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Brandon Builds - On my way back to Austin

Bman said:
@Myelinated, thanks man. I did crop it similar to how you did here and put it up on my profiles.

I also blurred the background and made you pop out a bit more. Subtle changes, but more eye catching IMO.
Bman said:
This week’s reflection


However another that has gotten a few responses is “Are you as interesting as you are cute?”. Also just liking a couple girls photos without putting anything got a couple matches.

Do people ever ask what makes you so interesting as a follow up? What's a clever retort?
Myelinated said:
Do people ever ask what makes you so interesting as a follow up? What's a clever retort?

This line had only worked on a few, and they ended up just validating themselves to me. I have not continued to use it though as it has not out preformed the previous line.

bonzo34 said:
I don't know how to reply to a specific post but- the girl in the lower left picture is hot. I want.

Thanks, man. She definitely was.
This week’s reflection


Ad Girl: Thinking about dropping her as she’s the least attractive of the group. She was fun and glad I could open her up to the world of BDSM. Just looking to free up some time in the schedule for others.

Spiritual Girl: Great time with her at the club last weekend and had her over again on Friday. Sex is pretty good with her and a solid once a week girl.

Psychedelic Girl: She’s back from her trip this week so I see her again on Saturday. Was a blast taking her to my munch. In fact I really enjoyed taking my girls out to event and things. Looking forward to doing it more. Still want to do the Holden two girls on the same date.

Pole Girl: Tried getting her over again for the lock-in lay but she said she’s going to focus on another connection right now. Oh well. She was fun.


Since I’ve mapped out my archetype in the last post I’m going to take more photos really trying to hone in on that look. Also got a few fashion accessories as well. Since I only need 9 photos and know the look I’m going for in each, I’ll probably just take each photo concept, one by one, and keep taking pictures till I get the one I want. So probably several days of the same shoot depending on how they come out. Particularly the one with my dog. Haha

New Photo:

Leader of Men

Munch is going great. I did not realize how much fun I would have doing it. Of course I hope it helps to get me laid and be another lead source, but it’s also just fun to bring a group of people together, hang, get them opening up about themselves, and laughing. Tomorrow were going to the arcade bar which has over 150+ arcade machines. Should be a good time. Meanwhile, two other venues have gotten back to me about doing an event there. For those that have never worked with venues, it’s a pain in the ass to get them to tell you upfront what their rates are. They want you to build a package to quote. I just want to know what each thing will cost so I can budget and charge tickets accordingly.

365 Project

Great stuff utilizing the social circle.

Also update from the situation with my mom, she finally got inpatient, got some sleep, and is back to “normal.” The situation played out just as I had told her landlord it had where she had PTSD flashbacks, did not sleep for a few weeks, and now observed schizophrenic behavior. Anyone who does not sleep that long will be schizophrenic. The landlord lady had no reason to trust my word, for she does not know me. But damn. When I say I know what I’m talking about, I know what I’m talking about. Regardless, things are back to normal.

Since I’ve been logging every day in my 365 project I stopped doing weekly reflections in my log. But want to mark a few items in my progress and put it here.


Ad Girl: Dropped

Spiritual Girl: Currently out on a trip. She’s also going to be going through a egg freeze cycle which means not intercourse for a few weeks.

Psychedelic Girl: Still there.

However, its time for some more recruiting.


New photo inspired by the archetype mapping.

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Not exactly Jason Mamoa, but it garnered a like from a hot, tight bodied 21 year old in few hours on Feel’d so it’s good enough for me.

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Leader of Men

Well in progress for holding a 75 person fetish party for the BDSM community I’ve been building. Got the event page up earlier and have already sold 3 tickets. I’d also like to take a moment to recognize its crazy people are paying me to dance around almost naked with each other for a few hours. Life’s wild. Anyways, I’ll need to sell at least 40 tickets to break even. The stuff I learned from all this has already made it worth the effort.


Started taking some testosterone and libido boosting supplements a while back. I’ve been slowly introducing one by one to see how they affect me. So far I’ve noticed significant improvements in mood, erection quality, and performance with tongat ali, fadogia agrestis, and fenugreek. So happy on that front.

