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Chronicles of Ascent: Path Towards Greatness

Saturday 5th October:

(1) Work:
- No work on weekends

(2) Inner work:
- 30min of meditation [Miss]
- 1-2h of deep inner work with Ravi [Miss]
- Journaling about my childhood trauma [Miss]

(3) Dating:
- Buy new clothes and figure out my style [Crushed]
- Messaging leads for 15-30min [Miss]
- Hinge Swiping [Miss]

(4) Health:
- Good diet [Good]
- Good Hydration [Fine]
- Pick up Medication [Good]

(5) Others
- Chores: Laundry, groceries [Done]

Ended up spending the day on my fashion. It was a huge improvement that will help with the photoshoot we're having tomorrow. A lot of misses because I ended working on something else than expected but it was a great day nonetheless
Sunday 6th October:

(1) Work:
- No work on weekends

(2) Inner work:
- 1-2h of deep inner work and date coaching with Ravi
- Journaling about my childhood trauma

(3) Dating:
- Take photoshoot 6-8hours
- Messaging leads for 15-30min
- Date at 7pm

(4) Health:
- Good diet
- Good Hydration

(5) Others
- Chores: Laundry, groceries [Done]
Sunday 6th October:

(1) Work:
- No work on weekends

(2) Inner work:
- 1-2h of deep inner work and date coaching with Ravi [Skipped]
- Journaling about my childhood trauma [Skipped]

(3) Dating:
- Take photoshoot 6-8hours [Done]
- Messaging leads for 15-30min [Skipped]
- Date at 7pm [Done]

(4) Health:
- Good diet [Done]
- Good Hydration [Done]

Yesterday was a great day, a lot of productive time. We wake up at 6am, got breakfast and went to the photoshoot. Everything went smooth and we took some amazing pictures, got to socialize with the guys from the brotherhood chat. They're all amazing and I feel closer to them now. The photos should be out today at some point and I will share some results with you guys.

After we were back, I rested up for an hour and headed to my date. It went well but not I still couldn't pull. The vibe was good but I couldn't escalate and I was too anxious to pitch. I think that under normal circumstances (not being exhausted), it would have went better. Thankfully, I have the whole date recorded so I will be reviewing it with @MakingAComeback.
The positive is that even after such an exhausting day, I was able to get on the date and vibe. I felt more at ease than the last date I've been on so my inner game improved but I am still not there. Rejections still hurts after being on a date but I need to build a tough skin around it. Won't get a second date so on to the next now.

Woke up today completely exhausted, I think I am basically at burnout right now. The past week has been insanely intense so I am taking a small step back today to recover.
Monday 7th October

(1) Work:
- Light work today, going to test my feature works and prepare the rollout

Already told my manager that I will be taking it slow today but tomorrow will be more productive. He's supportive and offered me to take some PTO as well. Might consider it

(2) Inner work:
- 1-2h of deep inner work and date coaching with Ravi:
Further process childhood trauma
Explore my uncomfortableness in groups
Process my shame around pulling
- Journaling about my childhood trauma

(3) Dating:
- Messaging leads for 15-30min
- Optinal swipping

(4) Health:
- Good diet [Done]
- Good Hydration [Done]
Monday 7th October

(1) Work:
- Light work today, going to test my feature works and prepare the rollout [Done]

Already told my manager that I will be taking it slow today but tomorrow will be more productive. He's supportive and offered me to take some PTO as well. Might consider it

(2) Inner work:
- 1-2h of deep inner work and date coaching with Ravi [30min only]
Further process childhood trauma [Done]
Explore my uncomfortableness in groups [skipped]
Process my shame around pulling [skipped]
- Journaling about my childhood trauma [skipped]

(3) Dating:
- Messaging leads for 15-30min [Done]
- Optinal swipping [skipped]

(4) Health:
- Good diet [Done]
- Good Hydration [Done]

Yesterday was a good day. Was a bit tired because of all the effort I put in on Sunday but today I feel more on track.
Because Dante and Ravi were working late, Ravi and I couldn't do much inner work so I hope to do some more today
Tuesday 8th October

