Cold Approach Log: Journey to Abundance

Pluto said:
I'll chime in as someone who has seen success this year.

First of all, we have no idea as to where OP is in the US before we write the entire country off. If you are in a small town or small city, you have to be choosier about how you approach. If you are in a big city, you can do more high volume without being noticed or worrying much.

Dating apps are for the most part not what they used to be back in the day. I got 100+ matches on Bumble, Tinder, and Hinge. Back in 2012 and onwards, these apps were legit. As of 2018 and onwards, they started to go downhill and ended up being filled with more robots and OnlyFans accounts. Sure, having a good profile helps and you can certainly still meet women from them (I have), but they are starting to become more of a waste of time for the most part unless you are paying for boosts or constantly starting a new profile.

All that said, here is my advice for daygame cold approach as someone who has gotten laid multiple times from it:

1. Lower your standard of what a "approach" is if you get approach anxiety. Todd V mentions this but if you get it, something as simple as breaking rapport and making small talk to start out is an approach.

2. Keep a log as you approach, use Notes App on your phone and just write it down. When you get back home, evaluate what you could have done better.

3. Find a good template or program, I highly recommend Austen Summers and what he does, his has made the biggest difference for me.

4. Go to high volume areas in whatever city you are in. Typically these are the happening areas with the most shops and malls.

I'm about two hours away from Atlanta. The city I'm in only has around 200k people. I'm planning to find more interesting things like festivals and events where there's more people. I'd rather pay off and own some property before just getting up and leaving to another city. I've done that before and money gets blown really fast from rent and other expenses. I used to live in Tucson and that had a good party scene wish I hadn't moved for work.
AmericanAndy said:
Pluto said:
I'll chime in as someone who has seen success this year.

First of all, we have no idea as to where OP is in the US before we write the entire country off. If you are in a small town or small city, you have to be choosier about how you approach. If you are in a big city, you can do more high volume without being noticed or worrying much.

Dating apps are for the most part not what they used to be back in the day. I got 100+ matches on Bumble, Tinder, and Hinge. Back in 2012 and onwards, these apps were legit. As of 2018 and onwards, they started to go downhill and ended up being filled with more robots and OnlyFans accounts. Sure, having a good profile helps and you can certainly still meet women from them (I have), but they are starting to become more of a waste of time for the most part unless you are paying for boosts or constantly starting a new profile.

All that said, here is my advice for daygame cold approach as someone who has gotten laid multiple times from it:

1. Lower your standard of what a "approach" is if you get approach anxiety. Todd V mentions this but if you get it, something as simple as breaking rapport and making small talk to start out is an approach.

2. Keep a log as you approach, use Notes App on your phone and just write it down. When you get back home, evaluate what you could have done better.

3. Find a good template or program, I highly recommend Austen Summers and what he does, his has made the biggest difference for me.

4. Go to high volume areas in whatever city you are in. Typically these are the happening areas with the most shops and malls.

I'm about two hours away from Atlanta. The city I'm in only has around 200k people. I'm planning to find more interesting things like festivals and events where there's more people. I'd rather pay off and own some property before just getting up and leaving to another city. I've done that before and money gets blown really fast from rent and other expenses. I used to live in Tucson and that had a good party scene wish I hadn't moved for work.

I am from Atlanta, just DM'd you, am familiar with the state so might be able to give you some pointers. However, do note that the state of Georgia gets all too wonky about religion and it can be easy to stick out when cold approaching if you are not calibrated. Keep doing what you are doing but just practice social calibration. I highly recommend looking into Austen Summers and his videos on Youtube, he helps tone it down a bit.

However when I was last in GA, dating apps were blowing up for me and your pics are good so it seems like dating apps in general have died down. I would focus more on quality in your approaches than quantity though, that way you don't come off as a spammy cold approacher.

Too many nosy nancies and Karens in Georgia, stay brave in there man, it is one miserable fucking state to live in if you are trying to game.
Had one date but she wouldnt kiss me at the end. Tried using 2 6-hour tinder boosts in atlanta with no luck. One tinder 6-hour boost with tinder at my home city. Losing my fucking mind trying to find someone. Looks like I absolutely need to leave America. Im not going to tolerate swiping for an entire year straight just to get laid once. So fucking fed up with my life.
Think Im just overreacting to a lack of results. I did get a date with a latina on Thursday. Have a new haircut and thinking about doing new photos since I look different from last year.
Got a girl from a club last moment when we were closing. Before that a younger woman was enthralled with me but her friends cock-blocked. At least that was a good ego boost 😏. As far as tinder probably have around three dates lined up. Last week I met a Latina and made out with her but no sex. She’s too damn busy with work. Or maybe she’s just unsure. So overall for avoiding tinder traps avoid swiping on women who post their snap. I had some luck talking to a woman with an instagram but seemed she just wanted friends for now thats ok I plan to do a photo shoot with her.

For now I had a bad cold for over week just stuck at home contemplating and planning life for the next stages. Have been talking to a porn producer about how to possibly start my own films. It was a private consultation. Overall keeping a positive outlook and trying to relax.
Have a fwb now and some other girls on the phone.
Things are looking good 😏🥴
Going to approach more girls at the club anyway. It’s getting fun.
So far have two girlfriends now and possibly more. Kinky bdsm girlfriend doesn't mind having threesomes. Overall I think having a god complex is good for the mind, just humble enough for improvement but also extremely deserving and self grandiose. Believe you deserve it all. Everything else is a speck of dust to you because they wouldn't exist without your experience. Anything else is self-belittling and not productive to your progress. Think that yes I will get it, there is always a way, I can always improve, I deserve it all and I will have it all. Assert yourself to a god, this world has no true rules outside of ones you create and experience. Some people say things must be a certain way but I say they don't matter, pick and choose and customize your way of life. No more self-limiting rules. Failures are excuses for the do-nothings. Do it until it is done. Limits are seen only within your own experience, what may be a wall for someone is a smashed barrier for another.
Something crazy just started happening. Whenever I go out, hot chicks just hand me their number I didnt even ask. I wear a suit and put on nice cologne like YSL. Just feels so surreal.
Out of the girls I met so far with the new style. 2 of them ended up being prostitutes and one of them used me for a dinner. My advice is to screen more properly when you go out. Try to get a girl to kiss you. Then invite her back to your place. Having a nice style is good but sometimes it attracts the wrong people. Just need to screen more heavily like in the GLL guide.
Haven't mentioned it but I have had no more girlfriend since December. So far just feeling exhausted going out. Many of the women turned out just wanting money for sex which is odd. Another girl just used me for a free dinner. More recently I had a date I drove 2 hours to get to. We made out but she told me to go home because she doesn't fuck on the first date. Feeling exhausted from driving, not sure if I even want to go out tonight. Maybe I'll try to get a 2nd date next weekend. So far I just want a relationship because trying to find a new woman all the time seems too time consuming. Unless I can get laid every single night with a new chick with cold approach, I'd rather have a relationship with a woman who has sex consistently.
I will be going on a cold approach boot camp with Scotty from GLL. Probably sometime in June or July. I'm looking forward to it. Most likely in Atlanta. Scotty seems like a really good guy. I loved talking about past experiences with cold approach with him.
I've had to move to another city because of a new job. This city is much better than what I've had and I'm feeling better about the nightlife around here and activities to do. I'm seeing someone that I've met from BDSM munches and also have some dates lined up. I feel better about doing cold approach even though I get that anxiety a little bit sometimes. I don't have an exact time I'll get coaching from Scotty since I'm just settling in.