle your abs and obliques will start to show significantly below 20%.
With a fairly average amount of muscle, most guys will be solidly in realm of "lean" and look good and have reasonably defined abs around 15%. So you've probably got significantly more than 5kg left to lose. Probably closer to 8~9.

As a couple people have said, focus on getting lean first, then worry about putting on / losing muscle. If you're just starting to hit the gym, you'll be putting on muscle even if you're losing weight fast. It won't feel or look like it at first, but as long as you're hitting your big lifts and progressing, you're putting on muscle, even though you're getting smaller. You'll drop a lot more size from fat than you will gain size in muscle. Putting on 5~8kg of muscle in your entire first year of going to the gym would be really good, but you could easily lose 5kg of fat in just a month or two. So until you get lean, you'll pretty much always lose size, no matter how fast you're putting on muscle.
You're fine dude. Totally average (in a good way). Cut first while focussing on the big lifts and then build from there. Take proper progress photos now and every few weeks, in a year you'll be amazed
NotYourAverageNerd said:
iwillbebetter said:
Im kinda ashamed showing of my body, looks like a child. But yea, here it is. What do you Think? I would say 17% bf


Hope i mentioned everyone here lol

It'd be tough to put it to an exact number from a couple pics. If you're not flexing in those, you're probably somewhere closer to 20%, if you are flexing, I'd estimate another couple % above that. That's a really rough guess though. Even without much muscle your abs and obliques will start to show significantly below 20%.
With a fairly average amount of muscle, most guys will be solidly in realm of "lean" and look good and have reasonably defined abs around 15%. So you've probably got significantly more than 5kg left to lose. Probably closer to 8~9.

As a couple people have said, focus on getting lean first, then worry about putting on / losing muscle. If you're just starting to hit the gym, you'll be putting on muscle even if you're losing weight fast. It won't feel or look like it at first, but as long as you're hitting your big lifts and progressing, you're putting on muscle, even though you're getting smaller. You'll drop a lot more size from fat than you will gain size in muscle. Putting on 5~8kg of muscle in your entire first year of going to the gym would be really good, but you could easily lose 5kg of fat in just a month or two. So until you get lean, you'll pretty much always lose size, no matter how fast you're putting on muscle.

I was working out already for more than a year before the lockdown actually. People noticed my training or maybe just my fat haha. Ok i will continiue to cut.

Thx @all