Charm filter on face app for Tinder pics

Yes, charm is fine but don't use above 2/4. You can always post a before and after edit pic here and we will be honest if it's fine or catfishing.
I would say it depends on the pic really. Usually you don't want to use FaceApp filters at the maximum level as said above.

Sometimes FaceApp does stupid shit and leave artefacts around the face. Just be careful about those.

Oh, and don't let the skin get too smooth... When you get that "plastic/make-up" feel, you know you went too far.
I notice everyone talks about the effectiveness of FaceApp on an individual level, but not the greater moral implications of its use.

By using FaceApp, you are contributing in some part to the pollution of the commons by giving others justification for misrepresenting their image online. We're not just talking about basic saturation and contrast adjustments here, these filters literally reshape your face in the image of someone who is extremely attractive (and not you).

My opinion continues to be that it should not be used unless you are very disadvantaged in other ways.
I've used it and haven't ever been called out for catfishing, one girl even said I looked better in real life. Granted, girls say all sorts of shit in the moment and I have no idea if she was actually being truthful or if her judgment was clouded. Or she could've just been straight up lying or exaggerating.

Honestly though, I haven't noticed a huge boost in results in the first place, I imagine I'd do even worse without it though.
pancakemouse said:
I notice everyone talks about the effectiveness of FaceApp on an individual level, but not the greater moral implications of its use.

Yeah, we can have an interesting debate in front of a good beer about that, but the benefits of this tech are just too good to be left on the table IMO.

pancakemouse said:
By using FaceApp, you are contributing in some part to the pollution of the commons by giving others justification for misrepresenting their image online. We're not just talking about basic saturation and contrast adjustments here, these filters literally reshape your face in the image of someone who is extremely attractive (and not you).

It's not just FaceApp tho, there are other software capable of similar improvements, but giving a better control and thus allowing better results without going into catfishing territory (I use PortraitPro for example).

I think that if you abuse or use these tools badly, you'll get punished because it will be noticeable. And if you get dates by catfishing girls, they won't be into you when meeting in person anyway.

Personal anecdote: my Tinder pics are "heavily" edited but multiple girls have still told me that I look better in person than in my pics.

pancakemouse said:
My opinion continues to be that it should not be used unless you are very disadvantaged in other ways.

We agree to disagree I guess. I respect your opinion, but I still feel like it's a no-brainer to use these tools because they give a decent boost if used correctly. They can make the difference between a swipe left and a swipe right, and that's what truly matters in the end.
pancakemouse said:
I notice everyone talks about the effectiveness of FaceApp on an individual level, but not the greater moral implications of its use.

By using FaceApp, you are contributing in some part to the pollution of the commons by giving others justification for misrepresenting their image online. We're not just talking about basic saturation and contrast adjustments here, these filters literally reshape your face in the image of someone who is extremely attractive (and not you).

My opinion continues to be that it should not be used unless you are very disadvantaged in other ways.

That opinion makes no sense either, you can't justify its use by being disadvantaged if the issue with using it that it is lying and dishonest.
I'm not calling you out either, I can't come up with a legit justification, even though I am using it. It is lying, it is dishonest, I can't come up with any mental gymnastic that makes it not so. I really can't come up with any justification. I do have my reason for using it, which is unjustified:

1. We have always lived in a world where mating access has never been fair. No one has to justify using unfair advantages at any point in time, ever. So the fact that it is unfair to people NOT using the filters is entirely irrelevant. The fairness argument is for the naïve.

2. it FUCKING WORKS, it makes a HUGE difference in results. This isn't a justification, but it is a reason. I'm unwilling to give up this edge, nor am I willing to cede it to others.

3. While it is disingenuous and dishonest, it isn't an outright lie either. It IS me in the picture, just an incredibly stylized and embellished ideal. The dishonesty of using it doesn't spill over into other areas of life (for me personally). I don't recall ever having to tell another lie to cover up this lie. Further, the level of dishonesty is pretty low and has not caused much, if any, negative impact to the girls who actually came out on a date with me. I can't say this with absolute certainty, would have to explicitly ask all of them, including the ones that never resulted on a second date.