(1) Work:
- Continue with the rollout
- Finish the code refactor for the armor
- Work on config generation

(2) Inner work:
- 1-2h of deep inner work and date coaching with Ravi
Explore my uncomfortableness in groups
Process my shame around pulling

(3) Dating:
- Messaging leads for 15-30min
- Optinal swipping

(4) Health:
- Good diet
- Good Hydration
Tuesday 8th October

(1) Work:
- Continue with the rollout [Done]
- Finish the code refactor for the armor [Done]
- Work on config generation [Skipped]

(2) Inner work:
- 1-2h of deep inner work and date coaching with Ravi [Done]
Explore my uncomfortableness in groups [Skipped]
Process my shame around pulling [Skipped]

(3) Dating:
- Messaging leads for 15-30min [Skipped]
- Optinal swipping [Done]

(4) Health:
- Good diet [Fail]
- Good Hydration [Done]

Work was fine yesterday, I am still mildly burnt out and need another day to recover. Not much work was done but to be fair there wasn't much work to begin with

Ravi and I were exhausted so we didn't dive deep in our inner work session but Ravi shared all his journey with me. It was interesting for me to hear everything he has gone through, sometimes it doesn't feel like we have 8-9 years age different. I hope some of his trauma was processed by sharing his story

for a few days my stomach has been slightly acting up and affecting my sleep. I think it's because of the ice cream I recently bought. It's weird because the ingredient list didn't look particularly harmful to me but that's the join of ibs, you can't know what will flare you up before you try it
Wednesday 9th October

(1) Work:
- Work on config generation [Done]
- Continue with rollout [Done]
- Add fail safe to code [In Progress]

(2) Inner work:
- 1-2h of deep inner work and date coaching with Ravi [Done]
Explore my uncomfortableness in groups [Skipped]
Process my shame around pulling [Skipped]

(3) Dating:
- Messaging leads for 15-30min [Done]
- Optional swipping [Skipped]
- Get the photoshoot photos [Done]

(4) Health:
- Good diet [Done]
- Good Hydration [Done]

I wrote this todo list yesterday but forgot to post it so here it is with the completion targets.

Work was really good yesterday, got a lot of things done. After being burnt out for a few days, I am happy to see myself bouncing back

I went to hangout with my friends and got all my photoshoot pictures from them. They look sick (at least for me). I was also able to get tons of good feedback on photo selection. Some of which I recorded for Ravi. I should do photo selection soon and that will boost my dating profile.

Another problem I am dealing with is that hinge has been slower, I think it's because of the limit of 8 people when you get likes. That limits like volume but makes it so they are more likely to answer I guess, thinking about switching to something else. Looking into some alternatives, I need to ramp up my date volume

Inner work was good, I shared my entire journey with Ravi and I was able to get a different perspective on some things. I realized that me being an anxious person genetically is a limiting belief. anxiety is a behavior and fixing that behavior will make me more and more grounded
(1) Work:
- Finish my code fail safe
- Make my service more connected with config changes
- Look into next project

4x90min blocks

(2) Inner work:
- No time for inner game to day
- Meditation 30min

(3) Dating:
- Messaging leads for 15-30min
- Swipping on hinge
- Get the photoshoot picture selection
- Explore other apps

(4) Health:
- Good diet
- Good Hydration
- Sleep at an earlier time

(5) Other
- Move my end of day report and next day plan to tonight
(1) Work:
- Finish my code fail safe [Done]
- Make my service more connected with config changes [Skipped]
- Look into next project [Done]

4x90min blocks

(2) Inner work:
- No time for inner game today
- Meditation 30min [Done]

(3) Dating:
- Messaging leads for 15-30min [Done]
- Swipping on hinge [Dpne]
- Get the photoshoot picture selection [Skipped]
- Explore other apps [Skipped]

(4) Health:
- Good diet [Done]
- Good Hydration [Done]
- Sleep at an earlier time [Will do]

(5) Other
- Move my end of day report and next day plan to tonight [Done]
Today was a good day even though I was a bit tired. I went to bed late yesterday working on inner-game, something I shouldn't have done. Today I will be going to sleep early

Work was okay, I was derailed from my todo list because my last project broke. My coworker made a mistake estimating the number of elements my project will be dealing with. This caused it to break down so I need to put more work into fixing it tomorrow. Shit happens
On a brighter note, my next project is looking easier than expected because we got extra support for it.

