Continuing from post 1...
Brief Review of My Game
Here is a breakdown of the past 35 lays and a few case studies of dates that I wish I had closed, but ended up losing.
Lay 1: Cam Girl (yes I lost my virginity to a cam girl. No, not on camera).
Reason for closing: Not sure… Was so long ago. I used craigslist casual encounters to get it but do not remember what I put in the ad, or if I responded to hers, or what we said in messages.
Retention: Yes. Despite being a virgin, she thought my sex skills were really good. She could not believe I was actually a virgin. Higher perceived value.
Lay 2: Obese Girl (I had very low self esteem. I’m not proud of it. That was the past).
Reason for closing: Higher perceived value by default.
Retention: …no. I was disgusted with myself. Story for another time.
Lay 3: Ex Wife (Amazing what working on your self esteem does)
Reason for closing: I was an outsider to her. I thought she was weird at first. She thought I was kind of scary. Then she saw I was top of our class and DHV consistently in competence presenting my architecture projects. We became more familiar with each other over time in the social circle. I closed shortly after a party where I deliberately had another attractive girl in our class intimately sitting on my lap most of the night. She told me later she kept thinking “why is x over there on her lap”.
Retention: Yes. I took her virginity. I had a lot of perceived potential value.
Divorce: Taking full responsibility that I allowed the value gap to close and become too familiar. When we first got married, I had a full time job in architecture. She did not because she did not get a masters degree like I did. With my income, and doing some side hustles, I bought us a two story house. Then I realized I didn’t really want any of that. Quit my job and became a struggling freelancer while she improved her situation by getting a full time job in real estate. I finally caught up later but the value gap closed. At the same time all the differences that made me hot in the beginning, I slowly let fade. We became very efficient as a team getting things done and communicating with each other, but the lustful attraction was not there. There was no polarity. Contractually obligated friend zone.
Lay 4: First lay after divorce
Reason for closing: Higher perceived value by self improvement and lifestyle.
Retention: No. I chased afterwards. Needy behavior. Chasing is death.
Lay 5: B Level Sorority Girl
Reason for closing: Higher perceived value by self improvement, Top guy behavior. Actually my fastest close I think. 15-20 minutes. I’d gotten the basics of fashion down. Sat on the same side (before I knew it was something I needed to be doing) and started using Andy’s BDSM script so the sexual frame was already built. I remember her being an excited nervous. I was a nervous confident. It worked out.
Retention: Yes. Sex was good and I empathized only after the lay during pillow talk. Only ended because she moved for grad school a few months later.
Lay 6: Jeweller Girl
Reason for closing: Higher perceived value by self improvement, confidence in sexuality.
Retention: No. Not sure why.
Lay 7: Architect Girl
Reason for closing: Balance of rapport building and breaking. We were touching each other quite quickly.
Retention: Did get ED but she was going to come over again. We messaged a couple times, set a date and time. Then never heard from her again.
Lay 8: Strawberry Girl
Reason for closing: Very confident behavior, lack of self deprecating behavior.
Retention: No. Can’t remember at all what happened in the days after.
Lay 9: Wednesday Girl
Reason for closing: One of my hottest lays achieved by acting as if I was higher than her (arrogance) and teasing her. I remember she was an interior designer, which we then obviously connected over design. But I remember breaking rapport some. She even called me an asshole or dick at one point. I remember her being quite nervous. She’s called Wednesday girl because she asked something around me having multiple partners (top guy behavior) mentioning if she would be Wednesday girl. Honestly, I don’t even know how I knew to act this way, but I did.
Retention: No. I chased afterwards. Needy behavior. Chasing is death.
Lay 10: Black Meek
Reason for closing: Took 2 dates. She wanted to “just feel me out” on the first date. Second she came straight to mine. I didn’t chase and didn’t fall into her frame. So I was probably perceived as higher value in some dimension and I just didn’t fuck that up.
Retention: No. That girl did not know what a calendar was and was shit at communication. I couldn’t be bothered.
Lay 11: Cheerleader Girl
Reason for closing: Right place, right time. She wanted an adventure in BDSM. Just didn’t fuck up and lower my perceived value.
Retention: No. Really think she was just looking to try it once. I was above the threshold for that.
Lay 12: Southern Girl
Reason for closing: Blatantly told me she assumed I was seeing other girls. Top guy.
Retention: No. Just mismatched schedules.
Lay 13: Cinderella Girl
Reason for closing: 2 dates. Empathy & Rapport building, but sexual Top guy behavior.
Retention: No. And honestly, not sure why. It seemed so solid. We tried once to set another date. Something came up. Then, I chased?
Lay #14: Travel Girl
Reason for closing: I don’t know. This girl actually seemed stronger in every perceived dimension and was definitely a high achieving, dominant, corporate girl, but not the kind that then melts as a submissive in the bedroom. I don’t recall actively making her self-perceived value go down. We had 2 dates and she even had a trip in between and had to reschedule, and still made it over for the 2nd date for the lay. Wish I had the audio for this because my lay report is lacking.