On the weightlifting front, I’m to the point in my decade long journey in weightlifting that focusing on smaller, ancillary muscle groups makes a big difference. Shoutout to Manly Cockfellow for putting up the most aesthetic body parts list. I spent a few months focusing on some delt and lat development and the ladies are loving it. Literally every time I take my shirt off, Psychedelic girl comments on how much she loves my shoulders. I’ve also started doing the knees over toes program on my support days in order to develop my hips, knees, ankles, hamstrings, and calves more which has already had a big impact on the big lifts like squat and deadlift.

Last thing I have done starting this week was doing a 25 minute yoga flow in the mornings focused on stretching my hips, back, groin, hamstrings, and developing my core which are all important areas for optimal sex performance. It’s been one of the BEST things I’ve done for my body in a long time. I feel like a million bucks right after doing it.
Damn Bman, I'm a solid 1 on the Kinsey scale, but you are looking HOT dude. Solid picture and killing the archetype.
For what it's worth, your picture is way better without the face shadows and the accessory drip is out of control (but it works!).

Dumb question, do you smile? Or do you like the mean mug/dominant/serious look? Any greater reason or thought put into that or is that just your default?

All the best
komeback_kile said:
Dumb question, do you smile? Or do you like the mean mug/dominant/serious look? Any greater reason or thought put into that or is that just your default?

Depends. I used to furrow my brow a lot and can have a pretty mean look. I actively worked on smiling when I started approaching and now I tend to smile more.

For my photos, I'm going for the more dominant look. Most of my photos are serious, however I have a couple smiling photos to round out the profile such as this one.

I'll be taking a new one with my dog soon which I will be cuddling and smiling to round out the hard edge of the rest of the profile.
Bman said:
25 minute yoga flow in the mornings focused on stretching my hips, back, groin, hamstrings, and developing my core which are all important areas for optimal sex performance. It’s been one of the BEST things I’ve done for my body in a long time. I feel like a million bucks right after doing it.

I'd love to hear more about this: got a link or a file you could share?

Bman said:
Shoutout to @Manly Cockfellow for putting up the most aesthetic body parts list. I spent a few months focusing on some delt and lat development and the ladies are loving it. Literally every time I take my shirt off, Psychedelic girl comments on how much she loves my shoulders. I’ve also started doing the knees over toes program on my support days in order to develop my hips, knees, ankles, hamstrings, and calves more which has already had a big impact on the big lifts like squat and deadlift.

I always love when guys find something I shared helpful, so thanks for letting me know!

You've been absolutely killing it lately Bman, great work!
Manly Cockfellow said:
I'd love to hear more about this: got a link or a file you could share?

I've never tried yet but was recommended Man Flow Yoga, hope this helps: https://manflowyoga.com/home-yoga/

Personally ATG single leg squats have fixed my tight hip flexors. Other ATG exercises have done wonders for my groin, hamstrings... I bought a theragun (massage gun) recently, it's a game changer also. I used to have painful neck and traps... it was gone after my first use of the theragun
Manly Cockfellow said:
I'd love to hear more about this: got a link or a file you could share?

It's a combination of movements I've picked up over the years from various sources. I'll record a video of it this week.
Continuing to update the photos on my profiles. I started messaging girls on Hinge again this week and will say that the Jason Momoa ripoff has increased the quality of matches at least +.5 to +1. Also I'm actually getting matches on Bumble with it also. Thats pretty fucking cool.

Anyways, here's a couple more from the archetype inspiration. "Spiritual" physique

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And then one with my dog. Still not as good as the ones in the inspiration shots, but decent.

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Holy shit dude those are some damn good pics! You're killing it and it's inspiring to see. Those photos are the kind of quality I'm hoping to get someday. Keep up the good work and know that there's people here who admire the hell out of what you've accomplished.
Bman said:
Continuing to update the photos on my profiles. I started messaging girls on Hinge again this week and will say that the Jason Momoa ripoff has increased the quality of matches at least +.5 to +1. Also I'm actually getting matches on Bumble with it also. Thats pretty fucking cool.

