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Chronicles of Ascent: Path Towards Greatness

Apr 25, 2024
So it starts! I hesitated a lot about getting on here because I don't know if I can commit to posting regularly but I intend try at least.

I have been obsessed with self improvement for years now and this is my log of what I am working on and my progress.

- Energy and health goals:

I live with IBS and have low energy levels. This is probably due to the chronic stress levels I had growing up. This led me to struggle with ADHD-like symptoms and random mood swings related to my gut health. Since then, I have made tremendous progress here, I have got a diet that works for me and have reduced my anxiety substantially.
Currently I make an active effort to eat healthy, sleep at a good time every day and do meditation work.
I have had breakthroughs in this area of my life in recent memory but overall this is now maintenance work that I do on a day to day basis.
I have ordered a genetic test and a microbiome test in order to understand this area of my life a bit more and I am waiting for more information before trying new things.

- Dating:

My dating life growing up was shit to say the least. But the more I looked into it, the more I realized that it's something I can improve a lot on.
I have the looks to be successful in dating but I am missing the intent and head space to succeed.
I have a dating coach that has been really helpful here. After a few months of actively working on this, my vibe and mindset has improved a lot and I am close to a breakthrough.
As of the time of writing, my lay count is 4 (not including 2 escort lays) and I want to get to 20 lays before I settle with someone. I have had 1 long term relationship that ended a few months ago.
My lay count hasn't moved in nearly a year because I was working on the mental health and mindset changes I need to make it happen.

Currently I am going on dates as well as doing day game sessions to get more exposure to dating.
I will post more progress updates on this as I get more dates and more experiences

- Mindset development:

My mindset is in an okay space right now but I have a lot to do in this area and it's affecting other areas of my life.
I am doing therapy with a professional therapist 1 to 2 times a week which has helped a lot. The most helpful thing for me was opening up to friends which made a lot of bad self-beliefs disappear entirely.
I have a lot of progress to make here and I will post my breakthroughs as they come in

This first post is getting too long now, so I will end it here and post updates on later days. Thank you for reading this
genetic test and a microbiome test
First off welcome! If you're not able to post daily, doing a weekly recap of the work you did that week is sufficient.

On the gut health, the genetic testing will be beneficial for seeing what genes are affected by your diet. The microbiome test results should be read as a very crude map. The science just isn't entirely there yet.

About 5 years ago I struggled with severe gut pain and microbiome issues. I tried a bunch of diets and nutritional changes. I didn't fully heal my gut till I went full carnivore. Ate strictly grass fed grass finished meat for about a year. Then for about 2-3 years ate organic meat+fruit+honey+root vegetables. Within the last few months have reintroduced a few other plants. Have felt great and been healthy, rarely ever sick (maybe once a year) ever since cleaning my diet hardcore.

Gut problems suck to deal with, but you'll be the healthiest you've ever been on the other side.
Plan for Monday 30th September:

(1) Work: I am late on a project
- Get the architecture nailed down
- Implement reload feature

4x 90min focus blocks with 15min rest in between. No phone during 90min block

(2) Inner work:
- 30min meditation session
- 1h Deep inner work with Ravi

(3) Dating:
- 15-30min of answering leads

(4) Health:
- Correct diet, no mistakes
- Good Hydration

(5) Others:
- Hinge swiping if chats get stale
- Add value to uncle health chat

I have tried pre planning my days in the past but because of problems with my energy levels, I wasn't able to follow them.
Tomorrow is the time to change that. Will keep myself accountable in this forum so there's no getting away.
By living the day with purpose, I will make it
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First off welcome! If you're not able to post daily, doing a weekly recap of the work you did that week is sufficient.

On the gut health, the genetic testing will be beneficial for seeing what genes are affected by your diet. The microbiome test results should be read as a very crude map. The science just isn't entirely there yet.

About 5 years ago I struggled with severe gut pain and microbiome issues. I tried a bunch of diets and nutritional changes. I didn't fully heal my gut till I went full carnivore. Ate strictly grass fed grass finished meat for about a year. Then for about 2-3 years ate organic meat+fruit+honey+root vegetables. Within the last few months have reintroduced a few other plants. Have felt great and been healthy, rarely ever sick (maybe once a year) ever since cleaning my diet hardcore.