Retention: No. Think we tried twice to schedule. Didn’t pan out.
Lay #15: The Feminist
Reason for closing: Hahahaha… christ. I survived all her shit tests.
Retention: No. Thank goodness.
Lay #16: Christmas Girl
Reason for closing: Higher perceived value by self improvement, top guy behavior.
Retention: No. Mismatched schedules
Lay #17: Ad Girl
Reason for closing: Higher perceived value by sexual skills, first girl from FetLife. Needed comfort for the close.
Retention: Yes for many months. I rotated her out when I built a harem later.
Lay #18: Spiritual Girl
Reason for closing: Actually, in my head on this one I was actively self deprecating myself. I held my composure on the date though. But I think empathy closed the gap. Then I was aware enough to capture her high energy she was feeling, move it towards sex confidently, then pull. Despiste having some ED issues, she said she’d never have had anyone be so sexually skillful. I was also her first date off Feel’d and her first Dom.
Retention: Yes for a whole year. I rotated her out for other girls. But she was great.
Lay #19: Dancer Girl
Reason for closing: This girl was a babe. Had the date while reading Yohami’s notes. She perceived me as really hot, I did some teasing, man to woman frames, and just didn’t do anti-game behaviors.
Retention: No. Mismatched schedules and I chased a bit. Chasing is death.
Lay #20: Psychedelic Girl
Reason for closing: Higher perceived value achieved through self development, preselection.
Retention: Yes for a few months until she tried to start drama for being jealous of other girls.
Lay #21: Pole Girl
Reason for closing: High achieving woman who self described herself as boujee, yet she was enthralled by ambition. I also took the lead, which compared to the other guys she dated, was a big step up. Also she thought I was very muscular. Higher perceived value.
Retention: No. Outdone by a pair of Chads who spoke French in her ear and she wanted to explore the relationship more with them.
Lay #22: Spanking Girl
Reason for closing: She said that how comfortable I was expressing my sexuality on the date was a big green flag. Confident, top guy behavior.
Retention: No. She lived quite far out.
Lay #23: Buddhist Girl
Reason for closing: Top guy behavior, some empathy & comfort to close
Retention: No. She had a medical condition occurring then. Tried a few weeks. Probably chasing. Chasing is Death. But she added me on FetLife and we have a rekindling date next week after several months.
Lay #24: Event Girl
Reason for closing: Aloof. She chased me. Status. Top guy behavior.
Retention: No. Didn’t want to.
Lay #25: Lips Girl
Reason for closing: Munch lead. She chased me. Status. Top guy behavior.
Retention: No. Didn’t want to.
Lay #26: Politics Girl
Reason for closing: Top guy behavior. Dominant and she is very submissive. Respects me a lot. I’m betting the perceived gap was large in her mind. A lot of comfort to close.
Retention: Yes. One of my faves.
Lay #27: Dress Girl
Reason: Dominant, top Guy behavior, except I actually felt like I had self-esteem here. Something clicked. Good mix of comfort and breaking rapport.
Retention: No. Chased to set next date. Chasing is death.
Lay #28: Trio Girl
Reason: I was hot to her. Dominant and led frame, even in token resistance at pull. Top guy behavior.
Retention: No. Outdone by a 6’4 hung, muscular, fucking giga chad. Dude is handsome as fuck. She wanted to “see where that relationship would go”. Yeah, I get it. SMV.
Lay #29: Sorority Girl
Reason: Didn’t chase. Matched a whole year beforehand. Happened to rematch. Teased a lot on the date. I did pedestalize her some but later found out that she assumed I was having a ton of beautiful girls in my bed all the time. Higher perceived value.
Retention: No. Chased… fucking christ. Stop it. Chasing is death.
Lay #30: Rope Bunny
Reason: She had a very high self perceived value. Active preselection, witnessing my leadership, closing the gap some with empathy, confident and NOT doing bottom guy behavior
Retention:Yes, but was still a high maintenance princess if not in the bedroom. Fizzled out due to my lack of effort to keep it going.
Lay #31: NY Blonde
Reason: Pure status & preselection.
Retention: No. I didn’t want to.
Lay #32: Bratty Indian Girl
Reason: Already knew before the date I was being perceived as higher value because she told me. I comforted some, but held open the gap and just rode staying in the fuck zone till I decided to close.
Retention: No. I didn’t want to.
Lay #33: Property Girl
Reason: Complete comfort girl. I just needed to make her feel safe.
Retention: Yes. Current rotation.
Lay #34: Tantra Girl
Reason: Preselection. Status. Sexual skill value.
Retention: No. Didn’t want to.
Lay #35: Nurse Girl
Reason: Status. Top Guy behavior and comfortable around women. She respects the shit out of me. Some empathy and comfort, but probably not needed.
Retention: Yes. Current rotation.