Anyways, here's a couple more from the archetype inspiration. "Spiritual" physique

Photo_Style Inspo.jpg


And then one with my dog. Still not as good as the ones in the inspiration shots, but decent.

Photo_Style Inspo (1).jpg


Great job man! The dog one blocks your face a bit, but if you put it at the end of your profile it might not matter. Nailed it.
MILFandCookies said:
Bman said:
Continuing to update the photos on my profiles. I started messaging girls on Hinge again this week and will say that the Jason Momoa ripoff has increased the quality of matches at least +.5 to +1. Also I'm actually getting matches on Bumble with it also. Thats pretty fucking cool.

Anyways, here's a couple more from the archetype inspiration. "Spiritual" physique

Photo_Style Inspo.jpg


And then one with my dog. Still not as good as the ones in the inspiration shots, but decent.

Photo_Style Inspo (1).jpg


Great job man! The dog one blocks your face a bit, but if you put it at the end of your profile it might not matter. Nailed it.

This one!
The photo itself send the right vibes, so once the story is “sold” this one is the mail in the coffin.

Not a big fan of the other one as it seems almost like on “green screen”
Manly Cockfellow said:
I'd love to hear more about this: got a link or a file you could share?

Here you are, good sir. Hope its helpful to you and the rest of the gents.

Combines practices from tantra, yoga, Bodyweight Warrior (Tom Merrick), and Foundation Training (Eric Goodman).



Hawkins said:
Holy shit dude those are some damn good pics! You're killing it and it's inspiring to see. Those photos are the kind of quality I'm hoping to get someday. Keep up the good work and know that there's people here who admire the hell out of what you've accomplished.

Thank you Hawkins. Truly means a lot. Just trying to better my life and inspire others to do the same. I've always believed in leading from the front and that change starts with you.


Thanks for the feedback MILFandCookies and AskTheDom. I did throw it in towards the back of the rotation for the reasons you described.
Yo Bman , what sources did you use to find all the pictures for your storyboard? Just google images? That is a great idea, I plan on doing the same. Fucking well done man.
Method said:
Yo @Bman , what sources did you use to find all the pictures for your storyboard? Just google images? That is a great idea, I plan on doing the same. Fucking well done man.

Yes, mostly google images. But you'll see I found a few people who closely resemble what I'm aiming for and found multiple images. If you know a few influencers/models/actors that fit your desired archetype, you can also use instagram and look them up there. If you don't know then just google your archetype. For example "long haired, bearded, tattooed model".


Spiritual Girl: Currently still doing the egg freeze thing. It takes a lot. Supposed to link back up at the end of the month. But its obviously been a long time since the last time we seen each other. So we will see.

Alright, now like any good scientist would do, they confess when their experiment fails. When they were wrong.

So this was the experiment I was running: https://killyourinnerloser.com/forums/viewtopic.php?p=53841#p53841

Well turns out she actually did not take that well after having met OF girl at the event later that week.

Yes, I know. You’re screaming “DUH B” as you read this.

I had not heard from OF Girl since the end of March after we texted each other on OF Girl’s birthday. Did not really think much of it because that girl is constantly working. To be the top 1% percent of OF she has to take high quality photos, edits them, and puts out full sets every day. Then is on every social channel marketing them. Actually have mad respect for the hustle.

Anyways I got this text yesterday about Psychedelic Girl inquiring about OF Girl…

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How I handled it is just best showing the receipts.

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By the way I sent the friend the exact same explanation. Copy paste.

Afterwards I moved the conversation along and asked if she was going to be at the munch Wednesday and Shrine next weekend. She seemed to actually be MORE turned on by the whole thing. Here’s a piece after mentioning I’m combing my hair down and dressing as Jesus for Shrine. Also context of the 2nd thread of conversation was about her telling me to be safe because apparently there was a serial killer on the news in my neighborhood.

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Went to bed. Today I got this…

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And had fun hanging out with them for a couple hours. Of course the friend was there, so I really just warmed OF girl up for Wednesday and Sunday later in the week.

As for Psychedelic Girl, well, she’s got to go. I may be a nice guy sometimes, but no self-respecting man is going to put up with petty drama like that. Now I also understand why there are levels to how far in you let a girl into your world, after she’s earned it with time. Especially when doing social circle game.