4. I accept the fact that it is sinful and mildly harmful to my character, entirely because it just isn't that harmful. It is a lie, and while not white lie, it is at worst a light grey one. The impact to my character is there, but it is minor. It hasn't caused negative spillover anywhere else as far as I can tell.

5. I'm not particularly ashamed about it. If someone holds up those pictures to me IRL and were to complain or joke about it, my level of shame is pretty low. I've had coworkers do this to me. It is a light ribbing and that's it. I'm happy to pay that small cost.

6. I agree it will destroy the apps and OD in general, but that outcome is INEVITABLE. There is no way around that fact.
Morally - I like a heuristic I heard from Alex from Playing With Fire, he uses this for the difference between white lies and substantial lies.

If you tell a girl you're stuck in traffic and will be 10 min late, but really you just lost track of time that's a lie.

If you tell a girl you're VP of marketing at a big startup but you're not, that's a lie.

The heuristic is imagine you tell this to a girl, and then you sleep with her. Now you're having pillow talk and you fess up to the lie... will she laugh and think it's funny? Or will she get mad at you. Probably laugh for the first one and get creeped out and leave for the second one.

Similarly for Faceapp...

If you edit your photo, and then meet up with her, will she be disappointed? Or will she not notice much, or just chalk it up to you having a good hair day when you took the photo...

If you look at the photo and think she'll be disappointed, that's too far (plus it won't help you in real life.)

If you think she'll just shrug it off then you're fine.

The issue is with how deeply you edit the photo. Personally I use Faceapp sometimes, but I keep it minimal so it still 100% is clearly me.
MILFandCookies said:
Morally - I like a heuristic I heard from Alex from Playing With Fire, he uses this for the difference between white lies and substantial lies.

If you tell a girl you're stuck in traffic and will be 10 min late, but really you just lost track of time that's a lie.

If you tell a girl you're VP of marketing at a big startup but you're not, that's a lie.

The heuristic is imagine you tell this to a girl, and then you sleep with her. Now you're having pillow talk and you fess up to the lie... will she laugh and think it's funny? Or will she get mad at you. Probably laugh for the first one and get creeped out and leave for the second one.

Similarly for Faceapp...

If you edit your photo, and then meet up with her, will she be disappointed? Or will she not notice much, or just chalk it up to you having a good hair day when you took the photo...

If you look at the photo and think she'll be disappointed, that's too far (plus it won't help you in real life.)

If you think she'll just shrug it off then you're fine.

The issue is with how deeply you edit the photo. Personally I use Faceapp sometimes, but I keep it minimal so it still 100% is clearly me.
Hey, would it be okay if I PM you my before and after? I'm curious if mine is too edited or not
Squilliam said:
MILFandCookies said:
Morally - I like a heuristic I heard from Alex from Playing With Fire, he uses this for the difference between white lies and substantial lies.

If you tell a girl you're stuck in traffic and will be 10 min late, but really you just lost track of time that's a lie.

If you tell a girl you're VP of marketing at a big startup but you're not, that's a lie.

The heuristic is imagine you tell this to a girl, and then you sleep with her. Now you're having pillow talk and you fess up to the lie... will she laugh and think it's funny? Or will she get mad at you. Probably laugh for the first one and get creeped out and leave for the second one.

Similarly for Faceapp...

If you edit your photo, and then meet up with her, will she be disappointed? Or will she not notice much, or just chalk it up to you having a good hair day when you took the photo...

If you look at the photo and think she'll be disappointed, that's too far (plus it won't help you in real life.)

If you think she'll just shrug it off then you're fine.

The issue is with how deeply you edit the photo. Personally I use Faceapp sometimes, but I keep it minimal so it still 100% is clearly me.
Hey, would it be okay if I PM you my before and after? I'm curious if mine is too edited or not

Sure thing