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Can you help me improve my tinder profile?


Jul 7, 2021
Hello everyone :lol:

I've recently had a photoshoot and got a couple of good pictures, but they're all with the same outfit and similar locations so I only put two of them in my profile, mixed them up with a shirtless pic and a couple of photos showing me enjoying my hobbies and one recent trip, sadly these ones are not very high quality but I still see some value in them.

How do you think I can improve?

These are my pictures:

This is my bio (translated, we speak Spanish in my country):

"Sports, language learning, traveling. Looking for someone with good energy to join me and hang out.

Traveled to USA, Argentina and Brasil 📌

I speak english, un peux de français und ein bisschen deutsch 🇬🇧🇫🇷🇩🇪"

I have read Andy's guide but I'm fairly new to all this, so I'm open to learning from everyone. Please feel free to tell me what you think.


Edit 1: The third pic is actually a gif/loop, I think it's kinda cool because it shows the bullet being fired from the gun and then returning to it.
1st photo. Sunglasses in your first photo is a big nono.

2nd photo. It looks too blurry and the background is more of a focus than yourself.

3rd photo. Shooting a gun is probably going to get you more left swipes than right. Unless you are specifically filtering for girls who are into guns, it's probably not a great idea.

4th photo. Same outfit, sunglasses. Could be an ok photo as a 3rd or a 4th photo if the 1st one wasn't almost the exact same photo.

5th photo. You have a good body, there are probably better ways of showing it off. A body pic without your face in it is probably going to do a lot worse than one with it. The photo looks a bit lazy, as if you just woke up one day and pointed the phone at your body and pressed snap. It looks like no effort was put in.

6th photo. A group photo is always good to include. Not the best one, but it's better than having none.

7th photo. Too blurry, poor lighting and unflattering angle. You could take a similar photo, but with much better lighting, focus and angle.

Your avatar is actually your best photo by far. Use that as your Tinder pic and get rid of the other 2.
Not really used to giving advice, but you asked to share my thoughts so bear with me.

Right of I would definitely use your avatar photo as your main Tinder pic, you look confident and are in focus with a more nicely blurred background compared to your other pics. As for the rest of your photos, I have not much to add and agree with what's already been said.

Hope I helped you in some way and good luck man.
Thanks for sharing your thoughts drifter , Coldskye! I'm working on implementing your advice.

Laurelius What's up man, I'm from Paraguay actually.