Cold approach log

Apr 24, 2022
Hey guys,

This is where I am gonna log my log approaches, but first about my situation regarding game and what got me here.

It's pretty simple really, I just wanna get laid, I have broken up with my ex girlfriend last year in October and have been sexless since. Been lurking around these forums for about a year now. I have gone through basically all the posts on GLL regarding game and CA so I am aware that it is a number's game and that I should focus on my looks (which is a big part of the game). Also I went through basically all the red pill content there is (started that when I was with my ex-girlfriend and started trying red pill teaching and boy did it work). Nowadays, while I still essentially agree with the red pill I feel like it is a toxic way to look at woman and I especially hate how they generalize woman.

Looks department:

I am 172cm tall and my weight is always around 70kg.

My gym routine is 4 times a week hitting every muscle group 2 times in 7 days.
Maintenance calories are 2500, I'm eating about 2300 and following the advice to eat 1.8 - 2.2 g of protein per kg of bodyweight (every day I make sure to hit ATLEAST 130g). I also take creatine (5g every day). As long as my lifts are going up, I am not worried about upping my calories intake, as I want to shred down my face. I would guess I am around 13-14 % body fat.
Basically the whole fitness thing (gym and nutrition) is already dialed in and I am not worried about this department at all, since building muscle simply takes time.

I am not comfortable with showing my face here, but I trim my beard every 2-3 days so it looks fresh with (2.5mm extension). Hairstyle wise I am running a simple buzz cut. Throughout my life I have always been told I am above average looking, but that alone is not enough to get laid, obviously :D.

Cold approach department

Now comes the fun part. I have been gradually increasing the number of approaches I do in a week. I have started with cold approaching approximately 1 month ago and actually making it my priority (with work and gym of course). My goal is to get to at least 20 approaches per week (this is finally the week that it will happen so I figured this is a good time to make this post). Gotta say today I was gonna go approach but felt unmotivated which is another reason for this post tbh :D. Plan would be 5 days x 4 approaches. After I get comfortable with that I will up the volume.

Number of approaches by now is around 30ish (didn't keep a log unfortunately). Out of those 30ish approaches I have gotten 6 numbers and 1 instagram which led to absolutely nowhere. I have gotten 2 replies out of those.

Style when approaching:

I also wear ripped jeans (black and blue) but atm it is too cold to wear them. When the weather will be suitable to wear them, I will make sure to post here. Before I approach I make sure to shower, put fragrance (Dior Sauvage) and chewing gum for better smell. I have 4-5 pullovers which I switch around and also a Levis hoodie which I like to wear when approaching. Been looking for a new pair of shoes to wear, but haven't found any.

Approaches themselves

At the moment I am only approaching single chicks. I open with "Hey, I know this is random/unexpected but I came to meet you" with strong eye contact and a little bit of a smirk. After that I shake her hand (always hold her hand for a little bit longer than it is "socially" acceptable) and give a compliment. Compliment is either regarding her style (You have nice style) or a piece of clothing she has (You have nice jacket, boots etc...). I don't really like "You're cute" line as I feel it is too generic and style is something she actually had to work on so it's a bit more personal. After that I ask something along the lines of "Whats up", "What's happening in your day today" or some shit like that. Pretty much downhill from there with the generic shit. Is she in college, work, what place she is from.

This is everything I can think of regarding approaches themselves, but will give more detail when I log the approaches.

Messaging leads

I haven't gotten far here AT ALL, but I open with " -myname winkyface". Talked to my roommate, his advice is to open with something regarding the conversation itself (he is much better with girls than I am) but I feel like the message itself IS NOT the reason chicks are not replying to me. The reason is because the conversations are pretty basic even though girls say it's pretty brave of me to go and approach them just like that. At the moment I don't really have much to add here.

And there you have it, I would appreciate any advice you guys have. Will be posting logs after every day I am approaching.

Let's rock and roll.
Hey guys,

4 approaches done today, that's 8/20 this week.

1. -> tramway just came, she said if I came earlier we couldve talked more (judging by her energy, I highly doubt that :D)
2. -> 29 year old (seemed like she was 25 MAX), has a boyfriend, had good conversation though, she complimented me approaching women IRL
3. -> very cute, talked for a few minutes then her tramway came, she quickly put her number into my phone, seems like a solid number, will message tomorrow
4. -> immediate rejection
Sup guys,

unfortunately I got really sick yesterday so I cant approach this week anymore... :(
The girl from wednesday replied though.. will post again when I did some new approaches.
Hey guys,

Finally feeling better so I got back to approaching today. This week's goal is 20 approaches.

Today I did 5 approaches, 4 instant rejections (boyfriend/not interested), last one was sitting so I opened with "sorry im late for out tinder date", she started laughing, after that I complimented her style and we started talking. Went really well until I found out she is like 16-17. then i exited the interaction ending with "talk to you when you're 18".
Hey everyone,

did 4 approaches today, no numbers. Interactions were 3 positive 1 neutral, but no numbers. I got the second or third time the "I dont give out my numbers to strangers" to which I say "how are we strangers, we just met :D". Would love some input from you guys about what you say to this.

Didnt do the 5th one since I started feeling like shit (9 approaches so far and no number) so I decided to call it for today. That mean's that tomorrow im doing 6 approaches and saturday 5 approaches so that this week's goal is achieved.
I figured that 20 approaches a week is bare minimum for this to work.
JurcekThePurcek said:
I got the second or third time the "I dont give out my numbers to strangers" to which I say "how are we strangers, we just met ". Would love some input from you guys about what you say to this.

