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3 & 4: Being prepped rn


Due to the issue with dehydration yesterday, bought a pass at a different gym, which was outdoors, hence avoiding the issue of the previous gym.

Hack Squats: 50kg x 25 [1 plate a side + 5, not counting the machine] / 15 / 10
Leg Curls: 43kg x 23 [1 plate a side + 1.5kg] / 15 / 10 / 10 / 10 / 2

There was no leg extension in this outdoor gym.

Now going to slam this meal, watch some motivational content, and do some posture work.


There is no excuse to not move your life forward and do all in your power to succeed.

Once success is possible, if you do not put fourth every ounce of effort, it's your fault entirely.

If you have a proven method of client acquisition, and aren't smashing it to get your goals - it's you, no one else, you.

The help does exist for building a great body, I believe in my coach, yes, he is pretty extreme and wants to push me to some pretty intense limits. But, I can see the results, I can feel them, and this, is enough for me to know, it is possible to win, and there will never be any task that involves effort and consistency I will say no to.

I hope you all had a great Saturday. Tomorow, will hit my meals, and do a KoT session.

I hope my measurements get better for Tuesday lads.

Who is with me for sending through their pics and measurements on Tuesday? Let me know.

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Today's workout (1st out of 4 for the week):

Superset #1: (repeat 3 times)
- Chest Dip 17.5kg * 8
- Incline Dumbbell Row 15kg * 10

Superset #2: (repeat 4 times)
- Overhead Press 30kg * 10
- Leg Raise 0kg * 10
- Dumbbell Skullcrusher 15kg * 10
- Hammer Curl 15kg * 8
- Pull up 0kg * 4

2 minutes of high intensity cardio for the hell of it.
Lads I got sick as FUCK and I mean REKT over the past few days.

Weekend was legit scary, I've not been sick like that for years, and to that extent - wow. One of the most brutal experiences of my life, I shit you not.

I picked up a few hours ago. I couldn't fly to Mexico City as I had planned. I will fly tomorrow instead. I was supposed to check out of my AirBNB, but they didn't really say anything, so that's fortunate.

I have to recover fully, and get back in the gym. I expect, it will be a few days yet, and this one will have hit my strength levels no doubt, so it may take a few weeks go get back where I was. Maybe. Let's see.

I will do my pics and measures tomorrow, but I will preface by saying, this happened and is being dealt with.

Honestly, you should feel good and energized after every session. It's ok to feel a little taxed and a little sore, bit overall you should feel better when you come out of the gym then when you went in.
@MAC this is super important
I think BowtiedOx said something along "you should feel energized not exhausted" (after a gym session)
Bman is 100% right here.

The funny part is....I strange enjoy the pain.........I was in bed enjoying how much I blasted myself, and can't wait to go back today and push even harder

Do you do it to enjoy pain or do you do it to look good and feel good?
Are you sleeping enough? Getting enough kcal? Intense workouts must be followed with plenty of food. I wouldn't be surprised if you were not eating enough. How many kcal do you get? What are your macros?

Attached my latest physique pic. A little too much love handles to my taste but I've put on decent mass.
I bulked from 74 to 78kg. Started at 2900kcal and ended at 3250. I'm now shredding a little fat, eating around 2800kcal
I spent most of my adult life between 66 and 71kg so 78 is quite an achievement for me

My previous phone died 2 weeks ago so I don't have before pictures unfortunately (don't do the same mistake, save all your pictures to the cloud)


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Many thanks boyos

I think it had been so fucking brutal because I was in the early stages of getting sick!

I will not be back in the gym until I've recovered 100%. Will just focus on nailing my diet today.


Body composition did not get better this week, despite a productive week of diet and training, the sickness, not being able to eat since Sat, and my body having to recover, has put a tonne of stress on me.


Thats the game


Success in any endeavour comes to those who can patiently stay with it, get through the dark times, the frustrations, and stay with it, when life is handing them some tough cards.

Realistically, if I get my diet right daily from now, my body composition will be back on track.

I will fully recover this week. No gym. It's also not ethical to train when sick, even if slightly sick, because you pass this to others. Unaccetable.

I will consider it a success if I get all my kcals and nail everything in my diet, every day, and return to the gym on Monday.

The rest, will do me some good.

More time to hustle biz!



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Today's workout (2nd out of 4 for the week):

Superset #1: (repeat 3 times)
- RDL 80kg * 5
- Seated Calf Raise 45kg * 20

Superset #2: (repeat 4 times)
- Weighted Pull ups 10kg * 6
- Dumbbell Lunge 10kg * 10 * leg
- Dumbbell Shrug 28kg * 10
- Cable Face Pulls 30kg * 12
Had a nice cardio break with 2 hours of volley ball.

Not really scheduled in the routine but went on and did
- assisted one arm pull-ups (20kg assist) 2 reps each arm * 5 sets total
- 90kg bicep close grip pulldown 10 reps * 3 sets

Next scheduled workout is on Friday.
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A few more weeks and I'll get back to my peak leg strength


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Hey my goal is to get down to 90 kg

Current weight: 92,9 kg

Did push-ups for 15 min yesterday
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Strength is returning after 7 months of callisthenics.
Will increase my protein by 50g 5 days per week next week.


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First time deadlifting this year!
Aim was a top set of 5+ then 5×10 with a lower weight based off of how the top set felt. Surprised myself with the top set but the deadlift muscles are still very out of shape so my strength dropped off drastically.


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This week's measures!

-Recovered from being sick, strength took a hit understandably, and will come back over the next few weeks
-Body composition stagnant, need to make a dietary adjustment, good call with coach today. Dropped kcals by 300. Let's see the effects on bodyfat for next week. We want to get to 15%!

Basic strength session from yesterday. First time pressing heavy overhead in ages and each set got better than the last until number 4 where I hit a wall and switched to dips just to finish off the upper body.
Bicep tendons feel a little inflamed still from rock climbing Sunday so all reps are done with a 3 sec eccentric and pause at the bottom.


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Cardio on the rowing machine with 10 mins on the assault bike to warm up


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Gonna get these platz squats to 140 3 sets of 10 reps.
I'll start working 12 HR shifts Mon till Tues so I'll move my lighter days and cardio to Tues/weds and put my heaviest sessions on the weekend where I'll be fresher.
This will be deadlift and overhead press (on the weekend) and I'll drive the strength up more aggressively.


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lol sorry im posting this a whole week late but Week 1

Week of 7/5/2024
Biceps 16.5 inch
Quad 28.5
Hips 50
Forearm 11 inch
Neck 17.5
abdomen 50.5
weight 280
body fat 38.1%

Week 2; after starting keto
Weight 271lbs :cool:


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Didn’t have wifi so couldn’t post. I don’t have a scale where I’m currently at, so I can’t say my current weight but from looking in the mirror it looks like losing fat is working, my abs are starting to show.

Don’t have equipment so I’ve just been doing push-ups and squats or burpees.
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Did 20 burpees. Also only ate like 1.200 kcal today (unintentional). Not so healthy, but it’s gonna help with fat loss lol
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