Cold approaches not going so well In my area


Jul 14, 2022
I live in the hood and we'll alot of these girls just straight up ignore me or say their name when I ask and then continue walking. The girls in my general area are black and Spanish.Alot of the Spanish girls will say they don't speak English when I try to talk to them and the black girls usually say their name and walk off.How do I make my approaches better with girls from the hood?
Moses21 said:
I live in the hood and we'll alot of these girls just straight up ignore me or say their name when I ask and then continue walking. The girls in my general area are black and Spanish.Alot of the Spanish girls will say they don't speak English when I try to talk to them and the black girls usually say their name and walk off.How do I make my approaches better with girls from the hood?

Because you use the term Spanish I'm guessing you're in NYC? What part?

I'm in NYC as well — in my experience, the more hood the girl, the less cold approach is going to work on her. It's just a cultural thing. You should try changing boroughs/areas.
Moses21 sup dude.

Congrats on putting yourself out there.

So 60 approaches isn't a lot.
It's quite common to see guys go 200+ approaches before getting a lay. And some guys have gone over 1000 approaches before netting 1.

Just putting your 60 approach into context.

As far as from the hood. I'm not sure if anyone can give super deep unique advice for that topic.

pancakemouse is probably the most credible on that subject I'm guessing.

Best guy on cold approach in general is Troy from, mostly approaches black girls and sleeps with 1 out of every 30-35 girls he approaches. He's not on this forum but I and a few other guys know him, he writes articles time to time.

You're best off reading his stuff.
Moses21 said:
Spanish girls will say they don't speak English.

In poorer areas, a lot of the Latinas really don't speak English. Of your 60, how many have been with women that don't speak English? I wouldn't even count those as rejections.
pancakemouse Yeah I live in NYC specifically the Bronx. I'll try approaching in more upper class areas.What borough of NYC are you in?

Sup Man.
I'll keep approaching consistently so I can get a more unbiased view of my approaches. I'll also look into Troy's website.

I think was just being self conscious but yeah Ill just not count those as rejections.
Moses21 said:
@pancakemouse Yeah I live in NYC specifically the Bronx. I'll try approaching in more upper class areas.What borough of NYC are you in?

I'm in Lower Manhattan. I approach in Soho and East Village.

Black men do very well down here, especially with white girls... not sure how you feel about white girls...

I don't know much about specific daygame locations that far north unfortunately. If you didn't want to travel as far, you could try Central Park.
I went to canal street today and did 3 approaches.0 numbers 1 stopped but said she was leaving for tomorrow,1 just ignored me, and one said something and speed walked off.I know it too small to judge so I'll probably head downtown again for the rest of the week.
Rather than posting in this sub, you should create a progress log and post your cold approach reports there. That's how the site was intended to be used.