Do you know what every single epic love story has in common?

The lovers started out as strangers
JurcekThePurcek said:
did 4 approaches today, no numbers. Interactions were 3 positive 1 neutral, but no numbers. I got the second or third time the "I dont give out my numbers to strangers" to which I say "how are we strangers, we just met ". Would love some input from you guys about what you say to this

Don't take any objection too literal.

That most definitely is a rule she's broken many times before.

What probably happened is, she wasn't feeling it. Didn't like the approach, you or just isn't really looking for a guy, and said the first thing that came into her mind that would shutdown the interaction.

Worry about getting your approaches into the 15+ per day range and then worry about what to say or do. I know you had a weekly plan, but you gotta do a lot to see growth.

Most of the girls you talk to won't give out their number. And there is not a single thing you can do or say to change that.


Also since you're new here.
Really study up on what successful guys have done before.

You need to upgrade your style too. Start going through Radical's content to get an idea of what to do.
Hey guys,

happy new year's everybody!

Manly Cockfellow this reply is fucking epic, will give it a try when this objection comes up. thanks a lot!

Manganiello yeah I kind of figured this is just a rejection. atm I'm getting my approaches to alteast 20 a week. I think that should be a good start.

Looked at the style guide you recommended. In the meantime I bought some new shoes and this is how I approached today. Didn't go with the red jacket even though I think its PIMP as fuck :D gotten a few compliments about it aswell.

btw. could you move my thread to private?

Today I did 3 approaches, but a very interesting thing happened. I was talking to a lead that messaged me last week after few weeks of not responding. She said she was changing her number or w/e. We are talking for a few days and today I ask her for a date. I reapproached her today and i didnt even know that was her since she doesn't have a picture on whatsapp. She didn't seem bothered by that all. The thing that surprised me even more is that I wasnt bothered about it either, i just rolled with it and made some small convo before she had to leave for tram. After 20 minutes she messages me "our meetups are so funny to me :D :D".
hey everyone,

did just 1 approach today, neutral rejection. Didn't feel like doing anymore since I haven't gotten a number in 10 approaches. I need to get this bullshit mindset out of my head ASAP. Tomorrow is a new day though..

The chick that I mentioned in post before this said we "have to go for a date" since us seeing each other (aka me cold approaching her twice) is destiny. and of course she can't meet this week since she is going home to visit her parents. She seems pretty interested, but I'm not putting much hope into this one since it's going to be like a week since we last seen each other.

this sunday im going to get some pictures and start using tinder. I feel like im missing out and I see everyone on this forum doing so well with it. CA seems hard mode compared to Tinder. This does not mean im going to stop CA at all. I think 0th step to being good with women is being able to approach them IRL. Will post my pictures when I get some new ones so I can get some feedback from you guys.
JurcekThePurcek said:
I think 0th step to being good with women is being able to approach them IRL.

I agree with this, just don't fall into the trap of getting discouraged if, after approaching hundreds of women right at the start of your self-improvement journey, the majority say no.

Of course they said no! You are at the start of your journey when you are the probably least attractive you'll ever be!

Expecting women to magically go from no to yes after a couple hundred approaches is like expecting to go from zero matches a day to a hundred matches a day with the exact same pictures on your dating profile.

You have to improve yourself (and your pictures) before you can expect your results to improve!

This is not me telling you to wait until you are better to approach btw. Go ahead and see what you're capable of right now. Just don't want you to get discouraged if your results aren't great at first!

Patience and faith, you'll get there :D
Sup everyone,

Manly Cockfellow appreciate the feedback and support. maybe I am a little cocky but I think it shouldn't take me like 300 approaches to get laid once (hopefully this doesn't backfire :D). I've always had good social intelligence, been called an extrovert, but when it came to women it was a WHOLE DIFFERENT STORY. All I could is the platonic conversations, didn't "dare" to take it any further because of how she may react / what other people/friends will think, which is of course retarded.

Gonna let some of my other thoughts here aswell just for the sake of it :D

Today was definitely a rollercoaster of emotions, I went to my usual place to CA. When I got there it was like I was at back at 1st approach in my life (don't know why I am like this). Then as I went back home without approaching I felt like such shit I went back and did 1 approach (boyfriend line)... lol. The thing that is still in my head is that im such a lame/loser/desperate for actually going out and approaching chicks like this knowing ratio for getting laid from this is so shit.

This is today's story just after I approached 5 chicks in the same day last week. Anyways, this week's goal is to hit 20 approaches, so this weekend will be fun.

The girl i mentioned in the earlier post said her new year's resolution is "no romanses this year" to which i replied "this mean's you're in a casual dating faze haha". She just thumbed up the message. Not sure if this is good or bad but I definitely feel like that message wasn't optimal :D. Not excepting anything from that number anymore.
Hey guys,

4 approaches today, volume was shit today. No numbers but had a great convo with last chick. Talked for like 5 minutes or so. She said she is studying psychology so at the end of the conversation I said "so as a psychologist what would you say about this interaction" to which she replied "you are looking for a date right". This is good because it mean's girls get the picture from the start. Then I said yes and put your number in my phone and im taking you on a date to which she said "she's already seeing someone". I reply with "do you to be seeing a better someone" and that was basically it.

This means I have 11 more to do this week so that I FINALLY reach goal of approaching 20 chicks in a week.