Making Big Moves
We are 17 days into 2025 and I feel like I running this shit like roadrunner.
Where to start?
Book chapters are coming along nicely. It's funny because both
@AskTheDom and I have to take periodic breaks from writing because we're too busy living the stuff we're writing about. Lol.
Archery Girl just started classes again at college and the Russian Princess has been sick with a virus going around, but I'm waiting for both their schedules to get sorted out soon and probably setting up a threesome with them at some point.
In the local kink community, I was approached by one the other group leaders here that will be stepping down and asked if I'd like to take over the group. They get a little more attendance to their munches than I do, but it's typically the older crowd and old guard, but it's got a good vibe. And status is status. So I'm meeting with them next week for that.
I also decided to go out on a limb and setup a "leader's munch" to bring together all the leaders here in the local community to meet, network, and discuss what we'd like to see here. It's like a kinky town hall, if you will. I was a little nervous to post the event for it because 1) I'm the small guy here and 2) If it flopped, I'd look like a fool. But it's already got some traction from other leaders in the community. That's set for the start of Feb so we will see how that goes.
On to the bigger news. That 60k influencer girl and I have been texting, sexting, sending me pictures, and she's pretty much in the bag. She's posted statuses like this when I go to sleep or working and tell her I can't text her...

She's actually quite sweet. And kinky as fuck. Anyways, she gets back this weekend so I'll see her (and tap her) next week.
The real news with that though is she already asked me if I'd shoot content with her which I told her I'm down to do. See the thing is with these OF girls, you connect with one and then you connect with all their contacts and it becomes a flywheel.
Well, I decided to take that further. I contacted another local girl to start shooting general content. Was supposed to meet her Wed, but I got a fever so I had to reschedule. She's a petite, 5'4, 110lb girl and just starting to do content.
Then I contacted another very cute 22yo and we're getting dates set to shoot edu-porn content for some of the skills I write about in my guides. Basically sex masterclasses, so I can sell those on my site.
And then, I was feeling kind of bold early the other morning, and decided what the hell, I'm going to reach out to this blonde bombshell from Chicago. Yes she interested me because she's very hot, but moreso because she had a writing talking about looking for being in a 24/7 dynamic, which is something I'd like at some point. So I reached out and to my surprise was answered back quickly, and pretty easily got her number. I learned she's top 1% of OF and models for Playboy. She also has a really wild story about how she got into kink thats in fact a little traumatizing. We figured out a 24/7 dynamic wouldn't work for us because she wants a monogamous one and gets jealous, and I'm hard non-monogamy, but we're still making a plan to have her come down to TX and shoot content with me and have a few days of debauchery in pseudo-24/7 lifestyle. Have a video chat date with her tomorrow to talk about it.
Tis her...
I was a little reserved about the idea of flying a girl out to me. My ego thinks it's cool, but all I could think was I can get plenty of girls right here, easily, so why would I pay money to bring me one. Beauty does not hold as much value for me anymore, because it can be easily attained. See, I was pretty willing to fly Politics Girl or Bumble Girl out to see me when I was traveling because they have something far more rare and valuable: that spark, that 1 in 10 connection as Holden likes to call it. That I'd pay money for.
But I was willing to entertain the idea if she was both attractive and we were lining up a lot in lifestyles, because lets be real, my lifestyle is getting more and more polarized and niched as I continue. But now, this is not only pleasure, but business and it's a investment in opening social doors and bringing in revenue. Regardless, we'll both still split the bills for the trip, which wouldn't be that much anyways. And eventually, I'm not going to care about the cost if I'm making enough money from it. All in due time.
Finally, I was feeling even more cocky after that, and there was this sexy redhead in my local area that I'd been friends with almost since I started my FL, but had never reached out because I (rightfully) assumed I didn't have enough to get her attention if I did message her. So I reached out on the same day as the Playboy girl, and again to my surprise, she told me she'd creeped my profile before and was happy to be connecting with me now. We've got a date set for tomorrow.
What I've been finding really interesting is it seems none of these girls ever get treated normal. Either they are pedestalized or they are looked at with vitriol. When I'm actually talking and texting them, I treat them just as I have every single other girl that I might have just swiped on an app with. I flirt and tease and be dominant with them, but I also show them some respect, dignity, and empathy. And let me tell you, that shit goes a long way. I'm also just being me, as in I'm no longer faking the mindsets we preach like abundance, because I actually have abundance, and shit to do, and I got other people to see or things to be doing and I literally can't give you all my attention. It's impossible.
Anyways, long term, for a guy to really make it in content, he has to be fucking a variety of girls, and I don't really think that's a problem for me. Tap one girl, tap her contacts, get plenty of social proof to post, get references, and fuck your way to the top. I'd also like to rent one of these live/work studios in Austin that have a large open space on the bottom floor and apartment on the top floor that I could turn the bottom floor into a content/dungeon space and could do shoots, play parties, teach classes, pro dom sessions, and coach couples in person. Plus rent it out for other creators. It would be like my own Playboy mansion...
That's just a dream though. Right now, I'm just focused on the deliverables: writing book chapters, writing articles, finding content partners and so on. No need to get caught up in the future. It will come in time. Just do what I do best, put in the work.
Oh, I hate to say this, but if this all leads to where I think it might, there may come a time at the end or this year or next that I'll need to remove this log. To be clear, I'm not ashamed of anything I've done here. And I've always tried to make my stuff as valuable to the community as possible. But it would bar far to easy to screenshot something out of context in my log and use it for defamation. It's shitty and I wish the social game didn't work that way, but it does. But I'm still small potatoes for now, so read the material while you can. I'll keep it up for as long as possible.
Keep kicking ass, gents.