BKennedy's Progress Log & Random Thoughts


Sep 1, 2023
Hello everyone! I just made an account today on this forum; I've been a lurker on GLL for a time before it seemingly went offline. I was skeptical of this place at first but it feels like this is a genuinely positive community for men who wish to improve themselves. Even so, I'd prefer to keep this part of my journey separate from my public persona, at least for now. I'll probably post a picture with my face at some point, but not today.

Anyway, some basic information about me is that I'm 26 years old, I'm 4 foot 11 (hella short I know), I live in the suburbs near DC, and I'm bisexual/pansexual. Sexually, I've had a good bit of play, but it's all been with men (27 to be exact), and I'd like to start exploring the woman-loving side of my identity.

It's a bit far into the year to be setting goals, but my goals as they stand are:

1. Achieve 18% body fat by EOY (right now I'm at 23.5%)
2. Make, and keep, a weekly meal and workout plan at least 80% of time (I'm already doing this with the aid of a coach)
3. Approach 5 people flirtatiously offline by end of year. Talk to them for at least 2 minutes. It's fine if it doesn't go beyond this; I just want to get into the habit of talking to hot people as those opportunities come up in my life.
4. Explore my spirituality
5. Earn a certificate in project management (almost there!)

More general and longer-term goals for my self include
1. Enroll in a master's program in international affairs, international development, or similar by the age of 30. Preferably in another country.
2. Continue staying active in my community. I currently sit on two nonprofit boards and volunteer regularly. It's tiring, but rewarding.
3. Make more time for my non-media-consumption hobbies like painting. I also want to get into the habit of spending more time outdoors.

I know a lot of guys on here are focused a lot on getting laid but I'd kind of rather focus on becoming a more well-rounded human being. I feel like that part will fall into place organically as I live my life and do more things. Never underestimate the pussy-moistening power of being normal!

This will be my log for tracking these goals, as well as any thoughts I have as I go about my days.
BKennedy's Daily Log: September 2nd, 2023

Today was a chill day mostly. I worked out around mid-morning and did some work on my certificate. I'm on track to finally finish the coursework within the next few days.

-Hanging Leg Raise (3 sets x 15 reps)
-Kettlebell Deadlift (4x20, 25 lbs)
-Single Leg Squat (3x8)
-Kettlebell Goblet Squat (3 x 18, 25 lbs)
-Kettlebell Sumo Squat (3 x 20, 25 lbs)
-Leg Extension (4x20)
-Kettlebell Swing (4x20, 25 lbs)

-Calories: 2110
-Protein: 113g
-Fat = 48g
-Carbs = 193g

Looking Ahead:

September 8th: I'm having brunch with a friend from college to celebrate their birthday. They'll be invited a bunch more people, but I'm not sure if I'll know any of them.

September 9th: There's a monthly LGBT-focused party in DC that's being held on this day. I went to it once before and loved it, so I planned to attend at least every other one. When I go out it's usually on my own, and I don't typically make any approaches since I focus on dancing and just generally having a good time.

September 22nd - October 3rd: I'll be in Southern California during this period; I'm going to SD from the 22nd to the 27th then taking a train up to LA for the rest of the time. I'm pretty excited about this trip since it's the first time I'll be staying in a hostel, and I'm hoping I like it since, if I do, it could mean that I can afford to travel more frequently.

I'm also going to make an effort to make some approaches while I'm over there. My goal is 5 IRL ones, which would average out to about one every two days if I did them all in California.
BKennedy's Daily Log: September 3rd, 2023

I treated my mom to brunch today, since we decided to do something special to celebrate the long weekend. Since I've only recently started out in the working world, I still live at home, but help out with rent and other bills as my mom and I have agreed upon. She raised me on her own since I was about 4, so I'm still close to her, and I intend to keep our relationship strong.

Other than that, I devoted the day to chores (laundry, meal prep, tidying up my room and bathroom), as I do every Sunday. Even though Monday is a holiday, I like to keep to my routines.

Workout: Today was a rest day

-Calories: 1958
-Protein: 130g
-Fat: 89g
-Carbs: 202g

Eating out today put my macros out of kilter, but I won't let one day derail my goals. I like the way my body looks already; I feel blessed that my fat distribution makes me look strong even at a relatively high percentage. With a little more work, I'm sure I can make my muscles come through. I'm doing this for my health, anyway.

Goal Achieved: Today I earned my Project Management certificate, after a 6 month process!
BKennedy's Daily Log: September 4th, 2023

Another chill day. I passed by my town's Labor Day festival and helped myself to some free books. Work starts back up tomorrow, so it's back to my old routines.

