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Book Rational Male by Rollo Tomassi?

the best way to use "red pill" content is to keep the wisdom while discarding the demagoguery. The Rational Male is full of demagoguery and devoid of wisdom. I would personally recommend against reading it at all - it felt like a massive waste of my time. worse than that, if you read too much of this pseudoscientific psychobabble and get convinced that women aren't just people like the rest of us, you stop being able to connect with them authentically. if you're trying to get laid, this will directly impede your pursuit of that goal.

I would recommend the content in Andy's blog and podcast first. if you need a book, Models by Mark Manson is much better
I have read book 1, 2 and parts of book 3. This was a couple of years back and honestly, what nipple-flip is talking about have made me re-consider the value of those books.

When I first read them, especially book 1, mentally it felt like I was shattering old perceptions on intergender dynamics. And to some extent I feel that it was necessary to do so - but if it was the best/healthiest way to go about it, I'm not so sure. Mainly because, like nipple is talking about, you can find your self viewing women as something other than human beings, as weird as that sounds. Like creatures that almost conspire against men on some emotional level etc.. Idk.

For what it's worth I've left behind reading most RedPill material, like the subreddit etc, simply because it wasn't really adding value to my life in any productive way.

Discovering Andys blog and this forum has been 1000x more helpful in terms of actually improving my life/mental health/understanding of women than reading The Rational Male did.
Reading Book 1 of the Rational Male for me was necessary to break me from the fairy tale view of women growing up in a hardcore Christian household. Like everyone said here, it broke me free from my old perceptions of intersexual dynamic, but also like what Hard2Focus says, I now look back and realize I gained some bitterness to women unknowingly just by reading and consuming Red Pill content.

Also would like to say Andy's blog was much healthier for me to kickstart me getting laid when he told me that getting laid should be both good for you AND the girl. Big breakthrough from that alone.

Rollo's book 1 is basically a compilation of his best blog articles (not sure about 2 -4 because never read them). If there was 1 article that was only helpful for me and I would recommend dudes to read, it would be his discussion about the peaks of male and female SMV. It was necessary for me because I never took full advantage of getting laid back in college, and the discussion was a more realistic explanation that what makes men attractive isn't the same as what makes women attractive. Just... filter off the toxic stuff when reading this article, and you're better off reading Andy's stuff.

Other Youtube channels helpful for male "Red Pill" stuff that isn't as toxic as the rest for me are Hamza & 1stman.
Guys don't share intellectual property for free, publicly. This is not Reddit, nor a torrent site.

Lonely_Rottweiler why are you lying? It's on one of the biggest online stores in the world, Amazon.
I have never read the book, and will stay away from that, and other Red Pilll content more broadly.

The risk of becoming anti-woman is quite significant when one engages with this sort of material. The younger you are, the greater risk you put your psyche at.

If one is to understand women and relate to them better, a healthier alternative may just to date them, spend time with them. and connect with them on deeper levels over time.

I'm back from date no.2 with a girl I met recently, and even in a short space of time, I have learned new things about male female relations and picked up on a lot.

Not having a subconscious lattice structure of strange concepts and frameworks is a great benefit.

When I was doing the PUA stuff in my early years, that weirdon stuff created total havoc in by brain. Thankfully, it has been forgotten!

Your call. But in general, these dudes are playing off the human tendency towards being drawn to strong emotions and drama. Not good for one's psyche.

Redpill spend too much time and energy focusing on problems over solutions

Its usually like -

1. Here is a problem you/I am facing
2. Lets rant about it for like 90% of the article/book/youtube vid
3. Ok heres 2 min on solutions but i wont give any specific advice, figure that out for yourself or you're beta

Theres some good redpill-adjacent guys who dont do this as much but not Rollo. He's the epitome of mental masturbation and he is openly proud of being the 'theory' guy.

Crisis_Overcomer is that library project definitely illegal sharing. I've seen things like that which are legit
nipple-flip said:
I would recommend the content in Andy's blog and podcast first. if you need a book, Models by Mark Manson is much better

I've read the Rational Male a while ago and I'm reading Models now and I'd agree with this 100%. Models is actual practical advice and there's been multiple times while reading it where I've had lightbulb moments like 'oh fuck I never realised I was deficient in this but now I realise I am and can see how that would help'. The chapter on vulnerability summarised one of my biggest issues so perfectly and really opened my eyes to how it's held me back whereas before reading it I couldn't exactly pinpoint what I was struggling with and how to fix it.

Also feel like Models is geared way more towards becoming a better well rounded man (because women are attracted to better men) rather than Rational Male which felt like a lot of manipulation and theory that acts like women are some weird aliens you need to decode. Though I read that book a few years ago and may be mis-remembering it.

Andy's content and Models are in the same school of thought imo
This was a good ass discussion

It is very good when men share their views and perspectives in this manner

Thanks all for weighing in I got value from it

I read both due to see it recommended so many times.

Rational Male - Interesting ideas and cultural analysis, but ultimately its garbage. Virtually no actionable information. There are some interesting insights into modern culture, but I'm not sure what utility they have other than serving as justification for bad actions.

Models - Ideas presented are far less novel, but far more practical. Almost all the advice is great and most everything is actionable. Downside would be it doesn't much into specifics, but given the format and size, not sure how it could. Ultimately, very good.