As Robert Greene notes in 48 Laws of Power – “Law 5: So Much Depends on Reputation – Guard It With Your Life.”
Should have listened to my dick. Sometimes it knows best. Also I know I should have listened to age old wisdom here, but now I KNOW firsthand. Lesson learned.


So I actually put in work on the apps this week as compared to the coasting I had been doing from passive Feel’d matches mostly. The photos have helped a lot.

On Hinge I only have to message about 60 to get a handful of matches each day. Before I had to message 100.

I boosted on tinder also. That was hit or miss. One boost got me 20 likes one day and 2 the next. The one day I was annoyed because I kept getting 20 yos that are 40+ miles out of the city liking me.

The quality is also better 6.5’s or better. Few 8’s. Pretty happy about that.

I was getting more numbers than I had days free, so I have to learn to either double book/ offset times or just screen more. Which I did for a few. Like a woman that I matched with on Bumble and wanted to do a call on the app. I pretty much voice messaged her what I was looking for. She thanked me for being so honest, and not looking for the same.


Had two dates this week.

Date 1: Very attractive, petite, 25 yo girl who has similar bone/ face structure to Angelina Jolie. She’s actually very honest, upfront, and respectful. She works as an engineer and was telling me she’s in her masculine all the time in a male dominated work environment, dressed in carharts , hair up, and doing analytical things all the time. On the date though she was dressed in all white flowy skirt. You can tell she craves any excuse to sink into her feminine. She’s had a very repressed and mediocre sex life with her past 2 partners and thought she was asexual. But she said she’s actually really sexual and very interested in tantra and bdsm. I think she’s just going to melt into being submissive.

We had some miscommunication in text and she thought I was only free till 8, so she planned something after our date. So when I went for the pull it was unsuccessful because shes very adamant about keeping time commitments to people (which I will GREATLY enjoy should she become a plate). She seems keen, just got to find a time to get her over.

Also scared B finally did some touching, holding her lower back as I walked her to her car.

Date 2: Also very attractive 26 yo, great frame, plump lips, very feminine voice. Your Instagram/ sorority girl who dresses and does her makeup well all the time. My looks got me in the door, but my game was not quite to par for the pull on the first date. Plain and simple. And it was right after I just handled the situation with OF Girl, so I was just a little on edge.

Some notable parts of the date:

  • She kept saying she wanted to get to know me more, paticuraly after moving the conversation to sex. Even after having talked about a bunch of different things, some being pretty deep topics.
  • When she asked what I was looking for, I told her an ongoing FWB. She then said she’d like to get to know me more (this again) and have a couple dates. Then asked if I hear that often? I’ll be honest, I can’t even remember what I said, I pretty much just deflected the question.
  • At one point we were discussing tattoos and she talked about her finger ones fading. I grabbed her hand and rubbed her finger, saying they were still pretty decent. In my head I was fucking nervous as hell to do so. Exposure therapy, son. Just keep doing it. It’ll get easier.
  • The conversation went on pretty naturally. We only had one lull and I did not fill it all. I just looked in her eyes. She asked what and I told her she had beautiful eyes. She’d been playing with her bangs the whole date, I could have easily moved them, touched her face, and probably kissed her right there. Miss Opprituntity.
  • There seemed to be a DNA tug for me, because without me even being aware of it until the end, we’d closed the space between us by about 50% and moved closer during the date.
  • She said she definitely wanted to see me again, and after I told her my week was filled, she said she was free next Saturday. Told her I’d let her know.
  • I had actually teased and disagreed with her quite a few times on the date. I think I also may have intimidated her a little bit (which is funny because I was trying not to get caught up that she was an archetype I rarely got a date with before). But got this text 30 mins after the date.

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Little update on supps. I started taking Red Korean ginseng the days I’m supposed to see a girl. Stuff will definitely make you cut diamonds, but after taking it a couple days I got some intense dreams. Had my first nightmare that I’ve had in a very long time. The kind you scream in your dreams and end up screaming in real life which wakes you up. So only taking that on occasion, not as a daily one.