-Kettlebell Alternating Floor Press (4 sets x 15 reps, 25 lbs)
-Push Up (3x20)
-Dip: (3x20)
-Kettlebell Alternating Shoulder Press (3x10, 25 lbs)
-Band Lateral Raise (3x30)
-Band Tricep Extension (3x30)

-Calories: 2220
-Protein: 174g
-Fat: 74g
-Carbs: 232g
BKennedy3's Daily Log: September 5th, 2023

Work restarted after the Labor Day weekend, and I realize how much I like sticking to a routine. Went to the gym this morning and went pretty hard. Then I returned home and logged into my job, where I spent most of the day until dinner.

Plus, I've got a date this Sunday! It's with this guy I've been seeing that I met off Tinder. We've already been on a couple dates, and after the last one we started texting nasty to each other, so I know he's into me.

Who knows? I may have to start a log in the private channel...

-Dumbbell Deadlift (4 set x 12 reps, 80 lbs)
-Pull Up (3x7)
-Dumbbell Row (4x10, 80 lbs)
-Standing Cable Row (4x10, 40 lbs)
-Dumbbell Rear Delt Fly (3x10, 50 lbs)
-Machine Bicep Curl (4x10 60 lbs)

-Calories: 1929
-Protein: 134g
-Fat: 49g
-Carbs: 246g

Weekly Weigh-In: 129.5 lbs
Weekly Fat Check: 22.6%
BKennedy3's Daily Log: September 6th, 2023

I went exceptionally hard in the gym today, hitting five new PRs; today was also the heaviest I've ever lifted on the leg press, which I am exceptionally proud of. I've noticed that, even before I started regular workouts, my legs have been stronger than my other muscles (I guess walking everywhere helps). Then it was the usual weekday routine of work then dinner then evening chores.

-Plank (3 sets x 60 seconds)
-Dumbbell Goblet Squat (4x10 reps, 30 lbs)
-Leg Press (4x10, 360 lbs)
-Dumbbell Lunge (3x10, 40 lbs)
-Machine Leg Curl (4x10, 70 lbs)
-Machine Leg Extension (4x10, 70 lbs)

-Calories: 2719
-Protein: 132g
-Fat: 69g
-Carbs: 264g
BKennedy3's Daily Log: September 7th, 2023

It's been a minute since I did upper body at the gym, so I struggled on some of my lifts today.

-Dumbbell Single Arm Row (3 sets x 8 reps, 35 lbs)
-Smith Machine Bench Press (3x4, 128 lbs)
-Machine Incline Chest Press (3x4, 120 lbs)
-Machine Overhead Press (3x4, 95 lbs)
-Lat Pulldown Machine (3x8, 120 lbs)
-Dumbbell Lateral Raise (4x10, 60 lbs)

-Calories: 1993
-Protein: 138g
-Fat: 64g
-Carbs: 219g
BKennedy3's Daily Log: September 8th, 2023

I am now exactly two weeks away from my trip to Southern California. It's my first time traveling to the West Coast and, for my time in San Diego at least, my first time in a hostel. Out of curiosity, I signed up for the Game Global groups for LA and SD to see what's what about them. I'm hoping to take this opportunity to meet new people and build up the eye to recognize when people IRL are attracted to me and the confidence to act on those observations. I've already arranged a "date" with a guy I met through Twitter (I have a spicy account for just this purpose) and I'm hoping to check out the beaches and clubs (gay and straight) in both cities. I also plan to visit museums, galleries, and the opera at least one of my days there, not to meet people but because I like it. I may even visit Tijuana for a day trip, if I'm feeling adventurous while I'm in SD.

But, as in all things, my main goal is to have fun! It's called game for a reason.

-Alternating Hanging Leg Raise (3 sets x 15 reps)
-Dumbbell Romanian Deadlift (4x8, 80 lbs)
-Single Leg Press (3x8, 140 lbs)
-Dumbbell Squat (3x10, 60 lbs)
-Dumbbell Calf Raise (3x20, 60 lbs)
-Machine Seated Leg Extension (4x15, 80 lbs)
-Machine Seated Leg Curl (4x3, 80 lbs)

-Calories: 1,960
-Protein: 138g
-Fat: 60g
-Carbs: 214g
BKennedy3's Daily Log: September 9th, 2023

My friend's birthday brunch was the highlight of the day. They're visiting DC for a while before moving to Boston for work. It was good to see one of my closest friends from college again.

Workout: Today was a rest day.

-Calories: 2152
-Protein: 146g
-Fat: 68g
-Carbs: 250g
BKennedy3's Daily Log: September 10th, 2023

I had lunch with my Tinder person today. It was a fun time but I'm starting to wonder how far we'll be able to take things since we can't really "meet up" right now. We'll probably still sext, which I'm fine with.

Workout: Today was a rest day.

-Calories: 2109
-Protein: 113g
-Fat: 72g
-Carbs: 260g
BKennedy3's Daily Log: September 11th, 2023

I already know this week will be a challenge. Between covering for a coworker who's out of office this week, preparing for my trip, my volunteer board duties, and events that I have to attend, I almost feel like I won't have time to breathe. My coach has been encouraging me to plan ahead and track my food as much as possible, which helps, but is also challenging when it comes to meal planning. It's hard work being healthy!