Dating wise, I put extra effort on messaging and swipping today. I need more dates to get closer to my goals. I have made good progress on my inner game thanks to @MakingAComeback and I am at a stage where I need more experience to progress.
Because of my mindset shifts, I was able to carry myself differently on my last date. I was grounded and Ravi actually described me as confident. It's crazy how resolving some of my internal conflicts completely changed my vibe.
My problem now is that I am not escalating and I need to work on that. I think part of it is a fear of rejection and/or being seen as weird. I need to take more risks next time
Last edited:
Friday 11th October

(1) Work:
- Fix my last project
- Make my service more connected with config changes
- Make sure the rollout is on trakc

4x90min blocks

(2) Inner work:
- Meditation 30min

(3) Dating:
- Messaging leads for 15-30min
- Swipping on hinge
- Explore other apps

(4) Health:
- Good diet
- Good Hydration

(5) Other
- Social event with Ravi
- Figure out my brokerage tax situation
- Figure out my visa application status
Friday 11th October

(1) Work:
- Fix my last project [Done]
- Make my service more connected with config changes [Skipped]
- Make sure the rollout is on trakc [Done]

4x90min blocks

(2) Inner work:
- Meditation 30min [Done]

(3) Dating:
- Messaging leads for 15-30min [Done]
- Swipping on hinge [Done]
- Explore other apps [Skipped]

(4) Health:
- Good diet [Done]
- Good Hydration [Done]

(5) Other
- Social event with Ravi [Done]
- Figure out my brokerage tax situation [Done]
- Figure out my visa application status [Done]
I am posting a day late because I've been so busy and low energy to post. Friday was a good day even though I was very low energy. I am not sure why this week has been like this for me, It must be because of how much I pushed myself last week. Thankfully, this weekend is going to be chill and I am taking off on Monday to enjoy my time with @MakingAComeback before he leaves NYC

I went to the social event with Ravi and saw tons of my friends from the brotherhood chat. It feels amazing being around these guys. I feel like I have built a solid friend group now since Ravi came visiting. Got to enjoy myself for a bit.

Saturday didn't start very well, I was feeling very tired in the morning. I was able to push through it, go do groceries, eat and take a nap. The important part of my day was a coaching session with Dante and I got a lot of feedback for Day game. Now I can get into set but I can't get a good conversation going with them, I am too passive, don't push hard enough and am okay with bad outcomes. This needs to change
I am also not comfortable with my sexuality yet and don't know how to escalate. I am too afraid to take risks and that makes me plateau.

So I am doing the following changes:
- Ravi is going to help me write 10 lines that are vibey, 10 that are polarizing and 10 that are sexualizing. These I will have to use in-field and internalize them.
I have a major mental block concerning these categories so this won't be easy but overtime I will learn to become that person
- I need to go back into day game. I haven't been doing it recently because I have been focusing on inner game but now I need to go out 2-3 days a week again
- Keep the dates going, 1-2 a week
- I will add a section in my journal starting tomorrow about what did I do to be a man today
- I need to read more material about female psychology, I am still too naive

After the coaching session, I was able to spend some time with Kai and the others. They are sick people. They are all ahead of my journey at this point in time but I will catch up eventually

That's it for now, signing off
Sunday 13th October

(1) Work
- Book my work trip to California

(2) Inner work:
- Meditation 30min
- Shrooms trip with Ravi

(3) Dating:
- Messaging leads for 15-30min
- Swipping on hinge

(4) Health:
- Good diet
- Good Hydration
- Go to the gym

(5) Other
- Figure out money transfer situation