Gut problems suck to deal with, but you'll be the healthiest you've ever been on the other side.
Happy to hear you solved your gut problems, they're always tricky. My diet right now is mostly vegetables, fruits and mostly meat. Cutting out processed oils and dairy eliminated 80-90% of my problems.

A carnivore diet is something I considered but decided against for the time being. If my DNA test and gut test don't reveal anything I will reconsider it.

For posting, I will try to post daily for a few days and see how it goes.

Excited to work on my self-improvement journey with everyone here 🔥
Plan for Monday 30th September:

(1) Work: I am late on a project
- Get the architecture nailed down
- Implement reload feature

4x 90min focus blocks with 15min rest in between. No phone during 90min block

(2) Inner work:
- 30min meditation session
- 1h Deep inner work with Ravi

(3) Dating:
- 15-30min of answering leads

(4) Health:
- Correct diet, no mistakes
- Good Hydration

(5) Others:
- Hinge swiping if chats get stale
- Add value to uncle health chat

I have tried pre planning my days in the past but because of problems with my energy levels, I wasn't able to follow them.
Tomorrow is the time to change that. Will keep myself accountable in this forum so there's no getting away.
By living the day with purpose, I will make it

(1) Work: I am late on a project
- Get the architecture nailed down [Done]
- Implement reload feature [Substantial Progress]

4x 90min focus blocks with 15min rest in between. No phone during 90min block

(2) Inner work:
- 30min meditation session [Done]
- 1h Deep inner work with Ravi [Rescheduled]

(3) Dating:
- 15-30min of answering leads [Done]

(4) Health:
- Correct diet, no mistakes [Done]
- Good Hydration [Done]

(5) Others:
- Hinge swiping if chats get stale [Done]
- Add value to uncle health chat [In Progress]

Was a very productive day, most of my day was spent working on my work project since I am late. I was able to do 3x 90min block but started to get distracted on the 4th one but pushed through. I got stuck a couple of times and I am asking my team members to unblock me now.
I am still in at my work office while writing this because I wanted to put some overtime and Ravi has a date. If he pulls, I will probably have to sleep on the couch. Not ideal but I hope he makes it happen.
Inner work was rescheduled to tomorrow because of Ravi's date. All the free time was spent on work
Tuesday 1st October:

(1) Work:
- Finish the feature I am working on
- Review my coworker's work

Putting my phone on silent along with 4x 90min block has worked out for me

(2) Inner work:
- 1h of therapy
- 30min of meditation
- 1-2h of deep inner work with Ravi

(3) Dating:
- Messaging leads for 15-30min
- Hinge Swiping

(4) Health:
- Good diet
- Good Hydration

(5) Others
- Finish post to add value to uncle health chat

I need to keep pushing to get my work done. This is my priority right now so dating goals will be my second priority.
I got cucked by 2 hinge numbers yesterday. One of them doesn't have time to meet this week while the other is a hard screener and want a face time. I have to get some more conversation going so that I can go on dates when I have more free time

Let's make it happen today bro and do what it takes to win.

Shoutout to this legend for letting me bring a hot Swedish girl back to his box last night and fuck the ever-living shit out of her until past midnight.

He stayed up and had to wait for me to get the job done, and he soldiered on to work today.

That is brotherhood and I deeply appreciate it. Dinner on me this week, and next time, this guy will be closing and I'll be the one chilling in the lounge ;-)

Let's make it happen today bro and do what it takes to win.

Shoutout to this legend for letting me bring a hot Swedish girl back to his box last night and fuck the ever-living shit out of her until past midnight.

He stayed up and had to wait for me to get the job done, and he soldiered on to work today.