Good news is I'm losing fat at a good rate. Even better news is I lost some fat this week but still managed to gain a half-pound, meaning I'm building muscle at the same time. At the rate I'm going, I'm on track to meet my fat goal within six weeks.

-Bench Press (4 sets x 4 reps, 128 lbs)
-Machine Incline Chest Press (3x5, 130 lbs)
-Tricep Press Machine (3x12, 90 lbs)
-Barbell Overhead Press (3x6, 75 lbs)
-Dumbbell Lateral Raise (3x15, 60 lbs)
-Tricep Extension (3x15, 40 lbs)

-Calories: 2051
-Protein: 142g
-Fat: 68g
-Carbs: 222g

Weekly Weigh-In: 130 lbs
Weekly Fat Check: 21.6%
BKennedy3's Personal Log: September 12th, 2023

-Dumbbell Romanian Deadlift (4 sets x 10 reps, 80 lbs)
-Pull Up (3x8)
-Cable High Row (4x10, 30 lbs)
-Cable Standing Row (4x10, 50 lbs)
-Dumbbell Rear Delt Fly (4x10, 50 lbs)
-Machine Preacher Curl (4x10, 70 lbs)

-Calories: 1888
-Protein: 133g
-Fat: 67g
-Carbs: 194g
BKennedy3's Personal Log: September 13rh, 2023

After work I went downtown for a happy hour for people in the nonprofit space. I do enjoy connecting with others in my space, and I always love an excuse to go out. I met some cool people tonight that I'm hoping to connect with later, in the professional sense.

Other than that, work was one of those days where there were a lot of meetings that weren't exactly back-to-back, but didn't leave enough time in between to do real work. I never like those days, but whenever it gets tiring I just remember that California is a little over a week away.

-Plank (3 sets x 60 sec)
-Dumbbell Squat (4x10 reps, 70 lbs)
-Leg Press (4x10, 360 lbs)
-Dumbbell Lunge (3x10, 50 lbs)
-Seated Leg Curl (4x10, 70 lbs)
-Seated Leg Extension (4x10, 80 lbs)

-Calories: 2064
-Protein: 140g
-Fat: 70g
-Carbs: 227g
BKennedy3's Personal Log: September 14th, 2023

-Dumbbell Pendlay Row (3 sets x 10 reps, 80 lbs)
-Bench Press (3x2, 128 lbs)
-Machine Incline Chest Press (3x4, 130 lbs)
-Overhead Press (3x8, 80 lbs)
-Lat Pulldown (3x8, 120 lbs)
-Lateral Raise (4x10, 60 lbs)

-Calories: 2001
-Protein: 127g
-Fat: 72g
-Carbs: 212g
BKennedy3's Personal Log: September 15th, 2023

-Alternating Hanging Leg Raise (3 sets x 15 reps)
-Dumbbell Romanian Deadlift (4x10, 80 lbs)
-Single Leg Pess (3x8, 170 lbs)
-Goblet Squat (3x10, 30 lbs)
-Calf Raise (3x15, 30 lbs)
-Machine Seated Leg Extension (4x18, 60 lbs)
-Machine Seated Leg Curl (4x8, 60 lbs)

-Calories: 2072
-Protein: 133g
-Fat: 87g
-Carbs: 199g
BKennedy3's Personal Log: September 16th, 2023

Workout: Today was a rest day.

-Calories: 2503
-Protein: 129g
-Fat: 111g
-Carb: 248g
BKennedy3's Personal Log: September 17th, 2023

Workout: Today was a rest day.

-Calories: 2175
-Protein: 123g
-Fat: 64g
-Carbs: 272g
BKennedy3's Personal Log: September 18th, 2023

-Smith Machine Bench Press: (4 sets x 2 reps, 128 lbs)
-Machine Incline Chest Press (3x5, 140 lbs)
-Tricep Press Machine (3x11, 100 lbs)
-Barbell Overhead Press (3x10, 80 lbs)
-Dumbbell Lateral Raise (3x15, 50 lbs)
-Dual Rope Tricep Extension (3x11, 50 lbs)

-Calories: 2230
-Protein: 151g
-Fat: 74g
-Carbs: 238g

Weekly Weigh-In: 130.1 lbs
Weekly Fat Check: 20.5%
BKennedy3's Personal Log: September 19th, 2023

-Dumbbell Romanian Deadlift (4 sets x 10 reps, 80 lbs)
-Pull Up (3x8)
-Dumbbell Pendlay Row (4x10, 80 lbs)
-Cable Standing Row (4x10, 60 lbs)
-Standing Dumbbell Rear Delt Fly (3x10, 50 lbs)
-Machine Preacher Curl (4x9, 80 lbs)

-Calories: 2149
-Protein: 166g
-Fat: 69g
-Carbs: 216g