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Jan 19, 2021
Goal of thread: to achieve body composition goals or die trying,

Once week update for those interested in participating.

Must post:
-Body Pic - Front & Back
-Weekly Scale Weight
-Weekly Measurements
-Bodyfat %

To participate, please post below, with your goal.

All members, of all experience levels, are warmly welcomed.

This will be for accountability and consistency, post your questions in your log.

I will post mine tomorrow.

(1) MakingAComeback: Goal - 15% Bodyfat
(2) @Ali - Recomp

Lets get after it.

To your success,
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Goal: 15% Bodyfat

-Weekly Scale Weight: 216.6lbs today
-Weekly Measurements (cm)
Biceps 37.5Quad 62Waist at narrowest 93Waist at navel 103Hips 102Forearm 31Neck 41

-Bodyfat % 23.32 %
-Pics: Yes I am aware let's do back pics as well boys and can't figure out how to do that solo in this apartment lul.
week 1 side.jpgweek 1.jpg


Might turn this into a general bodybuilding mega thread if that works better, seems like less uptake on the weekly accountability idea.

Logging workouts, sharing ideas, mindset, deeper aspects of the game.

Thoughts, welcome.

Testing the concept, if no beuno, onto the next idea.

Until we create what the people want.

Thanks as ever guys for supporting Winner Within!

Appreciate you all

I like the workout logging idea + diet and then the physique goal.



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I like the workout logging idea + diet and then the physique goal.

Amazing mate the let’s do that!

I’ll add you to the members in this mega thread and let’s fucking get after it

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Deadlifts - 135kg 10 / 10 / 10
Leg Press - 200kg 37 / 30 / 30 / 3
Calf Press - 80kg 40 / 20 / 20


Total rep training. The idea is, you have 3 sets to hit the pre determined reps on a given weight. Deadlifts, its 30 total reps. Leg press, 100 total reps. Calf press, 80 total reps. As you can see, I needed more than 3 sets to do the 100 reps in leg press. This is still passable, if I understand correctly, but if you cannot do it all in 6 sets, you fail, and have to try again next week. I'll clarify this with my coach.

Whilst this may look simply, I assure you, these workouts are murder on murder.

These are heavy-ish weights for me, at this stage in my training, and I am fucking pushing myself to the limit.

Which is where true mental strength is built. In doing hard things, and using them to turn your mind very hard.

Meal 1 - Done
Meal 2 - Done
Meal 3 & 4 - being prepped
Meal 5 - after work

Will eat these meals, and then go to the beach, and work on my business, serve clients, and fucking grind to get to the top.

I invested many many thousands of dollars into a program to build my business, IronWill, to a world class level. This will involve improving all the systems, operations, and giving my clients everything they need for a top-tier performance coaching program, that is of course, unique as it uses my own IronWill Methodology, which came out of my own brain and 14 years of research.

This will involve increasing my prices soon, which was always going to have to happen. Obviously, for the current cohort, they are always grandfathered in for life at their rate. I will honour that, and let those who I did offer the current rate to, onboard at that.

This is what it takes to soar high in life, man, and how I did this.......

If it can be won using:

-World class work ethic
-World class consistency
-Focus, determination, grit, and resolve

Then we can have it.

Proven countless times.

That is why you play games you can win, find a winning formula, and give it your all to be consistent no matter f**king what,

Lets get to 15% bodyfat. And then set the next milestone..........


Knees over toes workout, lots of back rehab work after.

Hit all kcals.

Saw the gal I was dating for the final time, had dinner, walked on the beach, said our goodbyes. Very beautiful experience. She is going away for a while. We'll stay in touch here and there. No regrets, very lovely human, just not for me. Glad that was the last chick I am going to date for a while. Awesome, talk about going out on a high.

Just gotta get my kcals in today, get a KoT session in, and training tomorrow.

Progressed my KoT movements a lot, can do split squats with way improved form now, that has taken the better part of a year.............Me and Paw were working on these movements every day in Budapest, I wonder if I'll mog him when we live together next.

We're discussing a entrepreneurs mansion in Mexico, for the early part of 2025. A bunch of my close crew. I have pivoted to business as you know and have set ambitious income goals. So, no choice but to make this happen now.

Physique update on Tue.

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Ah man that is bad ass, I have been doing these like a religion since I started The IronWill Project

I attribute it massively to my improved strength and durability

Which we will keep building on and get a sick ass physique

Today I weighed 214.8lbs! Cut started at 223lbs!

Going to the gym shortly, did an hour on the beach biohacking. Slamming caffeine, and then putting myself through the limits of physical exertion.

Body pics will be shot through like clockwork each week. I go to my next location on Monday. The grind is just getting started.............I achieved the biz goals I was going for a while back, my goal now is consistent 10k a month, but I am only logging my body journey here now.

I am 100% interested in using this forum to do service to other people which is my duty to God (sewa) as part of my religious faith (Sikhism).

So I am keen to see others use this forum to get results not just in dating (I no longer do this, that is on the rest of you) but body, business, and mental health/life.


Coached called me out for not training hard enough last session, he insisted I would be able to get 18 reps on that deadlift, I swear if you put a gun to my head I couldn't have done one more, that was total hell and I was destroyed after

Was another brutal session, went FAR harder, but a bit concerned with how this one went. You know how people say they trained so hard they puked? I didn't puke, but I went home and had a intense fever and couldn't get out of bed for 8 hours - good lord.