That is brotherhood and I deeply appreciate it. Dinner on me this week, and next time, this guy will be closing and I'll be the one chilling in the lounge ;-)
Always have your back brother ;)
Tuesday 1st October:

(1) Work:
- Finish the feature I am working on
- Review my coworker's work

Putting my phone on silent along with 4x 90min block has worked out for me

(2) Inner work:
- 1h of therapy
- 30min of meditation
- 1-2h of deep inner work with Ravi

(3) Dating:
- Messaging leads for 15-30min
- Hinge Swiping

(4) Health:
- Good diet
- Good Hydration

(5) Others
- Finish post to add value to uncle health chat

I need to keep pushing to get my work done. This is my priority right now so dating goals will be my second priority.
I got cucked by 2 hinge numbers yesterday. One of them doesn't have time to meet this week while the other is a hard screener and want a face time. I have to get some more conversation going so that I can go on dates when I have more free time

A huge amount of work was done today. Spent 12hours straight working on my project for work and managed to squeeze in 2-3days worth of work in one day. I can't wait to be done with it so I can focus on other areas of my life. But as of now, I missed a few goals for today.

Other than work, therapy was great today. I explore some more topics I have tackled with Ravi surrounding my limited beliefs and imposter syndrome. Felt like it solidified my gains in that area. Hope to get more inner work done this week

(1) Work:
- Finish the feature I am working on [crushed it]
- Review my coworker's work [Cancelled]

Putting my phone on silent along with 4x 90min block has worked out for me

(2) Inner work:
- 1h of therapy [Done]
- 30min of meditation [Miss]
- 1-2h of deep inner work with Ravi [Miss]

(3) Dating:
- Messaging leads for 15-30min [Done]
- Hinge Swiping [Miss]

(4) Health:
- Good diet [Done]
- Good Hydration [Done]

(5) Others
- Finish post to add value to uncle health chat
Wednesday 2nd October:

(1) Work:
- Come back on feedback left my coworkers
- Came a schedule for releasing my work to servers

Putting my phone on silent along with 4x 90min.

(2) Inner work:
- 30min of meditation
- 1-2h of deep inner work with Ravi

(3) Dating:
- Messaging leads for 15-30min
- Hinge Swiping

(4) Health:
- Good diet
- Good Hydration

(5) Others
- Finish post to add value to uncle health chat
Wednesday 2nd October:

(1) Work:
- Come back on feedback left my coworkers [Done]
- Find a schedule for releasing my work to servers [Done]

(2) Inner work:
- 30min of meditation [Done]
- 1-2h of deep inner work with Ravi [Done]

(3) Dating:
- Messaging leads for 15-30min [Done]
- Hinge Swiping [Miss]

(4) Health:
- Good diet [Done]
- Good Hydration [Done]

(5) Others
- Finish post to add value to uncle health chat [Miss]

Today was a great day. Highlights were work and deep inner game work with Ravi.
Since I went so hard at work yesterday, I wasn't able to properly focus before 1pm but when I did I was able to work for 6 hours and got a lot of things done. Overall, I worked 4 extra hours yesterday and lost 2-3hours on recovery today so working extra hours doesn't pay off massively. Consistency is more important so after I am done with my current project, I will spent less time at work and more time on my personal goals.

Inner game was amazing today, I found a lot of sticking points that I didn't know I had. One of them is a fear of getting seen as weird. Growing up I was interested in very niche topics that most people didn't understand or accept and that developed into some internal conflicts growing up. But now that I know it's there, I am confident that I will overcome it within a few weeks.
Thursday 3rd October:

(1) Work:
- Come back on feedback left by my coworkers pt 2
- Finish my test code
- Start landing your work

Putting my phone on silent along with 4x 90min.

(2) Inner work:
- 30min of meditation
- 1-2h of deep inner work with Ravi

(3) Dating:
- Messaging leads for 15-30min
- Hinge Swiping

(4) Health:
- Good diet
- Good Hydration

(5) Others
- Finish post to add value to uncle health chat
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Thursday 3rd October:

(1) Work:
- Come back on feedback left by my coworkers pt 2 [Done]
- Finish my test code [Done]
- Start landing your work [Miss]

Putting my phone on silent along with 4x 90min.

