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Brandon37s progress log


Mar 26, 2024
Hello im new to this forum so i apologize if i do something wrong here

Im Brandon, 22, and want to improve my life.
I have recently discovered Andys website and have been trying to learn everything i can

My goals:
1. Talk to more people/girls
- (ive never had a gf and havent had any friends in over 5 years)
2. Find my career path and become succesful
- (I went into Auto body and Car restoration but dont enjoy it as much as i thought. So im going to college for Robotics, which i dont really enjoy but it pays good)
3. Improve my looks/style and lose weight
- (I have absolutely 0 style and I want to improve it. I will post some pictures below if you guys would like to give me some advice. It would be very appreciated by me. And also im not fat but I do have a bit of a gut, so im gonna lose that this year.)
4. Move out of my parents house
(I dont like having 0 privacy, and no girl is gonna want to come to my parents house. Especially since im 22 now.)

My current steps ive taken
1. Ive started using dating apps. To no success but at least im trying
2. Ive started going on walks everyday. I cant afford a gym so im doing what I can.
3. Ive joined a few meetup groups to make friends. But i keep missing them, due to work and stuff.

Thanks for reading my log and i hope you all have a wonderful day!
Welcome fellow Brandon. We are many on this forum.

You sound like you have some good positivity to you. That's great. You'll need that good spirit.

The meetups will be great for you to start gaining social skills. Life can get in the way sometimes, but if you're serious about this, make sure dating and social skills become a priority. Right now at your level, just try to talk to everyone there, guys and girls alike. I know it will be nerve wracking, but try to just get yourself into a few conversations.

Confidence looks like it's going to be a big hurdle for you. It's cool, we all had to get over that hurdle. You don't need to apologize before you have even done anything. Furthermore, you are man, and it looks a man of action. This means you absolutely belong here. You're worthy of taking up space amongst the other men here. So stand proud and keep taking action.

A few tips to help you be successful on this forum:
  • Consistently post progress you have made towards your goals like how many meetups you went to, how many girls youve talked to, pictures youve taken, workout and meal planning, ect.
  • Also post your internal reflections about these items, specifically obstacles your facing mentally about accomplishing your goals.
  • If youre using dating apps, post the pictures your using and examples of texting youre doing. I can tell by your avatar here you're going to need help with body language and fashion.
  • Find a couple logs on here of guys you respect, are doing what you want to be doing, look like you, or have similar mental hurdles as you. Then start from the beginning of their log and read the whole thing. Mine it for every ounce of gold it has. Constantly ask yourself "how does this apply to me?"
  • Dont take our feedback as a reflection of your self worth. We may be direct and harsh sometimes, but if you seperate you emotions from the advice, you will find the advice highly applicable.
  • Show gratitude and implement as much of the advice as you can. The more you do so, the more advice you will recieve, ans the faster you will succeed.

Chin up, brother. Welcome.
Bman said:
Welcome fellow Brandon. We are many on this forum.

You sound like you have some good positivity to you. That's great. You'll need that good spirit.

The meetups will be great for you to start gaining social skills. Life can get in the way sometimes, but if you're serious about this, make sure dating and social skills become a priority. Right now at your level, just try to talk to everyone there, guys and girls alike. I know it will be nerve wracking, but try to just get yourself into a few conversations.

Confidence looks like it's going to be a big hurdle for you. It's cool, we all had to get over that hurdle. You don't need to apologize before you have even done anything. Furthermore, you are man, and it looks a man of action. This means you absolutely belong here. You're worthy of taking up space amongst the other men here. So stand proud and keep taking action.

A few tips to help you be successful on this forum:
  • Consistently post progress you have made towards your goals like how many meetups you went to, how many girls youve talked to, pictures youve taken, workout and meal planning, ect.
  • Also post your internal reflections about these items, specifically obstacles your facing mentally about accomplishing your goals.
  • If youre using dating apps, post the pictures your using and examples of texting youre doing. I can tell by your avatar here you're going to need help with body language and fashion.
  • Find a couple logs on here of guys you respect, are doing what you want to be doing, look like you, or have similar mental hurdles as you. Then start from the beginning of their log and read the whole thing. Mine it for every ounce of gold it has. Constantly ask yourself "how does this apply to me?"
  • Dont take our feedback as a reflection of your self worth. We may be direct and harsh sometimes, but if you seperate you emotions from the advice, you will find the advice highly applicable.
  • Show gratitude and implement as much of the advice as you can. The more you do so, the more advice you will recieve, ans the faster you will succeed.

Chin up, brother. Welcome.