Still got my biz delivery work done but couldn't do any biz dev............Not my fault, was DESTROYED

Smith Bench: 50kg x 30 / 60kg x 10 / 70kg x 10
Lat Pulldown: 75lg x 10 / 80kg x 7 / 80kg x 7 / 80kg x 7 / 80kg x 7 / 80kg x 7
Lateral Raise: 10kg x 30 / 14kg x 8 / 14kg x 8 / 14kg x 7 / 14kg x 3 / 14kg x 2
DB Curls: 12kg x 16 / 14kg x 8 / 14kg x 8 / 14kg x 7 / 14kg x 3 / 14kg x 2

At this point, in this sweat box of a gym where there's just a small fan, no AC, man, I was DESTROYED.

I have never pushed myself to where I couldn't get out of bed for an entire day.

Bit concerned it was as brutal as that. Spoke to coach, will see what he says, this is evidently quite extreme training and I can't be talking days off work to do this LMAO.

Will see what happens. Nuts. Got to go back in tomorrow and train legs in equally brutal fashion.

Not an expert in physical training, but I know, despite my coaches absolute insistence that I am not going anywhere near hard enough, this, today, was madness......It was hard as fuck last session, but apparently I was not even trying according to him....jesus.

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I went home and had a intense fever and couldn't get out of bed for 8 hours - good lord.
You should never feel like that walking out of the gym. I'd seriously question him if he was pushing you this hard all the time. And 18 reps for one set of deadlifts?

If it was super hot, there's a good chance you were dehydrated. Specifically, low on electrolytes. Then add on top of that the stress from taxing the CNS and overexerting yourself, and you have recipe for disaster.

Honestly, you should feel good and energized after every session. It's ok to feel a little taxed and a little sore, bit overall you should feel better when you come out of the gym then when you went in.
I am 100% interested in using this forum to do service to other people which is my duty to God (sewa) as part of my religious faith (Sikhism).
Good. Start by serving this brown D of yours to Indian ladies and Filipinas.

Not an expert in physical training, but I know, despite my coaches absolute insistence that I am not going anywhere near hard enough, this, today, was madness......It was hard as fuck last session, but apparently I was not even trying according to him....jesus.

So I wanna say that your coach sounds retarded. There's not a single physique coach I respect who would prescribe conventional DLs to a tall dude with small joints like you. On the other hand, I know that you often misinterpret the advice given to you. At this point, I just hope you don't injure yourself.
You should never feel like that walking out of the gym. I'd seriously question him if he was pushing you this hard all the time. And 18 reps for one set of deadlifts?

If it was super hot, there's a good chance you were dehydrated. Specifically, low on electrolytes. Then add on top of that the stress from taxing the CNS and overexerting yourself, and you have recipe for disaster.

Honestly, you should feel good and energized after every session. It's ok to feel a little taxed and a little sore, bit overall you should feel better when you come out of the gym then when you went in.

I'll raise it with him. I suspect quite strongly it's the epic heat, no AC, and sweating buckets during training.

The funny part is....I strange enjoy the pain.........I was in bed enjoying how much I blasted myself, and can't wait to go back today and push even harder

My own sick head I suppose

Good. Start by serving this brown D of yours to Indian ladies and Filipinas.

So I wanna say that your coach sounds retarded. There's not a single physique coach I respect who would prescribe conventional DLs to a tall dude with small joints like you. On the other hand, I know that you often misinterpret the advice given to you. At this point, I just hope you don't injure yourself.

Hi Greek-Brown KING of Filipina pussy.

I am retired from this, had the run that I had, and am now enjoying my life building my biz and body and no longer want a relationship so there's no point.

I will still travel to these locations, because they're likely going to bring awesome experiences, but not for dating. Just to meet the people, enjoy the sights and sounds, and live a full human experience.

My brown D is fine the way it is. I have techniques and tools I can use to get the odd lay when I want them using online dating, with the usual undesirables. I am in no rush to pursue this, I am good.

When I get to my body and biz goal, I will travel a lot, but not for dating. I may make vlogs and shit like that, see the world, enjoy life. I am curious about what that will be like.

I agree that fever sounds just like dehydration to me.

For sure, thanks for the thoughts brah.


Back training today & will smash it hard as fuck.

I look forward to posting my pics and measures on Tuesday.

When I started lifting I went too hard on the squats and did end up puking. And my vision turning black, came very close to passing out. Had to sit down and let the cold sweats cool me down.

It's dehydration or possibly lack of blood sugar. I know you like your fasting.

Not something to be fucked with. Imagine you black out and hit your head - not a risk you should want to take just for one "good" session in the gym.
Ok lol this thread convinced me not to be a lil bitch and go train. Will update the post after I hit the gym.

Had only 10 mins to get something done, happy I got back on track and went to the gym.
- 10 pull-ups -> 15 dips -> 10 chin-ups as superset
- 15 chest fly - 15 reverse chest fly as superset
- 30 bodyweight squats

Monday back with normal workout program.
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Ok lol this thread convinced me not to be a lil bitch and go train. Will update the post after I hit the gym.

Keep us posted brah

Let's see what you got for us today.

I'm about to go hit legs. Will post back.