(2) Inner work:
- 30min of meditation [Miss]
- 1-2h of deep inner work with Ravi [Done]

(3) Dating:
- Messaging leads for 15-30min [Done]
- Hinge Swiping [Miss]

(4) Health:
- Good diet [Done]
- Good Hydration [Done]

(5) Others
- Finish post to add value to uncle health chat [Miss]

Today was a good day but with some ups and downs.
Work-wise, I was able to get almost everything I wanted done. Initially the day started pretty slow and I couldn't focus but things got better. I can tell that my body need some recovery time but that will need to wait till the weekend.

Inner work was great today, addressed a lot of limiting believes about my SMV. How the way I see myself is different to how other people see me. With more experience and more inner game this will go away, A lot of progress was made with Ravi and we're going to keep doing it daily.

Life-wise: Got into a big argument with my roommate, he wanted to kick out Ravi because he added little inconveniences to his day. One of his 'dealbreakers' was Ravi forgetting his keys and knocking on the door, another one was when a bit of smoke while cooking turned on the fire alarm. Total BS
I basically told my roommate that this wasn't happening, that yes Ravi is staying longer than expected but he's leaving in 13 days and I'm not kicking him out. I've tried finding a compromise with him but just Ravi being here is a dealbreaker for him. He barely sees him anyway since Ravi sleeps and works in my room, I don't get it.
I don't deal well with confrontation but I am not budging. Will probably need to find other roommates next year

Got a number off hinge today, starting the conversation now and hope to be on a date during the weekend
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Friday 4th October:

(1) Work:
- Start landing my changes
- Start the rollout plan

Putting my phone on silent along with 4x 90min.

(2) Inner work:
- 30min of meditation
- 1-2h of deep inner work with Ravi

(3) Dating:
- Messaging leads for 15-30min
- Hinge Swiping

(4) Health:
- Good diet
- Good Hydration

(5) Others
- Finally do post to add value to uncle health chat
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Friday 4th October:

(1) Work:
- Start landing my changes [Done]
- Start the rollout plan [half Done]

Putting my phone on silent along with 4x 90min.

(2) Inner work:
- 30min of meditation [half Done]
- 1-2h of deep inner work with Ravi [Crushed]

(3) Dating:
- Messaging leads for 15-30min [Miss]
- Hinge Swiping [Done]

(4) Health:
- Good diet [Half Done]
- Good Hydration [Done]

(5) Others
- Finally do post to add value to uncle health chat [Done]

Yesterday was a great day, it started out a bit shaky because of the "confrontation" with my roommate. The anxiety made my stomach shutdown and zapped my energy away. Thankfully, It got better but the anxiety didn't fully go away until I meditated and addressed the deep psychological reason that led to that anxiety.
That was one breakthrough today, learning to be more comfortable with dispute without getting controlled by my anxiety.

Work went well, got a lot of things done. The project I am working on is near it's end and I finished a major milestone this week. All I need to do is monitor that my feature is working well and enable it on more computer/machines. I still stayed at work till 8pm on a Friday getting more of it done.

I have a date scheduled for Sunday evening, I will review my date plan with Ravi the day of and try my best. I feel more calm and grounded from our inner work progress that my date will be better. Even if I don't pull, this means that I will learn from it and the next one will be better. Success is inevitable

Inner work yesterday was amazing, I discovered the deep childhood trauma I was suppressing all my life. It was overwhelming, it felt like I finally found my inner demons. I need to process it more, because I still feels like I am not 100% comfortable with it. Part of me is still wondering if I can recover from it but truth is I will. I just need a bit more time. I am on the journey to make it
Saturday 5th October:

(1) Work:
- No work on weekends

(2) Inner work:
- 30min of meditation
- 1-2h of deep inner work with Ravi
- Journaling about my childhood trauma

(3) Dating:
- Buy new clothes and figure out my style
- Messaging leads for 15-30min
- Hinge Swiping

(4) Health:
- Good diet
- Good Hydration
- Pick up Medication

(5) Others
- Chores: Laundry, groceries