Better pictures with worse results?

Oct 14, 2021
Hey guys,

Still relatively new to the forum. After reading Andy's tinder guide, I got a tripod for my iPhone 12 (I will try to get a DSLR cam soon - just using my phone for now). I've gone out and taken some new pictures after getting some feedback from you guys on my first tinder profile post. I thought my new pics were WAY superior, but my results seem to be worse now. Can you guys take a look at some of my new pics and let me know where I can improve? What do you think? Are the pics better? Am I making some rookie mistakes? I lowered the quality to fit the images on the forum

Thanks guys!!




I largely like your old pics better (from your previous post). Specifically, the first, second, third, and fifth pics from that post (the same ones Rags2Bitches liked). Those were actually pretty solid.

For this post:
- First pic looks pretty "nice guy" despite the beanie and dog tag. I think Radical would agree that the flannel shirt isn't great (especially over the graphic tee). I'd also try to find somewhere cooler to do a "reading" shot like that -- comfy arm chair isn't very edgy.
- I like your second suit pic more than the first. The sunglasses look too cheap for the suit in the first pic. Second one would also be better if you weren't squinting. I think there's still a lot of room for improvement for a suit pic.
- The workout pic has awkward body language. I think that shot has potential if you re-took it with better body position/facial expression. I'd also try to get the lighting to highlight your muscles more.

Tbh I'd revert to the four aforementioned pics from your old set, and try to get better versions of the suit or workout pic. Also you're gonna take some killer photos when you get a DSLR.

What kind of results were you getting with that old profile? Any lays?
yo this would be better in the original thread

yea this is a lot worse. the old profile photos like the dog and group ones were important

the only one useable here is the first one. i think a full smile is better or at least a smirk. it’s pretty low quality/blurry and far away so def can’t put it first. try it either before or after the dog photo in the old profile.

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suit pic: glasses don’t match the suit, shirt doesn’t fit well at all. very meh on the suit color. 2nd suit pic - photo composition is a bit better but shirt is still bad and 90 degrees is a horrible angle for you (and for me too). stick to head on or 45 left or 45 right. im also not at all certain that a suit pic in a random setting (as opposed to 5 star hotel lobby/conference room/conference/presentation) does anything. if you’re doing it in front of a random building it needs to be from a much closer angle

workout pic is awkward body language and the facial expression doesn’t match. that one should be candid not posed

i’d go back to the old profile minus wifebeater and maybe boomerang and add the edited reading pic as 2nd or 3rd for now

edit: if you post or dm me the original quality reading pic i’ll edit it instead
Eyyyyyyyy I like the one Rags2Bitches edited you're looking like a legend in that one dude!

Respect the effort you're putting into improving your pics and taking action.

Let's see you successful man, keep working!

thanks to all of you for the feedback and support. I'll keep trying and taking more pics. And you're right, I should've put this in the original post. My mistake. I'll keep all the new updates here and try to take enough new pics to update this every week or so.

Does it take a little while to develop a good eye for these things? Or is it just hard to be objective when criticizing your own photos?
chad_chaddington said:
Does it take a little while to develop a good eye for these things? Or is it just hard to be objective when criticizing your own photos?

Both tbh. The more seasoned of us have seen a metric fuck tonne of forum posted profiles at this point and gotten our own profiles to a point of success - those experiences help. I think you always benefit from a 2nd pair of eyes though
go blue jacket, gym, pool and then the Navy shot. Your bio could be swipe to the end to see my best behaviour/ see me on my way to mums.

The lamp photo is trash because you actually take up less than 50% of the image space. And also the angle makes your body look smaller.

The coral shirt photos look like you took them as selfies in a hotel room. What else do you think they say about you?

Music photo unlucky with the eyes.

It looks like your pics are at the level where you should be niching yourself into an archetype. I don’t know if the military photo will help or hinder this. You need to figure that out. The military photo is technically the best photo of the lot. Not sure if the type of girls you want will appreciate the message.
Quick response here but:

Are great.

8 - is great too, but if you have one with a better expression use it

2 - bad facial expression
4 - bad facial expression
5 - not sure about it. Looks like a mug shot. But it could work actually. Im just not sure about it.
7 - bad facial expression

All and all you look really good. Shouldn't be hard for you to get solid results
Ayyy, he's back!

I love the pool one. And the last two are my other favs. I'd keep taking new pics tho. And looks like you have some acne in some of them; I'd try to address that.
One thing that’s worked for me after I got better photos is to take good photos with a prominent landmark in my local area. Some girls will think your profile is fake because the photos are TOO good.

Try experimenting with ditching the military photos, some girls have a misguided Vietnam-era association with military members as baby killers and that can often work against you. Also women in Navy towns tend to hate Navy guys so that may also work against you. Different story outside your duty station. This is from my personal experience being in the military for over a decade.