Case studies that I wanted but I actively fucked up:
November Girl: On some metrics she had more perceived value, on others I did. We probably met somewhere in the middle. Matched before thanksgiving break and did not get to a date til after. Texting in between. I think this is one rare occasion where I did build perceived value by texting about myself over the break. Date came. It was great! Deep, deep rapport… but I didn’t break it much. It was warm and fuzzy. She said she could not go back with me on the first date, I didn’t care. We were in our own little world. 4 hours later and I’m ravishing her on the sidewalk before sending her home. She went through a breakup with her other partner. And she said there was just something telling her it was no, but she really respected me. At the time, she did have a higher perceived sexual experience in BDSM which is what I think was what tipped it to no. I think the margins and gap were so small here. I didn’t tank my perceived value, but all the rapport did not build it either. One of the few maybe girls I have dealt with.
OF Girl: This girl has a high self perceived value, inflated by her success with OF. However the frame in which we met put me higher initially. I was an outsider of the BDSM scene, but came to that munch with confidence, and observed top guy behavior: sitting on top of the table, taking up space, conversing with people and ignoring her and her friends. Her friends wanted to meet me (because they found me attractive) so her and her friends approached me. We got familiar. Over the next couple encounters I did not chase and she ended up DMing me on FetLife and I got the number. Tried setting a date, but we were both without vehicles at the time and she lives on the outskirts of town. Then I chased, trying to set more dates when the first didn’t work. I knew if I could get her on a date, one on one, I was fucking closing. So I pushed. Then I started closing the gap by getting to know her over text. The gap got to widen a couple more times from preselection of Spiritual Girl and Psychadelic Girl. But the same story played out of trying to set a date and chasing. Gap closed. Square in the friend zone.
Boudoir Girl: Christ this girl was hot (pedestalizing). We had a great date. I ran it well. We kissed at the end and both of us were turned on. I got a chub in the parking lot. Probably should have left the tension there, and intensified it by going in for the kiss and whispering in her ear instead. Only reason I did not get the pull that day was her schedule. She had to get home. Where I messed up was chasing… chasing is death. She was a busy professional woman and already had a partner so schedule was slim. She was also going on a trip. Tried before the trip. Tried after the trip. But always chasing to see what her schedule was.
After review here is where I am doing well:
- Solid reaping of sowing many years of self development
- Exhibiting top guy behavior, even before I really had all of it
- Minimal bottom guy behavior - I’ve done a lot of inner game work so that MY OWN self perceived value matches what I am experiencing. Bottom guys don’t do what I can do, so don’t act like one.
- Teasing
- Selective use of compliments
- Status, preselection
- Creating safety
- I’m doing decent at DHV, but still need to stay diligent about it as my lifestyle keeps shifting. Living in a van is low value. Having autonomy to adventure and travel wherever, whenever in a home I designed and built myself is high value.
After review here is where I am cutting my own throat in game:
- Chasing… Chasing is death: it’s a behavior that needs to be ripped out from the core mainframe, burned, put in a little box, and burned again. Why do I do it? 1) Sometimes the girl is hot (pedestalizing) and I really want her to stick around/ go on the date (needy). 2) I get in shitty scheduling situations where I keep having to re-engage her to try to set the date and I feel like I have to persist or it will not happen. Particularly AFTER the lay, if I try to set the day once, and she is busy, what do I say the second time so I am not sounding needy and chasing? This has killed too many retention opportunities.
- Closing the gap: Sometimes I’m getting the lay in spite of doing this. I probably don’t need to give her as much comfort as I sometimes do. Sometimes it’s necessary, but not as often as I think. Just like compliments, which I see as a good thing if they are genuine and not done to pedestalize, empathy needs to be selective, especially if I already have the higher perceived value.
- Breaking rapport more often: I’m a pretty friendly person. I’ve spent a lifetime of learning the skills to make sure I’m not an outsider while still maintaining autonomy. Its a balancing act. What I could do is actively break rapport more often. I think I have plenty of room to do so.
- Avoiding the category of tools associated with decreasing her self perceived value: Look, I don’t like making people feel worse about themselves. I’d rather empower them. Teases I don’t mind so much. They are witty and come with humor. It stings a little, but it’s all in good fun. I have done active degradation exactly one time. It was on OF Girl and she was being really bratty. I isolated a psychological pain point that I knew would make her really self conscious and I exploited it. I did not like doing it and immediately stopped. But she also stopped her behavior. It feels like a double edged sword where the wielder also loses part of their life force when using it. If there are other tools in this category I can use, and it won’t make her or myself feel like shit, I am open to hearing them.
- Interested in learning how I may be able to deliver a compliment that can also raise my perceived value when I deliver it. I’ve found complimenting the eyes, while also holding deep eye contact, works really well. It draws attention to my eyes and I usually get a compliment back.
- Active frame control and polarization of LTR’s: Must keep them out of the friend zone. My next steps for this are higher utilization of dirty talk and dominance. I do just fine at empathy and bringing us closer together.
Very open to hearing other's observations of my behavior that I am either doing well, and need to continue, or not doing well, and I need to improve.
In the words of Socrates, "Fucking christ, still a rookie."