Thank you Bman.
As for confidence. Yeah i feel like i dont have much confidence. I wanted to go to a meetup this weekend but it was cancelled. Theres not many choices for meetups near me, since i live in a rural area.
Im definitely going to try post as many logs as i can. Ive never had anyone i could talk to about this kinda stuff so its kinda nice.
But yeah thanks for your reply and im definitely going to post a log next.
Not much has happened so far. Ive went on a few 15min walks. And i went to my college classes, so im pretty tired.
I tried bumble bff and it was weird, so i deleted it. And meetup dosent have much going on either. I need to find an alternative way to meet people i guess.
I wanted to upload my dating profile though. I know my pictures are bad, i plan on buying some nicer clothes this weekend and taking new photos. I have a tripod for my phone so that helps.
So here they are, these are my top 3. What areas should i improve? I know they arent the greatest but i figured if you guys had any recommendations let me know. And should i smile? My teeth arent great so i cant really smile with them. Also ive learned i dont had a very good style.
Don’t take it hard, but it’s not worth using dating apps with this caliber of photo. That’s okay, most guys start off sucking at taking photos and there is an immense amount of room to improve them.


Everything in part I of this guide is mandatory, except for buying the camera. I could go into more detail about it, but idk if Tinder pics are what I’d focus on right now if I were you. I think the most important things for you right now (socially anyway, idk about the job stuff although that’s important too), are 1. Get in the gym, figure out your diet and start improving your physique 2. Improving your fashion (including haircut) and 3. Making friends and socializing. And all 3 are critical to pursue. Of course the Tinder guide has some advice on 1 and 2 so there’s some overlap. And people on this forum could give detailed advice on all 3 as well. There’s a reason part 1 of that guide is improving your looks, and figuring out how to lose fat/gain muscle, dress well, and socialize are just better uses of your time right now then figuring how to pose for pictures, imo. If all that stuff is getting done and you still have time, look at taking pictures, but it’s a lot to work on as is I think. I’d spend a few weeks, on it and then revisit taking pics. I’d have at least 2 good outfits and be working out and eating right regularly before focusing on taking pictures.

Also if your teeth are messed up, it’s probably worth looking into cosmetic dentistry at one point or another or whatever else it would take to fix them. If you don’t have the money for it right now that’s okay, but I’d make it a long term goal because it’ll be worth the money spent.

You definitely have some work to do, but the good news is you’re young and there’s plenty of time to sort all this stuff out. If you start putting the work in now you can put yourself in a very good position.

You actually look way more manly and attractive in this last one, which could be a clue as to which direction to go into as you craft your archetype.

Not sure what research you've done but before you go out and buy clothes this weekend I recommend first watching this playlist to give you some ideas, then binging some of Radical's other videos & shorts. Also look up Radical/The Hatfish (same dude)'s one outfit to rule them all.
pancakemouse said:

You actually look way more manly and attractive in this last one, which could be a clue as to which direction to go into as you craft your archetype.

Agreed. Brandon37, you have a similar facial structure to Steve Zahn. I'd recommend looking through Steve's choices in hair styles and facial hair over the years to give you direction in what may look best for you.

Update on my goals
Thank you everyone for you advice, i really do appreciate it. Ive been doing research on Radical Improvements videos and seeing what outfits he recommends. I took some screenshots of outfits i like but i need to do more research still. Im also going to grow out my beard and see how that goes.

For my weight goal - Ive been going on daily walks everyday, and ive been following this guy called hybrid calisthenics and following his routine on his app as well.

For my socializing goal - I havent really achieved much here, but ive talked to a few cashiers and people at stores and stuff. Just saying hello, and the weather is nice today. Ive also talked to some people on discord and had a couple short conversations, so that was cool.
Ive been trying to find a group to join. Meetup is kinda dead in my area, so not much there. I found a geocaching group that meets in a couple weeks so i might try that. I dont really know were to go to meet people though. I dont drink, and because of that i dont feel like i fit in at many of the events near me, since they are mostly at bars. I also dont like bumble bff, I feel really weird swiping on guys after using the bumble dating side of it lol.

Anyways thats my current update! And again thank you Bman, Ryval, Yggdrasil13, and pancakemouse for taking the time out of your day to give me advice. I really appreciate it.
Well its 4am, I have a long day of work and class tomorrow in 2 hours. And i cant sleep, i keep stressing over my mistakes, bad decisions, and how im not really achieving much.

I owe 4k in student loans, and I have a car lease of $420 a month.
I only make $15 and hour, so like $20k a year. And i realized leasing a car was one of the worst decisions ive ever done. Its like $9k over 2 years for a car i cant even keep. And I can only drive 18k miles. (It had 2k miles on it when i bought it.)

Im also behind in my college classes. Ive missed a lot of assignments and only have 2 weeks left of class to make them up. I have a C right now, but you have to have a C to pass this class. I cant fail, I spent to much money and time. And if I fail I feel like I'll have let everyone down.

I feel like such a loser. Like other people my age have bought a house, got married, graduated college and are making 100k a year. And Im over here living with my parents making $15 an hour. And in debt. I need to improve, and I feel like college was the only way for me.
Sorry for just ranting here. I shouldnt complain, I feel like I shouldnt even post this. I should be posting my goal updates, not my personal problems. I just wish I had someone to talk to. But wishing for things isnt going to get me anywhere in life. You guys arent going to want to read my lengthy complaints, so i apologize.

I hope you guys had a good easter! And hope your day goes well!